Hello again, to all of you continuing to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XIV.
Your devoted Yoshi-P is here, back for my third letter, despite some stiff shoulders that have been giving me trouble lately. What are you gonna do, right?
Patch 1.15a went live with all of the intended content (resulting in a bit of behest-induced fever on some forums, hehe), and the dev team is now on the next step in improving the game. After balancing skill and experience point awards in 1.15a, I logged in and clandestinely took part in a few behests. I was left with the impression that everyone seemed to be having a good time. And it reinforced my conviction that MMORPGs are all about people getting together and having a good time.
Of course, we're still on the fence a bit about balancing the degree of difficulty for fifteen-member parties, but I personally am of the opinion that everyone playing together is what makes the game fun. And so that is the direction in which I would like to take the game, and take it as quickly as possible. It was for that reason that I opted to balance the skill and experience points rewards first, with the intention of later tackling the difficulty level, rather than vice versa. Further balancing adjustments are ongoing, and are being based on the new designs in place for a maximum party size of eight members, as well as the smaller four-member party, both of which I've added to our list of intended changes.
I kept a close eye on how things went for the week or so following the release of 1.15a. Not surprisingly, the maximum number of members and levels of difficulty for behests were less than ideal. Therefore, in the coming days we'll be looking into further improvements to bonuses awarded when participating in groups of nine or more. For now, I'd be happy to think that we've already taken care of some balancing issues that relate directly to future content. Also, the amount of experience points awarded to Disciples of the Hand is a bit on the large side, and will be balanced to be more akin to those awarded to Disciples of War and Magic.
A bit wordy for a lead-in, I know, but now we can move on to what many of you no doubt are waiting to hear about. As I mentioned in my last letter, our FINAL FANTASY Players' Poll the Second begins today, focusing primarily on the battle system. I've set the deadline at one week from today. I apologize for shortening the submission period from last time, but quick responses will lend themselves to quick results. I hope you all take the time to submit your answers and have your voices heard!
Next, I'd like to post the updated list of planned changes. There have been a number of changes to the list since 1.15a was released, both new additions as well as progress updates. Items marked as –NEW– have either been added or updated. Those tasks that are in gray have been completed, and will be removed from the chart as of my next post. Consider yourselves warned! (I apologize for my chart being a bit artless... It isn't the easiest thing in the world to read, I know.)
Category Planned Current Tasks Future Tasks Quests Tutorials for new players Planning and implementation of tutorial quests Introduction of additional quests Quests revolving around the danger facing Eorzea Planning and implementation of quests Introduction of additional quests –NEW– Storylines and world quests –NEW– Development and release of supplemental storylines and world quests –NEW– Introduction of additional quests Public company quests Planning of public companies and related quests in Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah, and Gridania Introduction of additional quests –NEW– Quest-related system changes –NEW– Addition of icons to make quest NPCs easily recognizable –NEW– Addition of several icons to distinguish between quest types –NEW– Addition of quest NPC locations to maps –NEW– Division of map data for various quest types –NEW– Addition of confirmation windows for accepting/refusing quests –NEW– Opt from among several rewards upon quest completion –NEW– Ability to abandon accepted quests — User Interface
(UI) Improvements to the log Changes to behavior of windows when moused over
 Removal of auto-log activation (complete as of 1.15a)
 Abiility to target behind log (complete as of 1.15a) — Automated show/hide feature
 Log hidden after certain period of inactivity (complete as of 1.15a) –NEW– Examination of new log config settings
 Ability to set length of inactivity before log is hidden Revision of text colors by message type
 Brighter system messages for easier reading (complete as of 1.15a) Increased log tabs
Increased color customization by type Improvement of dialog windows
(ex. market area selection) Changes to increase the amount of on-screen data to reduce the need for multiple pages (complete for market area selection screens as of 1.15a) Reexamination of page-scrolling mechanics
Conversion to specialized query windows Improvements to journal usability Changes to consolidate all current quests and levequests on one screen Ongoing changes
