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Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

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  • #16
    Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

    Given that a non-trivial amount of the player bases blames the other group for being the cause all of FFXI's ills, and an even larger group refuses to use the auto-translator for anything other than typing laziness, I'd say it's a forgone conclusion you will basically have to choose language specific servers, unless you want the whole server to yourself.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #17
      Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

      mmmm separate languages....... that defeats the whole point of the auto translate and honestly I don't see it as a very good idea......
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #18
        Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

        Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
        ...unless you want the whole server to yourself.
        Let's hope you are right.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #19
          Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

          Yeah, i'll be paying, I can actually play the game as of 1.19(A) without rage punching the CE box.

          -The market wards are slow, HOWEVER, the fact that you can relatively manuveur with ease and find what your looking for
          is very tollerable.
          -The battle system still has some hammering out, however, grinding with what we currently have reminds me alot of the slow casual solo progression of FFXI when fields of valor was first institued. I miss the ability que, however, it's not so bad once you get your own computers lag/timing down.
          -The instanced dungeons are actually very much what I want to see in MMO's. admitedly I've only seen the rank 15, 25, 30 dungeons, but those are very nice in comparison to some of the other more "linear" dungeons i've seen in Rifts (and I think rifts is a great game tbh)
          -The party system is still crap. You have to shout in Ul'Dah if you want to party, and hope there's enough other people searching. This is scheduled to be fixed in december, so not to far off.
          - To caveat on this, the way that leve's were re-done to allow you to basically save up to 100 leve's was genius. Now when I miss a reset i'm not like: "Well fuck, there goes 20k exp ><".
          -Anima... Such a great thing this stuff. Regen is still horrible fail. Movement around Eorza isn't what is slowing the leveling process imo, I plan on submiting a couple ideas on the official forum but for now 6 anima over a 24 hour period is just horrible.
          EX: sunday night, I use my last anima to head back to town. so my countdown starts at midnight. Mon-Fri I don't teleport anywhere, because i'm saving for the coming weekend. 5 days of saving nets me... 30 anima??? that's just silly.
          a) have it reset back to 100 every midnight
          b) get back 50 every midnight
          C) an NPC that sells Anima for 1k per

          Just some examples of why i'm staying and where I think the game play is at and needs to go.


          • #20
            Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

            Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
            Yeah, i'll be paying, I can actually play the game as of 1.19(A) without rage punching the CE box.

            -The market wards are slow, HOWEVER, the fact that you can relatively manuveur with ease and find what your looking for
            is very tollerable.
            -The battle system still has some hammering out, however, grinding with what we currently have reminds me alot of the slow casual solo progression of FFXI when fields of valor was first institued. I miss the ability que, however, it's not so bad once you get your own computers lag/timing down.
            -The instanced dungeons are actually very much what I want to see in MMO's. admitedly I've only seen the rank 15, 25, 30 dungeons, but those are very nice in comparison to some of the other more "linear" dungeons i've seen in Rifts (and I think rifts is a great game tbh)
            -The party system is still crap. You have to shout in Ul'Dah if you want to party, and hope there's enough other people searching. This is scheduled to be fixed in december, so not to far off.
            - To caveat on this, the way that leve's were re-done to allow you to basically save up to 100 leve's was genius. Now when I miss a reset i'm not like: "Well fuck, there goes 20k exp ><".
            -Anima... Such a great thing this stuff. Regen is still horrible fail. Movement around Eorza isn't what is slowing the leveling process imo, I plan on submiting a couple ideas on the official forum but for now 6 anima over a 24 hour period is just horrible.
            EX: sunday night, I use my last anima to head back to town. so my countdown starts at midnight. Mon-Fri I don't teleport anywhere, because i'm saving for the coming weekend. 5 days of saving nets me... 30 anima??? that's just silly.
            a) have it reset back to 100 every midnight
            b) get back 50 every midnight
            C) an NPC that sells Anima for 1k per

            Just some examples of why i'm staying and where I think the game play is at and needs to go.
            Anima isn't supposed to be the main way to travel. Use airships and chocobos. Then you won't be going through anima so much. It's supposed to be a late ditch way to get somewhere or to get somewhere ASAP.


