Re: New trailer video (fan made?) The Call of the Crystal!
You're right, I implied some gamers but I narrowed down to PC gamers out of habit, but I still mean about the fussyness that causes people to really underrate stuff and make things seem worse than they seem.
That is not entirely true. People complain about things gameplay related. And not everyone on a mmorpg uses social media/forums/blogs to vent their frustrations. Those are just some of the ways, but especially something involving longterm play sessions, and a universal chat system where people can even shout and have an entire zone read their feelings, if something really bothered someone in mmorpgs, they would chat about it in the mmorpg. Just like parties complain about this or that, how the economy works, the auction houses, the bots, the farming, the money, etc. You must really look at the big picture and see anything browser related is not the only way people express their opinions about anything gameplay related.
You are mostly basing your "facts" on your own point of view and perspective instead of seeing in general that everything has more than one side to reality.
Didn't you read a single thing I've posted before this? Or are you just inherently blind? I said, and I'll repeat this in caps, "PEOPLE WERE STRUNG ALONG WITH PROMISES".
That is nothing new in the industry. GROW UP! Whether they had good reasons or corrupt reasons for not holding to their word what they would 'fix' for the community, FFXI is still playable and fun to at least some people out there. It may not be as great as we would like FFXI to be, but it's not so bad either, we should be considerate of the people on FFXI (whether new or veteran) that are having a great time with FFXI, some may be having a bad time, but that goes with anything in the industry. People that see things as flaws may not be flaws to other people.
There is no way a MMORPG can be perfect to everyone.
Trust is an investment and gamble in itself, a company is not soley to blame. Just like a couple place trust in each other, if one does not meet the expectations the other, the "bad person" is not the only one at fault, but also the fool that trusted them in the first place and expected so much from them. There are couples that one behaves like they are the victim, but for all we know, their significant other could be a victim themselves based on how much the other person takes advantage of them, but they are labelled as the bad person. It's just like someone I know she married some guy and they ended up divorcing because her husband expected her to live a certain way and she didn't want to give in to his demands and felt the way she lives and things she does day to day should be fine and not seen as a problem.
So the guy and her parents say it's all her fault the relationship didn't work out. They might have good reasons but it goes to show people only care to see their side of the situation. Well okay maybe that is a bad analogy but maybe something can be learned from it that shows FFXI is not as bad as it seems, it could be better, but considering FFXI lasted so long and people still play it and even those that don't play it have good things to say about it (including the battle system), it's just purely subjectives and opinion based what people think is good or bad, what needs fixing and what is fine.
okay so then FFXI currently doesn't really have a lot of people? That still doesn't put down the fact FFXI Online is one of the most successful mmorpgs in history. With phenomenol expansions and fanbase that still holds it as their favorite FF/mmorpg.
The menu driven combat is fine to me and other people I've known. Macros help a lot, but even before I started using Macros, more I still used some commands directly from the menu command system! Even on a PS2 controller it's completely functional combat system in my opinion. It may not be as spot on as some would like, but we are talking about a battle system that people even made AMVs out of, without a single rant or negative comment about the menu driven combat system. It's all a matter of taste, really.
alright I'll check them but I still believe those rants all fall under the category of nitpicking.
I would agree the progression system could have been made better. But what did you expect? FFXI Online is a hardcore massively multiplayer online rpg that rewarded socializing and working together as opposed to doing everything yourself. It isn't a mere rpg.
While it made things harder to progress, the party route did help guide people towards friendships and people that really are nice and cool that you would otherwise not meet by soloing or just in a static.
Yes personally I would like it to be kind of like FFTactics, FF1, FFII or FFV where even WHMs can solo their way to max level, there would be easier adventurous ways to make money, people don't need to farm or craft to make money. shouldn't need a party to complete any advanced Job quest. important gear is affordable and obtainable. Auction House regulated so people can't overprice items. 2h weapons should have more accuracy, and many other things like all camps for level 1-75 should give a lot more EXP, and even EP, VT, an T mobs should give a lot more EXP.
But FFXIV looks to be more solo AND more PROGRESSION friendly than FFXI, so those that don't wanna go through the steep mountain could play something that is aiming to be more flexible and not forced to party in order to progress for the most part.
But ya it is a sensitive subject. If it's too solo friendly then the community will end up feeling lifeless like White Knight Chronicles online, PSO/PSU (not entirely, but for the most part), Dynasty Warriors online, and fighting games.