Additional list entries Increased speed for text scrolling in general, and further speed increase for continuous scrolling
Addition of page-scrolling control for gamepads (moved from Planned Tasks to Current Tasks) — Adjustments to window size and scrolling position
 Consolidation of levequest details on one screen (complete as of 1.15a) — Addition of entries to journal list (moved from Planned Tasks to Current Tasks) — Character jump feature Examination of the implementation of jumping Implementation following completion of a favorable examination Increased visibility of combat damage display (complete as of 1.15a) Use of distinct colors for player and enemy damage (complete as of 1.15a) — Adjustments to prevent overlapping of combat text
 FINAL FANTASY-esque changes to number pop-up animations (complete as of 1.15a) — –NEW– Rank/Level up fanfare –NEW– Examination of dramatic effects when a new rank or level is attained –NEW– Further rank/level up fanfare enhancements Increased usability of maps Examination of increased refresh rates for more responsive maps (complete as of 1.15a) Implementation of chages (complete as of 1.15a)
Subsequent increase in the number of points and icons pictured on maps Improved minimap usability Addition of PC field-of-view display on the minimap (complete as of 1.15a) Quest NPC directional indicator Improvements to camera usability Changes to prevent random reset of camera distance settings (complete as of 1.15a) — Changes to allow camera distance settings via gamepad (moved from Planned Tasks to Current Tasks) — Changes to notification windows Changes to window placement
Reduced intrusion of windows when engaged in combat (complete as of 1.15a) Changes to increase the specialization of windows Improvements to targeting mechanics Changes to allow targeting by type (PC or NPC) when targeting with a gamepad Examination of target indicator customization
–NEW– Addition of an "attacking enemies only" type to targeting system –NEW– Ability to target by clicking on character name displays –NEW– Examination of additional information display on unit frames –NEW– Emote usability improvements –NEW– Display of text commands for each emote on the emote list –NEW– Alphabetization of emote list –NEW– Auto-translate dictionary update –NEW– Update of auto-translate dictionary contents — Guildleves Improvements to guildleve-related information Command-based display of time remaining until guildleve renewals (complete as of 1.15a) — Additional information when exchanging guildleves — Revision and balancing of local leve issuing conditions Ongoing revision and balacing Balancing of guildleve rewards Changes to less popular guildleves in line with reward balances Further release of new guildleves following balancing Items,
Synthesis, and
Gathering Adjustments to item condition values Adjustments to lower the rate at which item condition deteriorates Ongoing balances in line with player feedback Higher visibility of the optimal rank of items Changes to the color of item names to convey the disparity between optimal rank and a player's current rank
 Currently assessing costs of implementation Color categorization of item names Reassessment of the gear affinities Introduction of gear with rank requirements to create player-oriented goals Further changes to gear affinities –NEW– Reexamination of class-based requirements for gear –NEW– Addition of class-specific gear to enhance class uniqueness and goal-oriented play –NEW– Reexamination of recommended class system for gear Revision of battle loot and quest rewards Ability to obtain weapons and armor via battle loot and quest rewards Implementation in line with quests –NEW– Synthesis interface improvements –NEW– Examination of synthesis recipe balancing
 Adjustments to begin after settling on specs –NEW– Implementation of synthesis recipe balancing –NEW– Expansion of synthesis recipe history (currently stores eight recipes) –NEW– Ongoing improvements to recipe history feature –NEW– Adjustments to the item synthesis process — Changes to item stack sizes (complete as of 1.15a) Examination of increased stack sizes from 12 to 99 (complete as of 1.15a) Implementation of increased item sizes after finalization (complete as of 1.15a) Increased pace of gathering actions Changes to the frame rates of action animations to speed up gathering (partially complete as of 1.15a) — –NEW– Introduction of new synthesis concepts –NEW– Examination of new synthesis concepts –NEW– Initial development following settling on concepts Market Areas Improvement of market area connectivity and stability Reduction in the frequency of market area crashes Ongoing improvements to market area stability –NEW– Retainer system improvements –NEW– Ability to summon retainers currently operating a bazaar –NEW– Ability to save retainer location Improved usability of the item search feature Addition of prices displayed together with search results (complete as of 1.15a) Examination of ability to search by specific item names Examination of an auction house system Final examination of retainer and auction house systems Initial planning following final decision Battle System Ability to toggle display of head gear Ability to toggle head gear to allow display of character faces (complete as of 1.15a) –NEW– Addition of a menu option –NEW– Party system changes –NEW– Examination of maximum single party size
