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PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

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  • #31
    Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

    I think J9 is oblivious to the whole concept of things filling up space.

    I've always seen technology being about convergence, the new things replacing the old things unless the old thing has a special merit to it.

    I see that merit in vinyl - that nice warm tone - but not the skipping of CDs and white noise on cassettes, so MP3/AAC and Vinyl remain of use. I see a point to graphic novels, but not comic books - so I buy graphic novel roll-ups and download digital comics now. I just don't need those childhood remnants in my closet when I can get them cheaper and read them on my phone now. I find the ideas of collecting DVDs and Blu Rays to be silly unless you're a movie buff or just really like a particular movie that much. I have like two DVDs and a Blu Ray now, I stream most of my movies and TV show now.

    One day, I hopefully won't have much of a closet to clean and holographic clothing will be a thing, at least for spring and summer.


    • #32
      Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

      Could that be interpreted as being spoiled, mew?

      or it sounds more like a comparison between disks vs. digital?

      I mean really, PS3 isn't suddenly going to be obsolete like a NES. Videogame stores online even still sell PS2 consoles during a time when PS4 is around the corner for Sony.
      PlayStation 2 System - (GameStop Refurbished) for PlayStation 2 | EBGames

      Just like people would still plan to be playing Wii, even after Wii U launches. and new console launch would still have to work to rival the previous console's library of games and price point. Although Wii is not a good example, it really has a pathetic library of games to begin with compared to other consoles, and it's not good enough for mmorpgs. Nintendo is always behind the other companies with genre diversity, online services, and volume of videogames to choose from.
      Last edited by jenova_9; 08-04-2012, 12:06 PM.


      • #33
        Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

        Originally posted by Raydeus View Post

        Although I gotta say a decade ago when people didn't have that many options it actually did work as intended for the most part. And for a time it was good.

        But XI didn't evolve with the times, and when the floodgates of entertainment were opened people just didn't have enough time or patience to waste on a single game (to get barely anything done) anymore. And since the community was already so "old" and grumpy from all the forced partying, putting XI on the back-burner and eventually quitting became easier and easier as time passed.
        Raydeus hit the nail on the head and I have to take it a step further ... FFXI was good for it's time and it's no use being overly nostalgic considering that we can't ever go back to that time. Saying that it was the greatest game ever may be correct (if you have that opinion) but saying it's one of the best isn't ... because if you went ahead and played it again right now, it probably wouldn't compare so favorably with other games of it's genre.

        The whole discussion revolving the FF series is highly opinionated. As Armando said, someone may like something that another person may dislike it greatly. But as I've said before, numbers don't lie, and unless SE puts out something that just absolutely tanks in sales, for good or bad, they're not likely to change their trajectory (whatever you think of it) Even if 5 million people of their original 10 million "fanbase" decided to boycott, if another 10 million new players stay in the fold, they're gonna continue to "evolve" in the direction that benefits them and not necessarily that of either their "older" players or that of the series (integrity or whatever you want to call it) Or to put it bluntly: to those "long time FF players" jaded by their recent releases, SE won't give a rats ass if you don't play their games anymore, as long as there's 3 new players willing to go along for the ride for every 1 that quits it.


        • #34
          Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

          FFXI is one of the best ever, mew. You can't take that away just because newer mmorpgs arguably do things better, there are things about FFXI that are irreplaceable and you won't get the same atmosphere no matter how much better another mmorpg may be.

          It's kind of like Zelda LTTP, it is one of the best ever, even though some think OOT surpassed it, and some might like SS more than LTTP, it still is one of the best.

          Same for any franchise, the classics may still be played as much, if not more than the new ones.

          And FFXI is still being played by people, so it still is the best to some people that prefer that over others.
          So ya it's based on opinion but people can't just say something is no longer one of the best. mayeb to their own opinion but not in general, mew.


          • #35
            Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

            FFXI is one of the best ever, mew. You can't take that away just because newer mmorpgs arguably do things better, there are things about FFXI that are irreplaceable and you won't get the same atmosphere no matter how much better another mmorpg may be.
            The difference is that A Link to the Past is still a good game if you played it today, whereas other games were great for their era but didn't age well. FFXI is one of those. There's nothing wrong with liking those kinds of games, but you don't get to equate classics with non-classics just because people still play games that didn't age well.


            • #36
              Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

              Chances are with Zelda most Zelda games would be considered "classic" save for, perhaps, Twilight Princess or Phantom Hourglass. Zelda II sneaks by largely because there was nothing better to play in terms of a sequel at the time and does have its merits.

              Which the Adventure Time DS/3DS game is totally cashing in on.

              For FFXI to even be classic would require making an offline version with the story of the original trilogy and most professions intact independent of expansions, which means re-tailoring some of the story. Sorry, but dragging people into Aht'Urghan onward just isn't needed. WOTG wasn't that great, Abyssea hasn't exactly been raved about for story.

              You'd need something in the vein of FFXII or hopefully Xenoblade to pull it off.

              The only thing that really sticks out from FFXI as classic is Goblins, mandragoras, baby chocobos Shantotto and the CoP story. And the music. Everything else? Not so much.


              • #37
                Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

                many wouldn't agree, mew! FFXI is still played, even with the steep challenge, it still is the favorite of many fans out there, mew. It doesn't need to be offline rpg or retailored to be considered a masterpiece. And many people out there appreciated WOTG story, and Abyssea for the gameplay content. People are just mistakening their opinions as facts and not taking the rest of the population into account.


                • #38
                  Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

                  You should all be ashamed of yourselves for trying to reason with J9.
                  Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                  Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                  Name: Drjones
                  Blog: Mediocre Mage


                  • #39
                    Re: PS3 version might sell for $39.99 new

                    Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                    You should all be ashamed of yourselves for trying to reason with J9.


                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

