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Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

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  • Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

    A Recent Yoshi-P Post that probably needs to be read (Translation)

    OP by Stanislaw

    Originally Posted by Naoki_Yoshida プロデューサ/ディレクタの吉田です。
    Hello, Producer/Director Yoshida here.

    Concerning the recent release of the plans and progresses over the 'renewal', it seems I have caused quite a bit of stir and consequently some confusion, and thus I would like to apologize.
    Therefore, before the release of the second half of the Producer Letter Live, I would like to mention several follow-ups over the new FFXIV, and topics such as the carry-over of characters and the timing of billing.
    I will of course mention these same topics during Producer Letter Live as well.
    (For now, I would like to simply clear up a few things)

    About the new FFXIV

    As mentioned in the summary, the new FFXIV will feature:

    ・ユーザーインターフェースの全入れ替え+Add on対応

    Complete overhaul and replacing of maps
    Complete overhaul of the graphics engine
    Overall revisions to the server system
    Complete overhaul of the UI + Being able to use Add-ons
    Strengthening of the Player Communication System

    The above five will be the pillars of the new FFXIV, and will represent the next stage in the game's evolution.
    We have been telling the community that "We are in the process of revising the game", so think of this announcement over the new FFXIV as our explanation for our vagueness over the questions about revising the game, and consequently, our progress report thus far.

    This of course includes the several other features that are difficult to implement due to how our current server system is set up, such as:


    The opening of new servers
    The opening of new language-specific servers (our current plan is to have both language-specific and global servers in operation)
    Server Transfer services (temporary restrictions over new servers)

    The new FFXIV will make the above options possible.

    However, this doesn't mean that the current features in place that have been implemented by the Dev team thanks to our feedback from our playerbase, such as:


    Recipe revisions
    New content such as Dzemael Darkhold
    Personal Chocobos/Rental Chocobos
    UI Revisions
    Battle Revisions
    Grand Company System
    New Quests
    The sorting-out and ease of play at start
    Server Optimization

    ...will take a back seat. They will mean a lot for the new FFXIV, and when we switch over to FFXIV 2.0, it will still be there and continue to be improved on.
    (For the server and UI, we will continue to take in the current feedback and do a complete overhaul at the end)

    However, concerning quests that are related to the "Seventh Umbral Era" and the current and future Primal God content, it will either disappear or be significantly changed in the new FFXIV.
    Thus, we will have items and achievements that cannot be obtained no more once the new FFXIV starts rolling around.

    Furthermore, with the implementation of the following features to Patch 1.20 and beyond:

    -Market Ward improvements-
    Being able to buy Items directly off Item search
    Price History for the last 20 items (to gauge the going price)
    Items details revealed when selected in search

    -The implementation of player search-
    Being able to search different categories such as PC class, job, level, language, and people looking for a PT.


    Further improvements to Class Actions
    Dark Moogle Fight
    The implementation of the Achievement System
    The implementation of the Job System
    New Instances Dungeons/Raids
    Garuda Fight
    Battle Contents that involve fighting the Empire


    Continued improvements to the UI
    Adjustments to the Crafting System and Gathering System
    New Recipies and New Harvestable Items

    This is not everything, but again they will be important for the new FFXIV, and will be implemented in the new FFXIV as well.

    In that sense, you can say that even now FFXIV is still evolving, and the Eorzea now and the Eorzea after will continue to be expanded on.

    However, the Episodes and battles revolving around the "Seventh Umbral Era" can only be experienced before the new FFXIV comes around. I hope everyone can enjoy the events, the experiences and the coming changes to the world of Eorzea in a live, realtime sense.

    Concerning the carry-over of character datas

    Like I had promised when we changed into our current development team, current player character data will continue to be saved and will, in principle, not be wiped.

    Exp, Lv, Gil, Items and the list of completed quests will automatically be converted and carried over to the new FFXIV without loss.
    Therefore, please continue to play normally without worry to this issue.
    (The exception might be to quests that have already been accepted and currently in-progress. They may be reset to to a status where you didn't receive the quest at all)

    The above holds true to whoever has a FFXIV account and is in possession of Character Data.