 Changes aimed at improving battle balance –NEW– Reduction of "full" party size from 15 to 8 members
–NEW– Release of "small" parties made up of 4 members –NEW– Redesign of UI elements in line with new party system –NEW– Examination of a buffing system and party display for small and full parties Revisions to party-based skill point acquisition in parties
–NEW– Battle adjustments for new party system Improvements to skill point acquisition for parties (complete as of 1.15a)
–NEW– Adjustments to degrees of difficulty and bonuses for behests for full parties (8 members) –NEW– Adjustments to period of time between behest resets –NEW– Auto-attack system –NEW– Examination of an auto-attack feature –NEW– Examination of risks of and scale of changes for an auto-attack system –NEW– Character collision detection –NEW– Removal of character collision — Changes to enmity calculations Revisions to enmity algorithms Ongoing revisions to enmity algorithms –NEW– Adjustments to positioning algorithms of enemies in relation to PCs –NEW– Ongoing adjustments of algorithms as necessary –NEW– Adjustments to ranged attack algorithms of enemies –NEW– Ongoing adjustments of algorithms as necessary Revision of crowd control actions Revision of crowd control actions for each class to improve party-based play Implementation of changes after finalization Changes to enemy group dynamics Introduction of enemy group variability, as well as enemy group highlighting to enhance combat visibility — Changes to claiming/engaging enemies Examination and implementation of changes to claiming and engaging enemies Ongoing balancing of skill point acquisition following initial changes Balancing of enemy attributes Changes to enemy attributes and drops Ongoing balancing as necessary Addition of beast tribes Release of beast tribe monsters as both roaming and quest-related enemies Further implementation in line with new quests –NEW– Environment collision detection –NEW– Risk analysis of collision detection adjustments to improve movement response –NEW– Ongoing adjustments to environment collision detection –NEW– Enemy distribution adjustments –NEW– Examination of free-ranging enemy distribution
 Changes aimed at clearly defined territories and secure travel routes –NEW– Gradual adjustments to roaming enemy distribution Revision of enemy sizes Optimization of enemy size for ease of play –NEW– Ongoing adjustments to enemy size Design and release of notorious monsters Release of notorious monsters Further implementation in line with new quests Conversion of roaming monsters to notorious monsters Implementation after finalization Armoury
System Changes to actions for Disciplines of War & Magic classes Further changes to enhance class uniqueness Initial implementation of partial changes –NEW– Reexamination of stats –NEW– Addition of an auto-MP regeneration feature –NEW– Ongoing reeaxmination of attributes and stats Changes to class names Possible introduction of traditional names such as paladin, monk, white mage, etc. Announcement of further changes as they arise Company
System Introduction of public companies Introduction of public company leaders in each city-state Announcement of further changes as they arise Introduction of public companies in Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah, and Gridania to combat the threat to Eorzea Announcement of further changes as they arise The Lodestone Official forums Test launch of official forums in JP, EN, FR, and DE beginning in early March Improvements to forums based on test period results
Determination of final launch date Additional blog features Addition of a "Like!" button to mark preferred posts — Ability to add decorative text, HTML links to blog entries — My Site automated notifications Notifications of new blog entries, new followers, etc., posted at the top of My Site pages — –NEW– New Content –NEW– Instanced PvE Content (Dungeons/Raids) — –NEW– Examination of dungeon content for full parties (8) of high-rank members
 Ongoing examination together with battle system adjustments (8-member content) — –NEW– Examination of dungeon content for small parties (4) of mid- to high-rank members
 Ongoing examination together with battle system adjustments (4-member content)
We've received a lot of feedback from players regarding collision detection issues hampering player movement, and are working on resolving these now. Unfortunately, fixing all of them in one fell swoop would pose too great a risk, and so we'll be addressing them in stages. We've also completed our examination of the balancing and placement of freely roaming enemies, and are in the midst of holding meetings now to begin implementing the planned changes. Also, the routes players take when traveling through areas must also be adjusted so as not to have a negative influence on quest balance. All told, we'll be making changes of this sort up until the onset of spring.