Um it's called research and learning more about it through player feedback, media, updates, content, etc. Just like people anticipate just about anything current or upcoming that they haven't played yet. Besides, the PS3 FFXIV 2.0 is still in the plans and E3 may shed light on both versions, as well as the upcoming beta testing.
Originally posted by Aeni
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You're right, I implied some gamers but I narrowed down to PC gamers out of habit, but I still mean about the fussyness that causes people to really underrate stuff and make things seem worse than they seem.
No one discusses these things in-game. If you log in to play the game, you're logging in to play the game, and not discuss or debate the merits of one issue or another. I don't log in to WoW to discuss politics or log in Lineage and discuss civil rights for gays and lesbians. That is what social media, forums and blogs are for.
You are mostly basing your "facts" on your own point of view and perspective instead of seeing in general that everything has more than one side to reality.
Didn't you read a single thing I've posted before this? Or are you just inherently blind? I said, and I'll repeat this in caps, "PEOPLE WERE STRUNG ALONG WITH PROMISES".
There is no way a MMORPG can be perfect to everyone.
This is no different than an abusive husband who would, time and time again, promise his wife he would change and that he didn't want to see her leave him. While that is an extreme and flawed analogy, it illustrates the kind of psychology involved when you have a group of people, a reputable company, a game that takes in huge LIFE investments and LOTS and LOTS of trust involved.
So the guy and her parents say it's all her fault the relationship didn't work out. They might have good reasons but it goes to show people only care to see their side of the situation. Well okay maybe that is a bad analogy but maybe something can be learned from it that shows FFXI is not as bad as it seems, it could be better, but considering FFXI lasted so long and people still play it and even those that don't play it have good things to say about it (including the battle system), it's just purely subjectives and opinion based what people think is good or bad, what needs fixing and what is fine.
A flawed argument that was debunked years ago on these very forums. To recap if you didn't pay attention: In Japan, used game sales also include games that require an account to play, so therefore MMORPGs are often resold from one player to another, where the account is transferred along. I'm not sure of the legality of this in Japan since I am not privy to their TOS/EULA (for the Japanese game client) but it's not an uncommon situation to find yourself talking to a complete total stranger (or getting the silent treatment) after your friend's account has been reactivated and then finding out that the account has been resold. This is not to be confused with RMT accounts (where an account was passed through an RMT company)
We are talking about the combat system and not the "battle" dynamics. Learn to read. You're arguing with Armando on another set off issues. I'm talking about the menu driven combat system, highly dependent on macros to even be marginally functioning, and of the latency (which also exists in FFXIV because of the overlay on rails built for the PS3/XBOX360)
We have an archive here on the forums. Go through the old "pet peeve" and various (myriads, really) and see if Blue Gartyr and Killing Ifrits have similar archives. Don't peddle your ignorance here when you can educate yourself.
No, you're completely misrepresenting the fact that you were FORCED to participate in a party to gain any semblance of progress (up until Aht Urghan) The only exception to this was Beastmaster, Summoner and Puppetmaster (and various classes in specific situations and/or level ranges)
While it made things harder to progress, the party route did help guide people towards friendships and people that really are nice and cool that you would otherwise not meet by soloing or just in a static.
Yes personally I would like it to be kind of like FFTactics, FF1, FFII or FFV where even WHMs can solo their way to max level, there would be easier adventurous ways to make money, people don't need to farm or craft to make money. shouldn't need a party to complete any advanced Job quest. important gear is affordable and obtainable. Auction House regulated so people can't overprice items. 2h weapons should have more accuracy, and many other things like all camps for level 1-75 should give a lot more EXP, and even EP, VT, an T mobs should give a lot more EXP.
But FFXIV looks to be more solo AND more PROGRESSION friendly than FFXI, so those that don't wanna go through the steep mountain could play something that is aiming to be more flexible and not forced to party in order to progress for the most part.
But ya it is a sensitive subject. If it's too solo friendly then the community will end up feeling lifeless like White Knight Chronicles online, PSO/PSU (not entirely, but for the most part), Dynasty Warriors online, and fighting games.
I also don't get why the fuck you care so much for this game (FFXIV) when you (a) don't even play this game (b) have no personal stake in the game, one way or the other.