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Developer interview today! They reveal the massive plans!!!! 0.0

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  • Developer interview today! They reveal the massive plans!!!! 0.0

    Final Fantasy Online 14: Hot Topic: FFXIV DEV Interview - 4Gamer English Translation June 25, 2011

    mew!!!!! This is an epic interview!!!!!!!!!! They really are working hard at this!
    Last edited by jenova_9; 06-27-2011, 08:31 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Developer interview today! They reveal the massive plans!!!! 0.0

    in case link has issues:

    Hot Topic: FFXIV DEV Interview - 4Gamer English Translation June 25, 2011

    It's been 6 months with the new Final Fantasy XIV development team over at Square Enix. The Japanese gaming site sat down with Naoki Yoshida, the games producer and director, Lead battle planner Matsui Akihiko,and Battle Planner Gondai Mitsutoshi to discuss the past and future of Square Enix trainwreck, FFXIV mmorpg. Here is a the link to the original: ― 「FINAL FANTASY XIV」はどうなるのか? 開発チームの刷新から半年が経った今,これからの展開をプロデューサーとバトルプランナーに聞いてみた(FINAL FANTASY XIV) and below a translated version from Reinheart over on the official forums:

    Since it has been 6 month (half year) since last interview we have interviewed the dev team. This time we have asked the following people regarding what has been until now and what will be done to Director Yoshida Naoki Producer, Lead Battle Planner Matsui Akihiko and Battle Planner Gondai Mitsutoshi
    YoshiP / Matsui / Gondai

    4Gamer: It has been 6 month (hantoshi = half year) and during this time we have had couple updates. We would like to ask you what has been done up until now and the what will be done (in future)

    Yoshi: OK

    4Gamer: first we would like to ask regarding the UI improvements. After playing I feel that it has been easier to play, but what kind of comments have you received from the players?

    Yoshi: UI is really large (subject) from the comments the one that interested us the most are the regarding monster level and monsters active or nonactive icons.

    4Gamer: Aside from the level icon, showing if the mob is active or not made it easy to understand. But at same time there were comments that showing this made it too easy.

    Yoshi: At first we were told that a lot but as time passed, we have also received comments that it’s a good feature. Depending on the generation of the players, what they demand/want changes as well.

    4Gamer: meaning?

    Yoshi: I am old gamer; from my point of view playing the games out now, it feels as the new gamers are playing the game in a environment where all the information are laid out for them. Looking at the forum there are both new and old gamer so it is very interesting and keeping a close eye on.

    4Gamer: I see, at one point it seems it’s making the game easy but at same time gives confort for some of the newer gamers.

    Yoshi: Yes, and when PS3 version comes out we will have another new generation players, also including those that never played MMORPG. All the UI improvements done up till now are stuff that are required, most needed when the PS3 version starts. That is why from current players point of view, there will be opposing comments; We understand that, as myself whatever information I can give I will provide. From there I want the players to decide how to play, how to battle using the information provided. We will continue following this method in the future.

    Matsui: There are a lot, really.

    4Gamer: On the producer letters we are looking at all the things that are going to be implemented.

    Yoshi: For the UI, I think we need to make it to the point where we have to customize the target.

    4Gamer: What do you mean by that?

    Yoshi: We put in the target circle feature but we want to make it so you can customize it yourself. For Example making a target circle that only targets Monsters and nothing else. It should be to that point but from cost point of view, this will require to update the server first so, we have to do it in order and getting to that point. Currently we feel we’re finally at the base.

    Gondai: We have received lots of comments regarding when the service started the response (game) being really bad, can’t get the information when you want to, won’t show up, this part is finally starting to get better (calming down). Next we have lots of comments from players about targeting, and controlling, and battle.

    4Gamer: For controlling improvements what kind of things are you working on?

    Gondai: A big one is the improvements towards mouse/keyboard control. FFXIV had to be made so it can be playable with a controller on both PC and the PS3, and thus being a system where the design of the game is made for controller as main. When targeting a mob pressing OK button twice, but on a mouse you have to click twice, this isn’t right….

    4Gamer: That is true, that is getting negative comments from players who uses the mouse, some even use the controller just for that reason.

    Gondai: I feel really sorry for that part, currently Minagawa is working on those and fixing it. We will fix the battle this way so please do the UI this way; and giving order in that method.

    4Gamer: Since there is a PC service mouse/keyboard and controller needs to have its own control. In FFXI the PS2 version was released first and in FFXIV it’s the opposite so some feel Why does a PC game need to have control like this?