We are also in the process of putting together a new workflow to handle the development of new quests and sidequests. Though we will begin releasing these in the next patch, it will be difficult to release a large number of them at once. It is certainly possible to continue developing quests until we reach a target number, and then release them simultaneously, but this would slow the rate at which this new content would become available. I prefer to release fewer quests regularly as part of the monthly patches instead. This may give the impression of less content per patch, but I'd like to try it this way for a span of about two months or so and see how it goes. At the same time, we'll gradually be implementing system-side changes related to quests as well, aimed at improving user-friendliness.
I’d now like to speak about the battle system and its forthcoming changes. The tasks laid out for the overhaul of the battle system are being divided up and divvied out, and the office is a maelstrom as we try to settle upon the final specs for the system itself. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t have a battle-related meeting of some sort, and it is my strong hope that we finalize a direction to take as soon as possible after receiving your feedback and opinions from the second poll.
We are also looking into players using death warps (or blood warps, or whatever other name you wish to give them). We will be making a decision on how to address this following the release of quests. After all, having a bunch of adventurers committing suicide isn't very FINAL FANTASY-esque, now, is it?
And finally, a few words on the large-scale PvE content I tacked onto the end of the list last time. Our current thinking is that this will be content aimed at high-ranked or endgame players, and are now looking into design aspects and costs, as well as viability for middle-ranked players, together with NMs. Hopefully, we'll be able to get all of our ducks in a row, hammer out an engaging battle system, and bring a slew of new and exciting challenges to all of you soon!
I suppose that just about does it for this Yoshi-P letter. For those interested, in my next letter, I am hoping to talk about items and the in-game economy. The more astute observers among you may have already noticed that a few changes pertaining to these topics have already been added to the list...
How about this weather, huh? Cold enough for you? Well, I suppose that depends entirely on where you are... But it’s cold in Tokyo. It looks like influenza is popping up all over the place, regardless, so take care of yourselves lest you miss out on your adventures in Eorzea!
Until next time, keep your hopes high and your noses to the gri—bad choice of words. Just keep having fun!
Hello again, to all of you continuing to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XIV.
Your devoted Yoshi-P is here, back for my third letter, despite some stiff shoulders that have been giving me trouble lately. What are you gonna do, right?
Patch 1.15a went live with all of the intended content (resulting in a bit of behest-induced fever on some forums, hehe), and the dev team is now on the next step in improving the game. After balancing skill and experience point awards in 1.15a, I logged in and clandestinely took part in a few behests. I was left with the impression that everyone seemed to be having a good time. And it reinforced my conviction that MMORPGs are all about people getting together and having a good time.
Of course, we're still on the fence a bit about balancing the degree of difficulty for fifteen-member parties, but I personally am of the opinion that everyone playing together is what makes the game fun. And so that is the direction in which I would like to take the game, and take it as quickly as possible. It was for that reason that I opted to balance the skill and experience points rewards first, with the intention of later tackling the difficulty level, rather than vice versa. Further balancing adjustments are ongoing, and are being based on the new designs in place for a maximum party size of eight members, as well as the smaller four-member party, both of which I've added to our list of intended changes.
I kept a close eye on how things went for the week or so following the release of 1.15a. Not surprisingly, the maximum number of members and levels of difficulty for behests were less than ideal. Therefore, in the coming days we'll be looking into further improvements to bonuses awarded when participating in groups of nine or more. For now, I'd be happy to think that we've already taken care of some balancing issues that relate directly to future content. Also, the amount of experience points awarded to Disciples of the Hand is a bit on the large side, and will be balanced to be more akin to those awarded to Disciples of War and Magic.
A bit wordy for a lead-in, I know, but now we can move on to what many of you no doubt are waiting to hear about. As I mentioned in my last letter, our FINAL FANTASY Players' Poll the Second begins today, focusing primarily on the battle system. I've set the deadline at one week from today. I apologize for shortening the submission period from last time, but quick responses will lend themselves to quick results. I hope you all take the time to submit your answers and have your voices heard!
Next, I'd like to post the updated list of planned changes. There have been a number of changes to the list since 1.15a was released, both new additions as well as progress updates. Items marked as –NEW– have either been added or updated. Those tasks that are in gray have been completed, and will be removed from the chart as of my next post. Consider yourselves warned! (I apologize for my chart being a bit artless... It isn't the easiest thing in the world to read, I know.)
