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  • #61
    Re: FFXIV 2.0

    mew! I play on console! And this PC can't even run Starcraft 1 smoothly.


    • #62
      Re: FFXIV 2.0

      Btw J9, did you get a PSP?

      Because you still have to play Dracula X Chronicles. <_<

      Originally posted by Etra View Post
      No. You're reading into it too much. There's no way the PS3 would be able to handle such customization in dense areas like towns.
      I hope I'm just imagining things. Because I'd hate it if the engine update downgraded the current graphics in order to "accommodate a broader range of PC environments and the PS3".
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #63
        Re: FFXIV 2.0

        Here you go, and I'll update you in photo thread with more exciting photos haha...
        "It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice"
        MC Scooter.


        • #64
          Re: FFXIV 2.0

          Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
          mew! I play on console! And this PC can't even run Starcraft 1 smoothly.
          How the Hell do you play XIV on a console?


          • #65
            Re: FFXIV 2.0

            I know J9 does not come with a translate function, but I think J9 meant she/he plays games on console but her/his pc cannot run SC1 let alone FFXIV. I will try to offer my J9 translation services to the forums free of charge haha...
            "It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice"
            MC Scooter.


            • #66
              Re: FFXIV 2.0

              Originally posted by Etra View Post
              How the Hell do you play XIV on a console?
              You don't. You just post unqualified opinions about how great it must be.
              Originally posted by ChocoboBunny View Post
              Hi-res pics are great, but please spoiler them and if you're going to post a bunch, make a new thread in FFXIV Media - Dreams in Vanadiel - Final Fantasy XI Forum
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #67
                Re: FFXIV 2.0

                Okay last Photo for you J9, I'll open a post or jump on an FFXIV photo post.
                "It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice"
                MC Scooter.


                • #68
                  Re: FFXIV 2.0

                  Originally posted by Etra View Post
                  How the Hell do you play XIV on a console?

                  J9 probably hacked the game, along with the PS3, and computer so they run together, causing the game to be playable on the PS3?

                  ((I don't know... don't ask lol.))


                  • #69
                    Re: FFXIV 2.0

                    I've been away for a week visiting my grandpa in the hospital (went pretty well) and just got done looking over all this crap.

                    I'm tired as hell too, going to bed... just wanted to say that these changes are pretty awesome, and SE is really in for the long haul here. I'm a bit peeved that we have to finally start paying soon, but what really bugs me more is I seriously have to finish leveling at least 1 combat class now.

                    They are completely changing the game. The current game, as we know it, along with the current stories etc - is getting scrapped. So, you have basically until Aug. 2012 I believe to fully experience the current story and that from the coming updates because once we get into next July/August, it's time for FFXIV version 2.0

                    Part of me really hates to just think about it - I love the world that Komoto & Tanaka crafted, and hopefully they'll come back to it at some point with more success. But I have to also say that I'm very impressed with the new stuff and can't wait to see the new E3 trailer.

                    Also can't help but think they may be better off just axing the PS3 version as chances are pretty good that at next E3, Sony & MS will show their next consoles and the last thing we need is a repeat of XI's problems.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #70
                      Re: FFXIV 2.0

                      I can't shake the feeling that they'll just move our characters, equipment and mobs and paste them over a new "better world" and that bothers me.

                      The animation and emotes we have at the moment are a little "meh" for my taste and they look rushed with a few exceptions and I would like to see them revamped and remade, especially weaponskills and /sit and battle animation.

                      The equipment we have currently compared to something like BRD and DRG AF just don't mesh well together and while its greedy of me to ask for this but I'd love to see the current equipment models scraped and remade. (There are exceptions but for the most part what we have now looks too simplistic when compared to the AFs and the new super-fantastic world)
                      Compare a fully geared MRD to what the empire soldiers are wearing, they look like they're from outer space.

                      I know as you 1st start you'll have to fight puny things like rabbits and such, but they can spice it up a bit and make you to for creepier things around level 5-10, in TERA the first mobs you fight are freaky troll things and walking trees, that was awesome and helps in igniting the sense of adventure instead of walking F'lamhim w/e to blackbrush while killing Chinchillas.

                      The armory system still bothers me, I'd love to see the main/sub system make a come back, or giving the jobs un-removable skills and abilities with space to add abilities from other classes but maybe limiting them to ones that are half your current level, the current system is just hoarding high level abilities.