    Yoshi: Yes, that is the next big part and we started working on.

    Gamer: Next the big change we had is the max number of party members.

    Yoshi: That is 8 member full party and 4 member light party.

    4Gamer: I understand the battle balance change due to this , how did the players react to this?

    Matsui: The most direct comment we received was the Behest also changed to 8 member max, so some linkshells with over 10 members can’t play together. We apologize for that, but making this change made the balancing easier for many contents and less need for making unreasonable battles. So thinking that those parts are the plus.

    4Gamer: For 15 member party, adjustments is too vast

    Matsui: Yes, is it possible to make something that’s good for 15 members at same time good for 2-3 players?

    Yoshi: That’s not possible, from balancers point of view this is really hard when you have to make something playable for solo at same time up to 15 players at same time with a armory with class with no restrictions.

    4Gamer: Why was 4member/8member chosen?

    Yoshi: 4 and 8 is the number 3 of us came up with after discussing. Looking at the community size this should be the right amount. In MMORPG the cost of making a party is really lard.

    4Gamer: Yes there is a point where time is required, and also has a feeling that its time consuming, headache to get the members.

    Yoshi: Yes, and also the current MMORPG players mostly would like to play with people they can easily make party with without relying too much on unknown people. Like real friends, meaning the community size is getting smaller.

    4Gamer: It doesn’t have to be real friends but people you met online and became friends/close from playing game. And those community keep on playing.

    Yoshi: That is correct, so being able to make parties easier and being able to provide contents that doesn’t require too much of strategy, specific position (for players) and at same time making contents that is harder and requires strategy to complete. There are other entertainment other than game, and for busy players their play style will be different depending how often they play. Players who play weekday + weekends only. So thinking of this and how to implement/balance this to a 15 member party; we decided this is not possible.

    4Gamer: From players who played with 15 member party, we understand they had opposing comments regarding this change, but this was required for the future.

    Yoshi: Yes, for this reason it made behest with less people, and for linkshells with over 8 players they couldn’t make 1 party. We are really sorry. But please hold your comments yet on this one, please look at future battle improvements, this was something that needed to be addressed first. You should be able to see in future if this was a good move or not.

    4Gamer: If the battle gets more interesting then at the end result this change would be good. There was also update to monster size and effect , where some commented there are other stuff that should be worked on before this…

    Yoshi: I knew we were going to get comments like that “Making mobs bigger doesn’t meant it’s good!” (laugh) To the players it just changed the size only. But just like the UI for the new players coming into the game, we thought this is how it should have been to begin with. We want the monster to have impact.

    4Gamer: Small kind of made them look weak.

    Yoshi: Kind of makes you feel like you’re picking on them. I understand there are other parts where should be improved first, but we just did what we can do that the spot. Changing the scale (size) is something we can do right away. But we are not planning to stop adjustments here.

    4Gamer: From the players, the reason they mentioned like that because they want the game to be more interesting. That brings us the point in this half year you have made the forum. It looks like the Japanese people are not used to discussions in a forum. How do you feel about this?

    Yoshi: For that one, Matsui with the most “LIKE” (laugh)

    Matsui: (laugh) I wanted the forum, different from FFXI I thought it’s not good for myself to decide in FFXIV. I feel sorry for some of those that comment standing up to the devs and get hit hard from other forum members, although I know they are not writing those just for us.

    Yoshi: I am reading the NA forums a lot, but the style is totally different from Japanese. The dev team including the community reps are reading all the comments/suggestions.

    4Gamer: I understand, people who agree tend to be quiet but those who oppose will write something, so it looks as if there are more opposing comments.

    Yoshi: People will write like “I don’t agree with you” but with the LIKE button, you can just press the button and agree to what the poster is commenting. So look carefully at the number of people liking both main suggestion and opposing suggestion to. Without that I may take the suggestion in a wrong way.

    Matsui: Right now the community reps are really helping out, they are looking at all the threads one by one. They report what kind of comments they are getting daily, responding to the posters. Without showing that we are actually looking at the forum, the positive comments/suggestions will lessen. I myself keep checking the forums.

    Yoshi: When Matsui starts looking at the forums he stops working, sometimes starts responding to the posts. Well… I do that also (laugh)

    4Gamer: No only the forums but also in the producer letter, you are open to the players. We see this in foreign MMORPGs a lot.

    Yoshi: Yes, I am trying to express as much as possible so it’s straight forward and without any false expectations.