Category Planned Current Tasks Future Tasks Quests Tutorials for new players Planning and implementation of tutorial quests Introduction of additional quests Quests revolving around the danger facing Eorzea Planning and implementation of quests Introduction of additional quests –NEW– Storylines and world quests –NEW– Development and release of supplemental storylines and world quests –NEW– Introduction of additional quests Public company quests Planning of public companies and related quests in Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah, and Gridania Introduction of additional quests –NEW– Quest-related system changes –NEW– Addition of icons to make quest NPCs easily recognizable –NEW– Addition of several icons to distinguish between quest types –NEW– Addition of quest NPC locations to maps –NEW– Division of map data for various quest types –NEW– Addition of confirmation windows for accepting/refusing quests –NEW– Opt from among several rewards upon quest completion –NEW– Ability to abandon accepted quests — User Interface
(UI) Improvements to the log Changes to behavior of windows when moused over
 Removal of auto-log activation (complete as of 1.15a)
 Abiility to target behind log (complete as of 1.15a) — Automated show/hide feature
 Log hidden after certain period of inactivity (complete as of 1.15a) –NEW– Examination of new log config settings
 Ability to set length of inactivity before log is hidden Revision of text colors by message type
 Brighter system messages for easier reading (complete as of 1.15a) Increased log tabs
Increased color customization by type Improvement of dialog windows
(ex. market area selection) Changes to increase the amount of on-screen data to reduce the need for multiple pages (complete for market area selection screens as of 1.15a) Reexamination of page-scrolling mechanics
Conversion to specialized query windows Improvements to journal usability Changes to consolidate all current quests and levequests on one screen Ongoing changes
Additional list entries Increased speed for text scrolling in general, and further speed increase for continuous scrolling
Addition of page-scrolling control for gamepads (moved from Planned Tasks to Current Tasks) — Adjustments to window size and scrolling position
 Consolidation of levequest details on one screen (complete as of 1.15a) — Addition of entries to journal list (moved from Planned Tasks to Current Tasks) — Character jump feature Examination of the implementation of jumping Implementation following completion of a favorable examination Increased visibility of combat damage display (complete as of 1.15a) Use of distinct colors for player and enemy damage (complete as of 1.15a) — Adjustments to prevent overlapping of combat text
 FINAL FANTASY-esque changes to number pop-up animations (complete as of 1.15a) — –NEW– Rank/Level up fanfare –NEW– Examination of dramatic effects when a new rank or level is attained –NEW– Further rank/level up fanfare enhancements Increased usability of maps Examination of increased refresh rates for more responsive maps (complete as of 1.15a) Implementation of chages (complete as of 1.15a)
Subsequent increase in the number of points and icons pictured on maps Improved minimap usability Addition of PC field-of-view display on the minimap (complete as of 1.15a) Quest NPC directional indicator Improvements to camera usability Changes to prevent random reset of camera distance settings (complete as of 1.15a) — Changes to allow camera distance settings via gamepad (moved from Planned Tasks to Current Tasks) — Changes to notification windows Changes to window placement
Reduced intrusion of windows when engaged in combat (complete as of 1.15a) Changes to increase the specialization of windows Improvements to targeting mechanics Changes to allow targeting by type (PC or NPC) when targeting with a gamepad Examination of target indicator customization
–NEW– Addition of an "attacking enemies only" type to targeting system –NEW– Ability to target by clicking on character name displays –NEW– Examination of additional information display on unit frames –NEW– Emote usability improvements –NEW– Display of text commands for each emote on the emote list –NEW– Alphabetization of emote list –NEW– Auto-translate dictionary update –NEW– Update of auto-translate dictionary contents — Guildleves Improvements to guildleve-related information Command-based display of time remaining until guildleve renewals (complete as of 1.15a) — Additional information when exchanging guildleves — Revision and balancing of local leve issuing conditions Ongoing revision and balacing Balancing of guildleve rewards Changes to less popular guildleves in line with reward balances Further release of new guildleves following balancing Items,
Synthesis, and
Gathering Adjustments to item condition values Adjustments to lower the rate at which item condition deteriorates Ongoing balances in line with player feedback Higher visibility of the optimal rank of items Changes to the color of item names to convey the disparity between optimal rank and a player's current rank