                      I don't know what role will retainers play in the future when we get player housing, I'm hoping for moogles instead and rather get a market system that lets me buy things while standing in place instead of locking on an item > going to the retainer > locking another > finding that retainer etc.

                      They mentioned alot of new concepts like chocobo gear, shared chocobos (Good time to find a wifey?) and mounted battle and while that is awesome I hope that they don't limit us to just chocobos as mounts, I'd like to see different animals used for different terrain like a buffalo-ish creature to traverse snow storms or so.

                      What I'm really worried about is the new UI. using the general MMO standard might force me to use a mouse and I really don't want to, I also would love pop up menus with basic commands instead of needing to use the action bar for everything, hopefully they'll have that in mind when designing the new UI.

                      And about billing. its too early, they should wait until 1.21 for the new jobs.


                      • #71
                        Re: FFXIV 2.0

                        Originally posted by Freelancer View Post
                        They mentioned alot of new concepts like chocobo gear, shared chocobos (Good time to find a wifey?) and mounted battle and while that is awesome I hope that they don't limit us to just chocobos as mounts, I'd like to see different animals used for different terrain like a buffalo-ish creature to traverse snow storms or so.
                        They said (somewhere, the forums I think) that a lot of people were suggesting that, that machine stuff the people wore in FF6 would be a great addition as a mount. Devs said they agreed and would take it into consideration... So they are thinking about different mounts, just not right now when the basic game isn't even done.

                        Originally posted by Freelancer View Post
                        And about billing. its too early, they should wait until 1.21 for the new jobs.
                        100% agree. I mean, what do they have to lose, though? Less people playing on their servers means less cost in bandwidth (and possibly servers to eventually condense.) Might as well make people pay starting on now since the game is quite playable. I just think the timing of it is a bit off (and it lets people get over the hype of Old Republic if they wait for 1.21.)


                        • #72
                          Re: FFXIV 2.0

                          They're being overly ambitious with 2.0 and I feel like, this is kind of like FFXIV Alpha again. There were grand statements made and lots of promises and a very bright future. 2 years later, they've taken the game in a different direction and much of what was promised or planned never panned out or saw the light of day. Even the combat system has been modeled after FFXI.

                          I'm going to wait and see how things shape up. I don't see how any of this migration is going to work because they can't just remove the "Dated" items out of inventory at that time if they've strung players along believing that wouldn't happen. I think 2.0 should've been a hard reset, F2P up until that time and then not going too hard and fast with current DLC until then.

                          Either way, I don't think there's precedence in the world of MMO with regards to this type of development philosophy. Games either evolve gradually and people just get used to it or they crash and burn out a few months into their release. This game just happens to be a longer development process throughout release, unlike that other SW MMO that was just an awful combination of release state and belief with beta shenanigans built in.


                          • #73
                            Re: FFXIV 2.0

                            I called it though, didn't I?

                            They are going balls-to-the-wall with the PS3 relaunch for better or worse. If nothing else, I'm glad that XIV will have a second chance. I just wish it didn't mean scrapping all of Komoto & Tanaka's hard work.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #74
                              Re: FFXIV 2.0

                              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                              I called it though, didn't I?

                              They are going balls-to-the-wall with the PS3 relaunch for better or worse. If nothing else, I'm glad that XIV will have a second chance. I just wish it didn't mean scrapping all of Komoto & Tanaka's hard work.
                              Yeah, you did make the good call. I agree with you on all of those efforts going to waste, but I'm also concerned about other content, like Uematsu's music? They never mentioned that either.


                              • #75
                                Re: FFXIV 2.0

                                Apparently, as I found out on the forums, he's still doing all the music.

                                The current new city themes are just for the Foundation Day event, and after will revert back. That's a big plus, because Nobuo is the man.

                                Also, I just saw this posted in my thread "The Seventh Umbral Era"

                                The new graphics engine will cause certain objects to display differently than they do in the current version. Because of this, we will allow all current players the opportunity to re-customize the race, gender, and appearance of their characters upon the implementation of the new engine.

                                So I'm not screwed in the least. I can keep going as I have been, and then just remake Nef into a new character (which is weird, remaking an existing character lol) and keep all my gil & progress etc... Honestly I can't tell you how glad I was to see that, because I was seriously bummed about having to reboot just to finally play the toon I've always wanted.

                                Depending on the looks, I could even redo my XI character, though I'd kinda rather not.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

