This thread is kinda ranty but its been bugging me all day, and I figured I should share the wealth.
Well it started with a friend that quit FFXIV harassing me to check out this Korean game called TERA online.
At first I was all LOL KOREA, IT CANT BE THAT GOOD! and then he managed to get a korean account and we tried the game out for a little bit (its exclusive to korea atm and getting in the game was a bitch) and it just blew me away.
I mean sure its a mix between WoW and Aion in the character/armor department but it still looked impressive and they did will with getting the "high fantasy" aspect dead on with the designs.
The world looked badasss with the 1st starting town being a freaking island in the sky with the sun having like magic rings around it and like crystal trees and all that noise.
Stuff like leveling up gets you a gigantic sign with wings and all that and it just felt a million times more rewarding, compared to our tiny "rank up" animation.
Abilities like the provoke one was actually the character screaming at the enemy and actually looked like he was provoking it and it looked great and made me feel bad about my not so flashy Provoke II....
The battle system in general mobs the floor with FFXIV's in both animation and fun factor.
High tier magic were all epic and not just like a simple cast, more like the wizard/mage/whatever drawing in the air with his fingers and shit came flying at the mobs, and was a million times better than what we have at FFXIV.
And speaking of mobs... damn, giant mutant half dragon half knight with armored skeleton minions in a fucking castle of death kind of setting that people fought at LV40 all decked out in powerful looking armor and it all looked great, I mean even though I hated the "feel" of them since they didn't look as well animated as SE creations it was still a great looking fight. compared to us killing wildlife with the biggest badest mob we have being a stupid big goat that we fight at 50 with our not so impressive rags.
Quests! even simple "go kill 3 tree monsters" we got at lv4 was with a CS about how the ent sonofabitch thing is killing little creatures and how you should go kill it, and you ran there and kill it and then just run back and it also felt satisfying, and made me cringe at our kill-8-dodos quests and so-so leves.
Character emotes were just better than FFXIV, more anime-ish, yeah but more believable than the crap my hyur does when he /thumbsup.
Oh and they had real mounts, like a freaking armored horse with wings while we have... anima...
It just made me feel a little bummed out, and somewhat disappointing that this no-body game (TERA) just mobs the floor with a game we've been waiting for, for years and was supposed to be the next evolution in MMOs if even just the evolution of the already bad-ass FFXI.
I still love FFXIV and I want to keep playing if solely for the great community I got involved with, but I'm still disappointed that Square Enix hmmm fucked up?
Thats pretty much it. /bow.
This thread is kinda ranty but its been bugging me all day, and I figured I should share the wealth.
Well it started with a friend that quit FFXIV harassing me to check out this Korean game called TERA online.
At first I was all LOL KOREA, IT CANT BE THAT GOOD! and then he managed to get a korean account and we tried the game out for a little bit (its exclusive to korea atm and getting in the game was a bitch) and it just blew me away.
I mean sure its a mix between WoW and Aion in the character/armor department but it still looked impressive and they did will with getting the "high fantasy" aspect dead on with the designs.
The world looked badasss with the 1st starting town being a freaking island in the sky with the sun having like magic rings around it and like crystal trees and all that noise.
Stuff like leveling up gets you a gigantic sign with wings and all that and it just felt a million times more rewarding, compared to our tiny "rank up" animation.
Abilities like the provoke one was actually the character screaming at the enemy and actually looked like he was provoking it and it looked great and made me feel bad about my not so flashy Provoke II....
The battle system in general mobs the floor with FFXIV's in both animation and fun factor.
High tier magic were all epic and not just like a simple cast, more like the wizard/mage/whatever drawing in the air with his fingers and shit came flying at the mobs, and was a million times better than what we have at FFXIV.
And speaking of mobs... damn, giant mutant half dragon half knight with armored skeleton minions in a fucking castle of death kind of setting that people fought at LV40 all decked out in powerful looking armor and it all looked great, I mean even though I hated the "feel" of them since they didn't look as well animated as SE creations it was still a great looking fight. compared to us killing wildlife with the biggest badest mob we have being a stupid big goat that we fight at 50 with our not so impressive rags.
Quests! even simple "go kill 3 tree monsters" we got at lv4 was with a CS about how the ent sonofabitch thing is killing little creatures and how you should go kill it, and you ran there and kill it and then just run back and it also felt satisfying, and made me cringe at our kill-8-dodos quests and so-so leves.
Character emotes were just better than FFXIV, more anime-ish, yeah but more believable than the crap my hyur does when he /thumbsup.
Oh and they had real mounts, like a freaking armored horse with wings while we have... anima...
It just made me feel a little bummed out, and somewhat disappointing that this no-body game (TERA) just mobs the floor with a game we've been waiting for, for years and was supposed to be the next evolution in MMOs if even just the evolution of the already bad-ass FFXI.
I still love FFXIV and I want to keep playing if solely for the great community I got involved with, but I'm still disappointed that Square Enix hmmm fucked up?
Thats pretty much it. /bow.