 Currently assessing costs of implementation Color categorization of item names Reassessment of the gear affinities Introduction of gear with rank requirements to create player-oriented goals Further changes to gear affinities –NEW– Reexamination of class-based requirements for gear –NEW– Addition of class-specific gear to enhance class uniqueness and goal-oriented play –NEW– Reexamination of recommended class system for gear Revision of battle loot and quest rewards Ability to obtain weapons and armor via battle loot and quest rewards Implementation in line with quests –NEW– Synthesis interface improvements –NEW– Examination of synthesis recipe balancing
 Adjustments to begin after settling on specs –NEW– Implementation of synthesis recipe balancing –NEW– Expansion of synthesis recipe history (currently stores eight recipes) –NEW– Ongoing improvements to recipe history feature –NEW– Adjustments to the item synthesis process — Changes to item stack sizes (complete as of 1.15a) Examination of increased stack sizes from 12 to 99 (complete as of 1.15a) Implementation of increased item sizes after finalization (complete as of 1.15a) Increased pace of gathering actions Changes to the frame rates of action animations to speed up gathering (partially complete as of 1.15a) — –NEW– Introduction of new synthesis concepts –NEW– Examination of new synthesis concepts –NEW– Initial development following settling on concepts Market Areas Improvement of market area connectivity and stability Reduction in the frequency of market area crashes Ongoing improvements to market area stability –NEW– Retainer system improvements –NEW– Ability to summon retainers currently operating a bazaar –NEW– Ability to save retainer location Improved usability of the item search feature Addition of prices displayed together with search results (complete as of 1.15a) Examination of ability to search by specific item names Examination of an auction house system Final examination of retainer and auction house systems Initial planning following final decision Battle System Ability to toggle display of head gear Ability to toggle head gear to allow display of character faces (complete as of 1.15a) –NEW– Addition of a menu option –NEW– Party system changes –NEW– Examination of maximum single party size
 Changes aimed at improving battle balance –NEW– Reduction of "full" party size from 15 to 8 members
–NEW– Release of "small" parties made up of 4 members –NEW– Redesign of UI elements in line with new party system –NEW– Examination of a buffing system and party display for small and full parties Revisions to party-based skill point acquisition in parties
–NEW– Battle adjustments for new party system Improvements to skill point acquisition for parties (complete as of 1.15a)
–NEW– Adjustments to degrees of difficulty and bonuses for behests for full parties (8 members) –NEW– Adjustments to period of time between behest resets –NEW– Auto-attack system –NEW– Examination of an auto-attack feature –NEW– Examination of risks of and scale of changes for an auto-attack system –NEW– Character collision detection –NEW– Removal of character collision — Changes to enmity calculations Revisions to enmity algorithms Ongoing revisions to enmity algorithms –NEW– Adjustments to positioning algorithms of enemies in relation to PCs –NEW– Ongoing adjustments of algorithms as necessary –NEW– Adjustments to ranged attack algorithms of enemies –NEW– Ongoing adjustments of algorithms as necessary Revision of crowd control actions Revision of crowd control actions for each class to improve party-based play Implementation of changes after finalization Changes to enemy group dynamics Introduction of enemy group variability, as well as enemy group highlighting to enhance combat visibility — Changes to claiming/engaging enemies Examination and implementation of changes to claiming and engaging enemies Ongoing balancing of skill point acquisition following initial changes Balancing of enemy attributes Changes to enemy attributes and drops Ongoing balancing as necessary Addition of beast tribes Release of beast tribe monsters as both roaming and quest-related enemies Further implementation in line with new quests –NEW– Environment collision detection –NEW– Risk analysis of collision detection adjustments to improve movement response –NEW– Ongoing adjustments to environment collision detection –NEW– Enemy distribution adjustments –NEW– Examination of free-ranging enemy distribution
 Changes aimed at clearly defined territories and secure travel routes –NEW– Gradual adjustments to roaming enemy distribution Revision of enemy sizes Optimization of enemy size for ease of play –NEW– Ongoing adjustments to enemy size Design and release of notorious monsters Release of notorious monsters Further implementation in line with new quests Conversion of roaming monsters to notorious monsters Implementation after finalization Armoury
System Changes to actions for Disciplines of War & Magic classes Further changes to enhance class uniqueness Initial implementation of partial changes –NEW– Reexamination of stats –NEW– Addition of an auto-MP regeneration feature –NEW– Ongoing reeaxmination of attributes and stats Changes to class names Possible introduction of traditional names such as paladin, monk, white mage, etc. Announcement of further changes as they arise Company