    4Gamer: By the way in the forum/poll also there are players with different ideas/comments. Which can be sometimes different from what devs are trying to create, like if player wants this way that is only “My MMORPG” and not looking at the total balance. How is the dev working on those type of situations?

    Yoshi: That’s case by case, we look at the situation in entirely and can’t agree on everything since we have pride in what we make. But at same time we do have times where we look at and go “We never thought of it that way!”

    4Gamer: When that kind of situation happens, do you devs change your ideas to try to implement those ideas?

    Yoshi: For specific adjustments we are carefully looking at players ideas/comments and adjusting to it. Specially for the UI. Thanks to that we were able to find 1 critical bug. Really sorry for it. From the players there are things they can’t see, generation of players playing, and making are different. So using a forum like this helps and should be kept on using.

    4Gamer: I see, that should get the forums comments more coming (laugh) For players writing in the forums it’s nice to know their voices are being herd by the dev team.

    Large scale changes/improvements to the battle system.

    4Gamer: Now we would like to start asking about the future for FFXIV. There is a lot when asking what is going to change, but for the major change which part are you thinking?

    Yoshi: First thing we are working on is large scale change to the battle.

    4Gamer: Which has been mentioned in the 9th producer letter right; after seeing that I fealt that finally the battle is going to get touched. Specially in a MMORPG the battle system is one of the key points. This will definitely be the beginning of change FFXIV.

    Matsui: Thinking about new things to be added later on, the first major parts is the battle. Without improving the battle we can’t do anything. Slowing changing the battle while adding contents will not work, but since we’re going deep into this part it’s taking some time.

    4Gamer: Improvements, so the patch 1.18 wont be the only update to this right?

    Matsui: The major improvements/changes we need to first do will be done separately. 1.18 is like the first big change, but we are planning to keep on changing without giving too much time in between.

    4Gamer: About how much time do you expect?

    Gondai: Looking at the whole picture it will take a long time. Like for example the AutoAttack implantation and hate algorism changes will happen in 1.18. And planning changes to calculation system in 1.19.

    Matsui: In 1.19 also would like to change how you grow

    4Gamer: As grow you mean getting rid of the physical level?

    Gondai: Yes in 1.19 that is the major point we are working on. Once that is done we are hoping it will be easier to work on other things.

    4Gamer: Getting rid of the physical level is big, what made you decide that this needs to go?

    Gondai: In a poll regarding battle, we added a question that makes us even think “bet you can’t do this”. At the result we received “if it’s going to improve the game it’s OK to get rid of the physical level.!” So we decided OK let’s do it.

    Yoshi: When making the poll we didn’t really know if we should asked this questions and after decision we thought we should ask directly and added.

    4Gamer: So the player helped push.

    Yoshi: And if you think about the battle, this is like the root of the system so we had to take it out to make the changes.

    Matsui: As I’m touching the calculation system towards getting rid of the physical system I understand how hard it is for a player to decide how to put points into the parameters when at physical level 50 when you want to play one class you have to adjust a lot.

    4Gamer: We feel this sad that this will take a lot of time to fix this major issue. But on the other hand looking at the future we understand these needs to be fixed one by one.

    Gondai: We already have a plan on which timing to implement what, so we are developing with that schedule and hoping to release to the players.

    Yoshi: For us it’s easier doing everything first then releasing but if we do that people will ask “When is that?”

    4Gamer: Looking at character growth aside from the getting rid of the physical level, there is the job system that is being planned to be implemented. When hearing Job System we image FFXI but what is it exactly?

    Gondai: In each class there are jobs, you will obtain them from quest. Job doesn’t mean it’s a higher version of the class, you decide if you want to be that class, or be that job.

    4Gamer: What’s different between them; how does it change?

    Gondai: Think of it as Job being a style better for a party. When using job system it will be harder to use/attach other class actions but on the side it gives benefits with job specific actions that will be good in party play.

    Yoshi: In Gladiator class, you can use other class actions right? But using the Paladin (Paladin – if same as XI.. JP called it Knight but NA was Paladin) Job you will have better at sword and shield and protecting others.

    4Gamer: So there will be abilities when you are only Paladin, something like that?

    Yoshi: Think of it as mode change. Of course there will be abilities you can only use when being a Paladin. In a light party content there are only 4 member so it will require abilities/actions from other classes to play. But for full party style that requires strategy by having job style it will better balance the party and make it better strategy.

    4Gamer: Depending on the job, you can change like being a damage dealer or tank?

    Gondai: Currently we can’t say that since we have only 1 job per 1 class right now. But in future job implementation it will probably be possible like what you said.

