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Patch 1.22 Notes

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  • #16
    Re: Patch 1.22 Notes

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    I'm not having too bad of a time using Maker's Muse, Aspect Balance, Tender Touch & a relevant brand skill. The Brands are especially amazing now, as they instantly stop elemental instability and give +20 quality (+100 if the element matches the skill) and the recipes for leves are far more sensible.

    Sadly, they got several things wrong as well;

    - Standard Synthesis still uses up far too much durability
    - They nerfed rapid and changed blinding speed so so much for abusing that
    - They nerfed masterpiece for God only knows why
    - They failed to address the issue of lack of leves for 20+. Seriously I'm sick of going to the counter and finding only 1 (if any) leves for a particular craft at 20+

    The system is fast enough now I agree, the process feels much smoother now but it still feels like they broke more than they fixed.
    I learned that they are getting rid of Rapid Synthesis, so that explains that. However, Rapid Synthesis is nearly 100% effective if you're trying to push for 1 or 2 progression points to finish but you're less than 7 durability points left. I was using it to great success on difficult recipes during new moon (that phase that trolls you the hardest on crafting and fishing)

    I'm finding that having your crafts to at least 25 will give you some stability to your crafting experience. That is because you can equip 5 abilities and you will need every single one of those abilities. Off the top of my head, I use:

    -Maker's Muse
    -Sure & Steady OR Fulfillment
    -Elemental Stability of your choice (I recommend you setting a new one based on your "core" crystal usage for a particular craft)
    -Masterpiece (still has it's use even if it got castrated to the bone)
    -Creative Urge (success for one of any type of Synthesis)

    This is assuming you have all crafts to at least 10 and with Alchemy to 25 (All crafts to 25 for the Elemental Stability abilities if you're trying to aim for that "comfort zone" I mentioned above)

    The basic rule of thumb I follow with these 5 (if 4 prior to 25, remove any Elemental Stability since it hardly occurs before 25 ... something I picked up on pretty quick leveling a couple of crafts to 25) is to go Muse first, then depending on what follows ... if multi, go Masterpiece ... if white or yellow just hit Careful ... if red, you can just hit Careful or use Masterpiece if you want ... if coming out of the Muse phase with less than 55 progression, you're behind for sure, I'd blow Sure & Steady if that's the case, because it either sounds like a difficult synthesis or you've fallen into a bad rut. The next choices entirely dependent upon orbs, but I usually try to save Sure & Steady and/or Creative Urge until I hit around 20sh durability ... bear in mind that progression for Careful has been nerfed, so you could get trolled by consecutive 3% progression and leaving you to be desperate with Rapid (the only synthesis where you don't touch durability IF you succeed) Sure & Steady reduces durability loss on Standard to about 6% to 8%, something to bear in mind.

    ---------- Post added at 08:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 AM ----------

    Mind you ... this change doesn't really affect me with most of my crafts (all except 1) being at least 25 ... but my concerned is primarily with new players and those that will arrive with the PS3 release. They need to smooth out the curve or risk having being ridiculed twice in the lifespan of one game ...


    • #17
      Re: Patch 1.22 Notes

      That's not true - I find elemental instability happens quite a bit for me when careful synthesis fails. In fact I practically welcome it (just once though) since it means I can use my brand skill for a free +100 quality. I've been abusing this to fairly good success so far.

      My strat (20~24 crafts) has been maker's muse right away, then if the color is white afterwards hit tender touch otherwise aspect balance and do 1 more standard (unless it fails, then I keep going until I'm close to finishing but I want to keep my progress under 80~85%) and then spam quality until either finished or durability gets too low at which point I just do 1 last standard to finish it rather than risk losing the synth. Doing this I've been able to maintain 1k+ per synth with rested easily (on cooking atm I'm able to spam Binanq Breams for sea sand at 2400+ a synth)

      They still need to knock another 3~4 durability off of standard synthesis I feel. Even on a "great success" it can still drain 12~16 durability which is just far too much. it should never take more than 10 or less than 6 IMO.



      • #18
        Re: Patch 1.22 Notes

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        That's not true - I find elemental instability happens quite a bit for me when careful synthesis fails. In fact I practically welcome it (just once though) since it means I can use my brand skill for a free +100 quality. I've been abusing this to fairly good success so far.
        My experience has been that beyond 25, you'll get more than one instability per attempt. I've only gotten elemental instabilities pre-25 maybe 1 out of every 5 attempts, which is only 20%. This is sometimes failing 3 or 4 careful in a row. Maybe it's gear?

        ---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------

        I'll post a better video later which shows more abilities ...

        See below.
        Last edited by Aeni; 04-30-2012, 10:36 PM.


        • #19
          Re: Patch 1.22 Notes

          lol you even caught my raging at the game crashing >.>



          • #20
            Re: Patch 1.22 Notes

            Uploaded another video with (hopefully) better quality (1080)