System Introduction of public companies Introduction of public company leaders in each city-state Announcement of further changes as they arise Introduction of public companies in Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah, and Gridania to combat the threat to Eorzea Announcement of further changes as they arise The Lodestone Official forums Test launch of official forums in JP, EN, FR, and DE beginning in early March Improvements to forums based on test period results
Determination of final launch date Additional blog features Addition of a "Like!" button to mark preferred posts — Ability to add decorative text, HTML links to blog entries — My Site automated notifications Notifications of new blog entries, new followers, etc., posted at the top of My Site pages — –NEW– New Content –NEW– Instanced PvE Content (Dungeons/Raids) — –NEW– Examination of dungeon content for full parties (8) of high-rank members
 Ongoing examination together with battle system adjustments (8-member content) — –NEW– Examination of dungeon content for small parties (4) of mid- to high-rank members
 Ongoing examination together with battle system adjustments (4-member content)
We've received a lot of feedback from players regarding collision detection issues hampering player movement, and are working on resolving these now. Unfortunately, fixing all of them in one fell swoop would pose too great a risk, and so we'll be addressing them in stages. We've also completed our examination of the balancing and placement of freely roaming enemies, and are in the midst of holding meetings now to begin implementing the planned changes. Also, the routes players take when traveling through areas must also be adjusted so as not to have a negative influence on quest balance. All told, we'll be making changes of this sort up until the onset of spring.
We are also in the process of putting together a new workflow to handle the development of new quests and sidequests. Though we will begin releasing these in the next patch, it will be difficult to release a large number of them at once. It is certainly possible to continue developing quests until we reach a target number, and then release them simultaneously, but this would slow the rate at which this new content would become available. I prefer to release fewer quests regularly as part of the monthly patches instead. This may give the impression of less content per patch, but I'd like to try it this way for a span of about two months or so and see how it goes. At the same time, we'll gradually be implementing system-side changes related to quests as well, aimed at improving user-friendliness.
I’d now like to speak about the battle system and its forthcoming changes. The tasks laid out for the overhaul of the battle system are being divided up and divvied out, and the office is a maelstrom as we try to settle upon the final specs for the system itself. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t have a battle-related meeting of some sort, and it is my strong hope that we finalize a direction to take as soon as possible after receiving your feedback and opinions from the second poll.
We are also looking into players using death warps (or blood warps, or whatever other name you wish to give them). We will be making a decision on how to address this following the release of quests. After all, having a bunch of adventurers committing suicide isn't very FINAL FANTASY-esque, now, is it?
And finally, a few words on the large-scale PvE content I tacked onto the end of the list last time. Our current thinking is that this will be content aimed at high-ranked or endgame players, and are now looking into design aspects and costs, as well as viability for middle-ranked players, together with NMs. Hopefully, we'll be able to get all of our ducks in a row, hammer out an engaging battle system, and bring a slew of new and exciting challenges to all of you soon!
I suppose that just about does it for this Yoshi-P letter. For those interested, in my next letter, I am hoping to talk about items and the in-game economy. The more astute observers among you may have already noticed that a few changes pertaining to these topics have already been added to the list...

How about this weather, huh? Cold enough for you? Well, I suppose that depends entirely on where you are... But it’s cold in Tokyo. It looks like influenza is popping up all over the place, regardless, so take care of yourselves lest you miss out on your adventures in Eorzea!
Until next time, keep your hopes high and your noses to the gri—bad choice of words. Just keep having fun!
FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer & Director, Naoki Yoshida
Yeah so really don't like the notion of bringing back auto-attack because I rather like the current stamina system, especially with regards to Archer but we'll see. I would honestly rather NOT go back to FFXI-style combat, as I find XIV has it's unique and more engaging battles, one of the few things they got right. We don 't need another haste-centric system that screws over ranged attackers. Even if they do include auto-attack for ranged attacks I'm still against it. Also sorry it didn't copy over right, mods feel free to try and fix that >_>