            • #21
              Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

              Airships are fine, and a decent gil sink, but anima is too convient not to use. If running or walking or even airship riding earned me anything like ... hell i don't know... some form of reward, other than arrival, I'd be all about it.
              As it stands, I just can't see the need to prolongate movement from point A to point B. I mean 30 points every 5 days? if you don't play the game all week, and jump on only on sat and sun you'll have 30-36 points to use... and if you litterly have 2-3 hours on sat and 2-4 hours on sunday to play, you don't want to spend 60 to 90 minutes of that time traveling, and for some of those far away places, running around takes some friggin time.

              A choco from Gridania, to 1000maws of toto rak took me approx. 7 1/2 minutes (choco is only good for 10)
              A choco from Ul'dah to the ferry town to the west took me 12 mins (well the 10mins and the 2 mins of running the final way)

              Now admitdley(i suck at spelling) i probably got hung on silly rocks and crevacies costing me 1-2 minutes of progressive movement, but still that adds up when your running back to town for hte next part of the quest, or to get an airship to head back to ul'dah etc. etc.
              That's just needless. I mean I can understand taking long runs to get to new never explored areas, or even if for some reason teleporting with a quest item would "destroy the item" so you have to walk. But providing a hasty means to teleport around, and then crippling it so that it's usable one to three times a day is just stupid....

              If that's the case, just give us 3 teleport charges that regen every 5 hours. The vast majority of my LS never get's above 10-15 Anima, and don't say OH MAN YOU NERDS YOU PLAY TO MUCH. I don't consider 3-4 hours a night too much when the only other thing i'd be doing is watching dancing with the stars >< (i have never watched dwts....((that is a lie)))

              If it's to slow people flying through the content, it's done a pretty crappy job, when i see folks with 3-5 lvl 50 jobs all over the place.

              Having played other games where you can freely (or for a small gold fee) teleport to any previous place you've been, as many times as you can afford/want, and seen it's negligable impact on the way the game plays, it just baffles me that our system is behind


              • #22
                Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                Airships are fine, and a decent gil sink, but anima is too convient not to use. If running or walking or even airship riding earned me anything like ... hell i don't know... some form of reward, other than arrival, I'd be all about it.
                As it stands, I just can't see the need to prolongate movement from point A to point B. I mean 30 points every 5 days? if you don't play the game all week, and jump on only on sat and sun you'll have 30-36 points to use... and if you litterly have 2-3 hours on sat and 2-4 hours on sunday to play, you don't want to spend 60 to 90 minutes of that time traveling, and for some of those far away places, running around takes some friggin time.
                Why should instant travel between towns GIVE you a reward, too? You think that would be a reward enough. Not everything needs a reward plopped onto it, too. And, like I said, anima is supposed to be used for instant travel to get to a party or if you don't have much play time.

                Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                A choco from Gridania, to 1000maws of toto rak took me approx. 7 1/2 minutes (choco is only good for 10)
                A choco from Ul'dah to the ferry town to the west took me 12 mins (well the 10mins and the 2 mins of running the final way)
                Try this again when you have a personal chocobo. They're much faster. (I think they took the 60% and 100% mount speed from WoW.)

                Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                Now admitdley(i suck at spelling) i probably got hung on silly rocks and crevacies costing me 1-2 minutes of progressive movement, but still that adds up when your running back to town for hte next part of the quest, or to get an airship to head back to ul'dah etc. etc.
                That's just needless. I mean I can understand taking long runs to get to new never explored areas, or even if for some reason teleporting with a quest item would "destroy the item" so you have to walk. But providing a hasty means to teleport around, and then crippling it so that it's usable one to three times a day is just stupid....
                That's because, like I said, you're not supposed to rely on it as a means of priority travel. Otherwise, why would people complain that airships and chocobos were never in? Not because they are simply Final Fantasy staples. They understand anima was never supposed to be used as the main way to travel from A to B.

                Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                If that's the case, just give us 3 teleport charges that regen every 5 hours. The vast majority of my LS never get's above 10-15 Anima, and don't say OH MAN YOU NERDS YOU PLAY TO MUCH. I don't consider 3-4 hours a night too much when the only other thing i'd be doing is watching dancing with the stars >< (i have never watched dwts....((that is a lie)))
                Personally, I stay above 70 anima all the time. Sometimes I dip down into 50 if I'm in multiple parties that day. I have been playing every day since patch, but I also use my personal chocobo and airship to get around.

                Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                If it's to slow people flying through the content, it's done a pretty crappy job, when i see folks with 3-5 lvl 50 jobs all over the place.
                The game has been out for a year now. It's not uncommen to see a lot of people with maxed jobs in more than 3 jobs.

                Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
                Having played other games where you can freely (or for a small gold fee) teleport to any previous place you've been, as many times as you can afford/want, and seen it's negligable impact on the way the game plays, it just baffles me that our system is behind
                I prefer it this way, personally. Instant travel trivializes most of the world map and you'll rarely see people out in the world.

                Maybe all this is just my longing for some of the masochistic qualities FFXI had, but I'm not in favor or omgaggle-instantly-go-wherever-I-want-anytime-teleport at all.


                • #23
                  Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                  Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                  It'll be interesting to see what the population does when given the choice between global and language specific servers.
                  There's been plenty of scientific research indicating that people on the internet, by and large, tend to be tribal. This means that they exclude themselves from the general populace to pursue similar interests or a common thread. While it might be good for their own convenience and comfort, it's hardly a good thing if it leads to ignorance and a detachment from everyone else.

                  I'm with Mhurron, the vast majority of the population will end up in segregated lots, but not strictly to the language of their origin. However, if anyone thinks it's all ponies and rainbows going over to the JP onry servers and expect them to accomodate a non-JP speaking player, then you're in for a rude awakening. This won't be the same as just having to find yourself in their time zone in FFXI.


                  • #24
                    Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                    You can bet your ass the JP are going to love the segregated servers after XI ...

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #25
                      Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                      You can bet your ass the JP are going to love the segregated servers after XI ...
                      Case in point. Good job mal.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #26
                        Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        You can bet your ass the JP are going to love the segregated servers after XI ...
                        They were the ones advocating for unofficial segregated servers before XIV went live... Telling others via fansite forums that certain servers are "JPONRY."


                        • #27
                          Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                          Originally posted by Etra View Post
                          They were the ones advocating for unofficial segregated servers before XIV went live... Telling others via fansite forums that certain servers are "JPONRY."
                          wow that is sad......
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #28
                            Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                            Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                            There's been plenty of scientific research indicating that people on the internet, by and large, tend to be tribal.
                            This explains so much.
                            Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                            Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                            Name: Drjones
                            Blog: Mediocre Mage


                            • #29
                              Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                              Sounds like open servers will be a lot of fun after all.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #30
                                Re: Translated Yoshi P Post - ENGRISH ONRY SERVERS!!!

                                I would rather play on open servers and I really don't care if I don't find a "raiding' group. I just would like to know if I can group up with random people from time to time. If I'm forced to go to these segregated servers to enjoy the game, then I'll just quit at that time.

                                Not all JP players are hostile to non-JP players and vice versa; not all non-JP players are as accomodating as you would like to think. But once you get into the segregated servers, things tend to change, for better or worse. I am almost certain you will find these common responses:

                                "If you cannot <speak the language of this server> then why did you transfer to here in the first place?"

                                Kind of like the current hostile climate of America with regards to immigrants, documented or otherwise.

