maybe some starter thing where things like start with a whoosh!
Well actually the 3 starting cities intros were well done, but are they totally going to remake those? Or simply how the gameplay is taught?
Well if they are remaking the beginnings from scratch (as an interview seemed to hint), then here are some steps that might help deliver more oomph to people's first impressions, mew!
Well ya that is a pretty good fan made trailer. It kind of steps a little more towards more epicness, but it can be taken further while uniting the story and gameplay!
so ya like
1. Develop brand new CG intro for FFXIV (ready in time for PS3 launch.) avoid making it centered on one character, and generalize it more towards different adventurers of all races and stuff (this is an mmorpg after all, there is more than one heroic adventurer).
2. Maybe 3 different CG intros depending on city chosen?
3. Make each one's story begin with epic gameplay mixed in! (well it would still be a tutorial, but players will have help from NPCs, so they can make it as incredible as necessary!)
Like maybe Gridania could take place in like something like Orbonne Monastery in the forest, and there are some baddies outside! Like thieves or something! And it's storming and epic music and great group battle and stuff, good tie to story.
And Ul'dah intro could like be some kind of some strange evil is afoot, like Vagrant Story opening. Assist beating some baddies, some optional stealth, and a wyvern maybe, then the money shot.
And Limsa's story could start with something like the Marineford War. Player is on ship arriving and they notice they reached the climax of a evil pirate invasion vs. the Limsa forces and allied good pirates. And so player ship gets invaded and you must beat up the baddies that get on until Limsa forces the unwelcome pirate army to retreat. (complete with epic choir music.)
So ya what do you think, mew? Would elevate FFXIV hypeness and first impressions!
And it's better than stuffing the player in a train/carriage and having them blow up a Reactor!
Well if they are remaking the beginnings from scratch (as an interview seemed to hint), then here are some steps that might help deliver more oomph to people's first impressions, mew!
Well ya that is a pretty good fan made trailer. It kind of steps a little more towards more epicness, but it can be taken further while uniting the story and gameplay!
so ya like
1. Develop brand new CG intro for FFXIV (ready in time for PS3 launch.) avoid making it centered on one character, and generalize it more towards different adventurers of all races and stuff (this is an mmorpg after all, there is more than one heroic adventurer).
2. Maybe 3 different CG intros depending on city chosen?
3. Make each one's story begin with epic gameplay mixed in! (well it would still be a tutorial, but players will have help from NPCs, so they can make it as incredible as necessary!)
Like maybe Gridania could take place in like something like Orbonne Monastery in the forest, and there are some baddies outside! Like thieves or something! And it's storming and epic music and great group battle and stuff, good tie to story.
And Ul'dah intro could like be some kind of some strange evil is afoot, like Vagrant Story opening. Assist beating some baddies, some optional stealth, and a wyvern maybe, then the money shot.
And Limsa's story could start with something like the Marineford War. Player is on ship arriving and they notice they reached the climax of a evil pirate invasion vs. the Limsa forces and allied good pirates. And so player ship gets invaded and you must beat up the baddies that get on until Limsa forces the unwelcome pirate army to retreat. (complete with epic choir music.)
So ya what do you think, mew? Would elevate FFXIV hypeness and first impressions!