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Playstation blog has PS3 version questions answered!!

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  • #16
    Re: Playstation blog has PS3 version questions answered!!

    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
    ...but releasing a PS3 version as a simple cash-grab is a terrible idea.
    And unfortunately this is the only logical conclusion after SE painted themselves into a corner both with time and money. There is such risk of this game completely tanking after the initial furor that throwing even more money at it seems like a very bad gamble even for a vacation in Vegas.

    The only safe course of action will be seeing if the changes brought by 2.0 are enough to at the very least maintain the current players base. Then, should the game gain enough traction try to (very carefully) expand until the game has gained enough momentum and profit to expand further. And considering this is a (very rigid) Japanese company this is probably as risky as it will get. They tested the waters with the change to P2P a few months ago, and again with the new content and polls. Both which suggest it is all an indication of a very cautious approach to salvaging the Titanic without compromising even more resources needlessly into a lost cause. Had the sub numbers dropped enough, and if people like me hadn't gone back to the game and paid to resub and enjoy the game at least for a little while I'm pretty sure the game would've been shelved faster than you can say kupo, Kupo.

    PS > Hopefully they will at least learn from their past mistake and have the foresight to setup assets so they can be ported painlessly into a new engine should the game become successful enough to warrant a PS4 or multiplatform port.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #17
      Re: Playstation blog has PS3 version questions answered!!

      I see FFXIV having a different experience then FFXI did on a console......
      first off FFXI was designed for the PS2 and ported to PC and 360 so it had "PS2 limitations" all over it
      FFXIV on the other hand was designed for PC and ported to PS3, so really it could have versions on PS3/PS4/WIIU/720 and all just look a little different graphically, but still have the same core game that can work with the others.

      I think FFXIV will be fine being on PS3, as it will still beable to grow with the PC version and then later we might see WIIU/PS4/720 versions.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #18
        Re: Playstation blog has PS3 version questions answered!!

        the coders should get more credit, mew. The old engine is gone, they made a new engine with a new team specifically for PC and PS3.

        The PS3 version isn't a straight cash grab. This is not a Bayonetta port, mew.

        Also there is no telling if PS4 will be easier to program for than PS3. And rubbing off the PS3 development for PS4 development does not guarantee getting more subscribers, which they need for actual launch success (notice most PS3 launch titles are rarely talked about compared to current titles).

        new console launch titles rarely get the success compared to titles released on already established consoles.

        The PS3 version may hold back things a bit, but not so much that it would reduce the overall features and fun factor, mew.

        Notice even PS2's hardware, the PC was still successful, PS2 still had its users and fans too regardless of differences. PC version still got several expansions and amazing updates.

        content wise, PS3 will be same as PC, and Kailea has good points. PS3 will still have the same FFXIV 2.0, graphics and framerate differences aside, the public are not as nitpicky as some might think. PC ports on PS3 have proven PS3 gamers will still enjoy them despite graphics/performance differences.


        • #19
          Re: Playstation blog has PS3 version questions answered!!

          Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
          the coders should get more credit, mew. The old engine is gone, they made a new engine with a new team specifically for PC and PS3.
          Not the team under Tanaka. I've even managed to chat (albeit just briefly) with a bot programmer trying to understand his motivation for creating bot programs for FFXIV, as it was still in "beta" as a commercial release and had an uncertain future (SE could've just pulled the plug on it) He was saying that the programmers were really green and not very good as it was suppose to be a "sandboxed" environment separate from many common Windows processes (in order to minimize the ability for 3rd party software to interface with the game) and yet at the same time it had so much ways to exploit the underlying system that a script kiddie could hack something up.

          Let's hope Yoshi-P rids himself of this stupid notion that the game can be made immune to all hacking and get back to GOOD programming and let the security issues deal with itself after a running, stable environment is created. Plus Alt+tab for full screen mode please.


          • #20
            Re: Playstation blog has PS3 version questions answered!!

            Dear sweet tits, they damn well better allow alt+tab support for 2.0 like every other fucking PC game out there. I'm beyond sick of that limitation.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Playstation blog has PS3 version questions answered!!

              heeheehee. Console automatically has fullscreen mode.