    However, due to the immense scale of item data that needs to be converted over, it is possible that us Developers may implement a system where your current items are temporarily stored to an NPC which you can later take out to ease this process. The item data itself of course will not be wiped even if we do take this form of item transfer, so please don't worry. We will make a follow-up announcement to this topic when we finalized which method we are going to take.
    (If we don't convert items, we cannot implement the feature of adding names to items)

    [-Stanislaw's Note: I am not 100% sure what Yoshi-P means in this last part, but I assume he means the system of adding player names to the items, where crafters can add their names to completed items.-]

    Concerning gil, we plan to implement features such as Housing, Changing the color of equipments, Barbers and other similar features where they are repeatable, gil-consumable content. Therefore, the current gil will still carry over into the new FFXIV.

    Additionally, we also have plans to open new servers where the slate is wiped clean.

    -About Billing-

    In my earlier Producer Letter Live, I, Yoshida, replied to player's question where I replied: "To be honest, I consider that we're about half way to the point where we can confidently call it FINAL FANTASY." This is my honest answer at the point where 1.19 was released. Because 1.20 and further patches have yet to be implemented, I still stand by this statement.

    [-Stanislaw's Note: Concerning the ever-debated "half way" comment by Yoshi-P, I find that the official translation's answer, which I used in the above translation, is slightly inaccurate. If I were the one translating it, it would be more like: "As a global title that holds the Final Fantasy name, I feel that we're at a 50% mark before we can compete against other, newer MMOs in the market." Therefore, while everyone assumes he's saying "FFXIV is only halfway complete content wise", I feel it's more like "FFXIV is about at a 50% standard compared to other newer MMOs." If that's better or for worse, I'll leave that up for you guys to decide.-]

    And, like how I followed it up with my other answers afterwards, I feel that with the lack of player search and market search features (by no means I think that being able to search for items only has solved the problem) severely hampers efforts to compete with other MMORPGs.

    I feel that the "Final Fantasy" feeling you can only experience in FFXIV only started to materialize after 1.19 with the newly implemented lore, personality, scenario, content, and sounds in the game, much to the thanks of all the feedback and talks exchanged with everyone in the forums. I feel we're finally at a point where we will be able to push the "Final Fantasy" forward in this game.

    With that in mind, I will like to say that we will only start billing for this game after patch 1.20 is released, which is scheduled for sometime during the first half of December. For 1.20 we will finally like to absolve the two big issues of "PC search" and "Market search" - especially Markets, to make an "System" that we can call an "Auction House" possible for the future. These changes are taking place before server revisions so difficulties are present, but we are continuing to tackle the issues at hand to make these changes possible.
    (In the new FFXIV, we even have plans to change the look of the Markets completely)
    I feel that the differences of having these two features and not having them is so significant, so much that I feel these are features are the absolute minimum requirements for this game be called an MMORPG.

    In addition, patches 1.20 and beyond will feature significant contents such as new Primal battles, Instances raids, Job System and Empire battle content while continuing on with our ongoing work and push for more content.
    Furthermore, we also have plans to add content where you can only experience if you're playing now, a fun, enjoyable experience that no other MMORPG can offer.

    However, in order to continue these services for our customers who have bought this game and for our customers who continue to play this game, even if we didn't factor in development costs, there are also server maintenance costs, 24-hour GM support costs and many others that require consideration, so we need funding in order to continue operating.

    Therefore, we will let our customers decide at the point where 1.20 is released - or perhaps even when 1.21 or 1.22 is released, it doesn't matter - if they want to pay the bills for this game or not by deciding if this game is fun to play or not at their current respectable states.

    Still, for myself and the Development team. this is still the 'bare minimum'. We will like to continue working on FFXIV and continue to make changes and improvements so one day, FFXIV may be the best MMORPG in the world.

    This is our current stances for development, what I feel is necessary and what I feel are basic changes that needed to be implemented in order for the new FFXIV to come into fruition.

    -So why the billing announcement now?-

    I debated to myself a lot over this issue.
    However, if I had announced it any later, the time between the announcement and the release of 1.20 would be short and thus give our customers a very short notice over the billing announcement. If we announce it now, it gives our customers an almost 2-month free period.