    4Gamer: Ok so for now it’s going at one specific direction. It will make us want to play raid contents that needs lots of strategy.

    Yoshi: After the battle improvements, we can add more like raid contents so if you can enjoy those.

    4Gamer: In producer letter it talks about adding raid contents, but this is for 1 party only correct? When hearing Raid we image something that requires like 15 players before it got changed.

    Yoshi: That depends on how you take Raid, for example in WoW there are Raids that are for 5 players, 10 players, and also 20+ “Hard to get that much people” type of stuff. Stuff for hardcore gamers. I am thinking as raid is contents that requires strategy, unlike EQ (EverQuest) raid=large-scale PvE.

    4Gamer: So like it says on the producer letter, the Raid Dungeons are more of strategy content rather than a large-scale content correct?

    Yoshi: Yes, making it instanced and not being distracted by others. Having 8 players build a strategy to clear/complete. In later letters most likely will call a large-scale PvE, a large-scale PvE not Raid.

    4Gamer: From sound of it sounds like you’re planning for a large-scale PvE (laugh)

    Yoshi: I can’t say anything yet (laugh) Also for battle improvements will make UI changes accordingly.

    Gondai: Easiest to point out are things like the action bar, to be constantly showing (not hidden) it’s to a point even we’re asking ourselves why isn’t that on all the time.

    4Gamer: When playing with a mouse, its better having that shown all the time.

    Yoshi: Yes that’s normal.

    Gondai: Even if played with a controller, if its easier that you can view what you can select. Also we are working on to showing 3 rows as it’s currently only showing 1 row. Don’t know if I can say this without Minakawa but the control of the battle is planned to be improved.

    First making the base structure (bone) of battle basics.

    4Gamer: How is the battles going to change after the planned updates, we understand it’s large-scale changes but we want to know what are the goals?

    Gondai: Personally, what we are fixing now are bringing the rules of a standard MMO. In FFXIV… we took the wrong direction at start…

    Yoshi: Tried to do too much

    Matsui: Too many things were planned at once, many people made data’s and thinking too much about things going to be implemented in future, which resulted in each specific contents not being cared enough. So when asked what kind of battle will it be? We have to say that the battle going to be simple and easy to understand.

    4Gamer: We understand there will be AutoAttack and people think it’s going to be similar to FFXI, will it be different?

    Matsui: With Gondai and my name being up people may think that, but we don’t want to make it into FFXI. For me liking a game like it may have similarities to XI but aiming something “This is standard”

    Gondai: Looking at other MMORPG having Auto Attack is normal, good or bad, it’s a standard. So it’s going to have that and on top of that adding more to make it more FFXIV. Like for WoW it first has the base and added skill tree system to make it more WoW style. When Rift comes out, Rift will also have a style for Rift.

    4Gamer: So not saying getting close to FFXI but the fixing base structure (bone) of MMORPG

    Yoshi: yes, In a MMORPG I believe there are basically 2 standard styles. One being a hack and slash style clicking game. Holding the shift key and click, stop and click, keep on clicking the mob. Another style is what the first EQ had with monsters with hate control, and defeating individually.

    4Gamer: In MMORPG root structure those 2 types seems to be the standard. Recently seeing titles which add feature close to an action RPG.

    Yoshi: When thinking FFXIV it doesn’t seem like hack and slash type won’t do, and with FFXIV graphics and motion frame it doesn’t look right to have moves that doesn’t look realistic. First making the standard type and adding a FFXIV style on top of it. Making something original, not FFXI or First FFXIV, not WoW, not EQ. may sound nice but would probably become something too complicated for anyone to understand, and hard for party plays. I am not a genius so it’s not possible for me, I am game designer.

    Matsui: something that’s not XX – it’s not possible to make something just thinking like this.

    Yoshi: So what is FFXIV style? I would have to say, its something you can enjoy with solo, light party, full party, class, different player style (weekday, weekend players), different communit sizes, Being able to enjoy with that days party situation. We’re also adding job system so please play with close friends. Something like that.

    Gondai: We can’t give the details but for we are looking at weapons skills where you can make combos by yourself (one person) Adding stuff like this to make it more FFXIV style battle.

    4Gamers; What do you think about the fun part of battle in MMORPG?

    Matsui: First is the growth, by defeating the mobs you get stronger, and as you get stronger you can feel that. Battles in MMORPG are repeated a lot and every battle shouldn’t feel like you have to think too much every battle, but at same time can’t be something too straight forward making it not interesting.

    4Gamer: yes that’s true. Have to think how much is fun, and work.

    Matsui: We don’t have the direct answer for this; you have to ask this yourself. I think that’s interesting.

    Gondai: I think it’s good to make the battle so it makes you feel like you did good. If you took your part in it, if you were able to save someone, if you were able to avoid dying playing solo, it’s different from players but I think it’s important you can feel something like that.

    4Gamer: Feeling satisfied with the battle?

    Gondai: That may be it, like Matsui said it doesn’t have to be from every battle. As it being MMORPG you will have to battle a lot. In Important battles, challenging 3 times and defeating! Offering battles that makes you feel like that is what I think should be added.

    Yoshi: What we all agree is that all is all, making every battle hard isn’t the way. I think of game battle like shogi (Japanese chess – is it Japanese? LOL dunno origin) You are given some information, you have your strategy and you have to decide if you can win beforehand. And planning the right moves. Difference from Shogi is at the end you have a dice called chance, and it’s up to the gods to decide fate. I think putting that in MMO wouldn’t make much difference.

    4Gamer: Yes in a RPG battle it’s something like that.

    Yoshi: Only thing different in MMORPG you can’t control every player in the party, so you have to think about that. So having a similar goal, and rules and knowing your own role and taking action. And everyone is accomplishing their tasks making them feel good. So making the battle rule simple makes it easier to understand each other’s role. For example everyone has their own way of playing FF or Dragon Quest.

    4Gamer: Defeating as fast as possible?

    Yoshi: that’s one way to enjoy, but in my case defeating without getting hit once is when it feels good. Who is going to take the first move, if that’s the monster “no damage win” is hard. So I would use items to increase speed/agility parameters to change this. If you have the first move, casting sleep, taking down slow monster with big damage right away and so on…. So after inputting all those commands watching it happen. If it all happens that way it’s done in 1-2 turns. This is same for Wizardry, I think it’s root in all. You don’t even have to heal (laugh)

    4Gamer: That is true when all your strategy goes well it will make you say “Good/Yes!”

    Yoshi: In MMORPG with hate system it’s the same thing, you have a crowd controller, then taking it down. All matters on how, the roles each players have, how you grow, and feeling of accomplishment will make battles fun.

    "We’re thinking of fixing FFXIV, not thinking of when to start charging for the game."


    • #3
      Re: Developer interview today! They reveal the massive plans!!!! 0.0

      4Gamer: In the future implements what other things aside from Battle do you have planned? We’re wondering about crafters and gatherers.

      Yoshi: This time we talked mainly around the battle but we are working on a big change for crafters and gatherers.

      Matsui: We can’t say yet… first we have to fix the battle to move forward. If the battle is not fun the market wont move, with the market moving it will help the crafters and gatherers. If there is no need for gears, gears wont sell. That is why we have to work on the battle. We are working on crafters and gatherers so please look forward to it.

      4Gamer: OK in later updates there was grand company information which is getting some attention. Reading the page for it looks like a story that will actually move.

      Yoshi: In FFXIV Grand Company can be said that it’s the main world of FFXIV. How it relates to the 3 countries, with the Empire? (Teikoku). Also how characters from FF Series (the name) comes into play. In 1.18 there is one big story so if you can please enjoy that as well.

      4Gamer: There will be coming in 1.18; saying that character from FF Series, we can think of couple?

      Yoshi: Anyone can think of this one, will be out soon in the game. Also has important role in future of FFXIV.****


      • #4
        Re: Developer interview today! They reveal the massive plans!!!! 0.0

        Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
        Yoshi: In FFXIV Grand Company can be said that it’s the main world of FFXIV. How it relates to the 3 countries, with the Empire? (Teikoku). Also how characters from FF Series (the name) comes into play. In 1.18 there is one big story so if you can please enjoy that as well.

        4Gamer: There will be coming in 1.18; saying that character from FF Series, we can think of couple?

        Yoshi: Anyone can think of this one, will be out soon in the game. Also has important role in future of FFXIV.****


        • #5
          Re: Developer interview today! They reveal the massive plans!!!! 0.0

          Cid is the only real recurring character.

          Aside from Garland, anyway, who as appeared twice as different characters.

          Well, and Biggs and Wedge, but that's a recurring NA localization gag.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-26-2011, 04:28 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Developer interview today! They reveal the massive plans!!!! 0.0

            Someone else translated it much better, mew!

            Gamer Escape � Eorzeapedia � Blog Archive � 4Gamer Interview- June 2011