    As you all know, under our current payment system if you don't agree to our automatic billing you cannot play the game even under our free-trial period.
    Therefore, for people who have already stopped playing, if the time between our announcement and billing was short, or if the information didn't spread as much, it is possible the details of our announcement might not reach our customer's ears.
    If that happens, our customers might then have the worry of "I might be billed automatically!".

    With that in mind, like we mentioned earlier in our billing announcement, when we do start billing all accounts will be temporarily suspended to prevent such occurrences and let our customers decide if they want to pay for our services in order to continue playing. This doesn't mean, however, such excuses as "Because we suspected accounts, we can get away without making a big announcement." be acceptable.

    We had thought with this announcement of the forthcoming new FFXIV we would be able to make a significant impact on our customers and thus inform them over our plans for billing and alleviate any concerns over the timing and, if possible, allow our customers to experience the content added in 1.19 and 1.20 before billing starts.

    It's a repeat of what I said earlier, but I will be glad if our customers feel that the game is worth paying for when they experience what we have to offer in our current and coming content.

    -To further improve our quality of service and enjoyability-


    Content Finder
    Language-specific servers (both language-specific and global servers will be in operation)
    PvP/Massive PvP
    Free Company
    Primal Summons
    Crystal Tower

    In addition to the above content, there are a mountain more things we want to add/do.
    That includes not only stuff that's present in other MMORPGs, but also things that aren't present in other MMORPGs.

    MMORPGs is a game genre where it continuously evolves.
    Once something is implemented, it is natural that something else wants/needs to added.
    That is something that's us MMORPG Developer and Management enjoying doing, and I feel that's also one of the things that customers continue to enjoy experiencing and have fun while playing.

    Therefore, it is our job and duty to continue with our current management, work hard in Development, satisfy our customers and take our product to an even higher level. I feel that is my, Yoshida's, job and responsibility.

    Apologizes for this super long post.


  • #2
    Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

    /ja "wait&see" <me>
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #3
      Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

      Thanks for posting this and I agree with Stanislaw regarding the whole "50%" issue. The official translation was slightly off and he did try to draw comparisons to other MMO games such as Rift, Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars. I think, in a sense, FFXIV had too many features that were not implemented that should've been because it's now a required standard in the realm of MMORPGS. Things like the ability to send items to another player who is offline or an efficient marketplace (i.e., Auction House) or faster transportation across a large persistent world. Yoshi-P even goes on to talk about add-ons and other things which, again, are almost standard commodities of MMOs.


      • #4
        Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

        Thanks a lot for this translation; much appreciated.

        But I guess it is time to end my subscription then... Nice of them to give us early warning.
        I may decide to rejoin later down the road, probably when the game is out on PS3 (looking like 2013 or something).
        Right now there is too few people playing and one can barely sell stuff for gil, let alone upgrade equipment or craft it.

        It's one thing to beta-test the game for free... and another to pay for that privilege.
        It is effectively a Wait and See as Raydeus pointed out.
        Active Server: Asura
        Active Characters: Samuriko, Goerkhan


        • #5
          Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

          and you will miss the one time only story that will happen from now till 2.0

          the game is atleast playable now, and we have been playing free for a year -.-
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #6
            Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

            Not free at all, we all paid to play the game (alfa/beta or not). They charged us for it even if they probably hope we forget about that somehow.

            Now, I'm not saying I don't understand their need to cover costs to keep developing XIV. On the contrary I know it all too well. But the truth is they are in a money pinch because they've already blew off their budget on FFXIV ver. 1.0 and it is their responsibility, not the players'.

            So the way I see it asking their costumers to pay for the re-development is a gamble I doubt will pay off, but that I hope I'm wrong about. With luck enough people finds the game entertaining enough to pay for or at the very least promising enough that they'll want to show their support for SE by paying the monthly fee.

            And the only way I can see it working is if they asked for a reduced fee -5 to 10 bucks max- all the way to 2.0

            That would probably be more successful than trying to charge full for beta testing. But it really depends on SE's budget, how much money they actually need and how much they are willing to risk to see if they can salvage the project. Personally I think there's a big risk the project is already too expensive to salvage, specially considering Japanese development costs. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised at all if XIV ends up costing twice as much just to be on a commercial level, let alone being able to even recover said cost for years after/if operations begin.

            Only time will tell about that.

            PS > I will support SE in other ways though. One way will be buying Type-0 and Versus. Another will be by reducing the load on their XIV servers (aka I'm not renewing) and last but not least I'll pray to the Fayths (in FFX HD) once a week for their success.

            I think I'm a very good SE fan if you ask me.

            PPS > You know what would make me pay a fee all the way till 2.0? If Yoshida said they were adding Blitzball both as a PvP competion and PvC in game.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #7
              Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

              That is how I see it actually a gamble, I will gable by paying the fee, to see if this 2.0 thing really happens. If it does, jackpot... if not, I toss it and move on.
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #8
                Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                PPS > You know what would make me pay a fee all the way till 2.0? If Yoshida said they were adding Blitzball both as a PvP competion and PvC in game.
                Wait a moment. You're a FFVIII fanboy with a thing for Blitzball?
                Originally posted by Armando
                No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                Originally posted by Armando
                Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                Originally posted by Taskmage
                However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                Matthew 16:15


                • #9
                  Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                  Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                  That is how I see it actually a gamble, I will gable by paying the fee, to see if this 2.0 thing really happens. If it does, jackpot... if not, I toss it and move on.
                  Patch 1.20 and 1.21 better be real good if 2.0 is to become a reality. <_<;

                  Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                  Wait a moment. You're a FFVIII fanboy with a thing for Blitzball?
                  Yup, pretty much.

                  ---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

                  PS > I'm curious about the language specific servers. I would never play in one unless I was forced to, but I wonder if people will choose segregation if server room isn't an issue.
                  "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                  Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                  • #10
                    Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                    Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                    Not free at all, we all paid to play the game (alfa/beta or not). They charged us for it even if they probably hope we forget about that somehow.

                    Now, I'm not saying I don't understand their need to cover costs to keep developing XIV. On the contrary I know it all too well. But the truth is they are in a money pinch because they've already blew off their budget on FFXIV ver. 1.0 and it is their responsibility, not the players'.
                    SE incurred development costs and already wrote that off as a loss in the previous fiscal year. And that's probably writing off losses for pretty much the development cycle for 3 or 4 years (depending on who you ask) What they need now is to:

                    (a) pay for the increase in costs due to operation expenses (i.e., server operations)
                    (b) pay for the employees' salaries ... this isn't an open source effort
                    (c) pay for additional server equipment/hardware

                    Remember, this particular project needs to be self sufficient, just as FFXI has been for SE. Every team, every division has finite resources. You cannot rely on drawing upon the resources of corporate headquarters.


                    You can either pay and continue to play, quit now and wait for 2.0 or just walk away completely and look elsewhere.


                    • #11
                      Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                      Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                      You can either pay and continue to play, quit now and wait for 2.0 or just walk away completely and look elsewhere.
                      Don't get me wrong, I am wishing this game to kick-in into overdrive and get going; I'd love nothing more than to get lost playing it.
                      But When I stopped last month, it wasn't there yet. FF11 has been messed-up by Abyssea pretty good as well (no classic parties)...
                      That leaves me in that hole in the middle, and It's a "Meh" situation at best.

                      Now I have the choice between a F'up FF11, or a "getting there" ff14.
                      I'll stick with FF11 (and maybe try other MMO's) until ff14 is ready.
                      It's shaping up fine with what I am ready in the red text tho; there's still hope ! =)

                      -- FrancoisX
                      Last edited by FrancoisX; 10-17-2011, 09:06 PM.
                      Active Server: Asura
                      Active Characters: Samuriko, Goerkhan


                      • #12
                        Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                        1,000,000% against region/language onry servers.

                        Lets all just get along!


                        • #13
                          Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                          Originally posted by Freelancer View Post
                          1,000,000% against region/language onry servers.

                          Lets all just get along!
                          I don't care either way ... but I prefer to have everyone mixed up together rather than be self segregated.


                          • #14
                            Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                            I dunno, I'm actually pretty tempted for English only. Not because I hate the JP or anyone else, but just for ease of communication & play - though it will mean smaller servers (probably).

                            Also read more carefully - they are including both Global & Language servers, so take your pick.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #15
                              Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                              It'll be interesting to see what the population does when given the choice between global and language specific servers.
                              Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                              Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                              Name: Drjones
                              Blog: Mediocre Mage

