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FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

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  • #16
    Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

    Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
    "We're disappointed the players aren't playing the game like we want them to play it..."

    That pretty much sums it up.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
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    • #17
      Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

      Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
      they would make more sales if the Jump animation will be like the Contra jump, mew:

      They were talking about more quests, how about something like this:

      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #18
        Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

        Did anyone else notice his use of emoticons in the letter? Mainly the blushing/flustered " "

        I dunno, I just found that endearing. Yoshi-P obviously is passionate about the game, which is awesome. I for one can't wait until the official forums are up and running. There is hope for XIV yet!

        I do find it surprising however that more people didn't demand they implement the AH, as there's quite a lot of bitching about that.



        • #19
          Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post

          I do find it surprising however that more people didn't demand they implement the AH, as there's quite a lot of bitching about that.
          True, but from the dozens of forums I frequent for XIV, it seems the most vocal about the AH are people that have never played XIV or would ever care to return, and are bitching for the sake of bitching.


          • #20
            Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

            Originally posted by Khalus View Post
            True, but from the dozens of pages I visit anywhere on the internet, it seems the most vocal about anything are bitching for the sake of bitching.
            Fixed. XD

            After all, what good is the internet if not for bitching about stuff and porn?
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
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            • #21
              Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

              What I found a bit worrying is that the Japanese want a combat system overhaul over actual game content. Thank God they actually included non-Japanese in the polls.
              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
              Reiko Takahashi
              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
              Haters Gonna Hate


              • #22
                Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                Unless they intend to greatly alter how classes work and what abilities they learn, then there really is no reason to go with the traditional names for the current classes. Personally I would prefer they stick with the unique names as they allow a bit more flexibility in what the classes can actually be.

                That and the idea of a "Jump" feature are the only two new changes which I really see no need for. There's nothing in this game that would be improved by adding a Jump feature, as even those small impassable bumps are few and far between.

                Everything else sounds great however, and the simple act of adding more stand-alone, non-leve, story quests that expand the lore of the world while giving people more active content will single handedly make this game that much more fun.
                I really don't see why the classes need to be fundamentally changed. Abilities need balancing sure, but why change? The system is to allow you to equip abilities from other classes to customize a character the way you want it to play while offering a way to limit this so that you won't have rampant abuse. IMO this is infinitely better than the shoehorn and limiting way of identifying "traditional" name classes. It's a step back to FFXI when you have to call a class PALADIN and they expect you to either tank or healbot. NO THANK YOU


                • #23
                  Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                  Ya the FFII approach allows more customization and possibilities. FFV style is nice but people want more options too.
                  What FFXIV is really lacking in that area is more classes, specifically for War and Magic, the crafting 'classes' are really sponging up valuable time and effort that could have been used to make the actual adventuring classes even more diverse and in greater quantity, mew.

                  By now FFXIV would have already have had Fencer, Samurai, Time Mage and Summoner.


                  • #24
                    Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                    I do agree that the crafting classes seem a bit heavily relied upon as classes. I know that there is some viability in battle for them (or somewhat? Not really sure) but it seems silly to count those as classes.
                    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
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                    • #25
                      Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                      I do agree that the crafting classes seem a bit heavily relied upon as classes. I know that there is some viability in battle for them (or somewhat? Not really sure) but it seems silly to count those as classes.
                      Not sure where you heard this because currently in the game there is no viability for crafting classes in battles.

                      Here is why you need to break them up into classes.

                      -Tools determine the craft you're working in.
                      -When you have the same set of mats to start the craft, the tool will determine what you make. This makes crafting simple. The system will figure out what shards to use ... you don't need to put them into the crafting box.
                      -It's easier to see your progress in a craft and also allows for craft specific support to be placed on you which the system can do automatically without you having to scroll through lots of menus to find the right one for you.


                      • #26
                        Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                        Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                        Not sure where you heard this because currently in the game there is no viability for crafting classes in battles.

                        Here is why you need to break them up into classes.

                        -Tools determine the craft you're working in.
                        -When you have the same set of mats to start the craft, the tool will determine what you make. This makes crafting simple. The system will figure out what shards to use ... you don't need to put them into the crafting box.
                        -It's easier to see your progress in a craft and also allows for craft specific support to be placed on you which the system can do automatically without you having to scroll through lots of menus to find the right one for you.
                        that is nice nice, as long as they don't many attempts to try to give crafters more combat related skills (dont crafters have throw stone or something like that? before the restructure, I heard they originally planned to make craft classes more combat capable. But maybe now they will actually focus on war and magic.)


                        • #27
                          Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                          Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                          that is nice nice, as long as they don't many attempts to try to give crafters more combat related skills (dont crafters have throw stone or something like that? before the restructure, I heard they originally planned to make craft classes more combat capable. But maybe now they will actually focus on war and magic.)
                          They had to give crafters something to do the storyline. Stone Throw can two shot enemies in the storyline. Outside of storyline, it's useless. I was fooling around and tossed a few stones at a mob before it killed me. I took out a whopping 3% of his total health and he eventually killed me even though it was a very easy mob.

                          Don't worry, crafters have no business with battle in the same way the fighters have no business in crafting. If you notice, many more JP players craft than NA players, because that is how they like to spend their time online. Many more socialize than the NA players do as well. They craft, say hi to friends, have pleasant LS chat for 2 hours and then log off. For them, this is the part of the game that makes it fun, so I think SE would be wise to leave this portion as is.

                          Note: If you divide into Hand/Land vs War/Magic then the numbers are:

                          Hand/Land - JP: 42.3% NA: 27.8%
                          War/Magic - JP: 47.5% NA: 64.2%

                          Taken further, for all non-JP players:

                          Hand/Land - 25%
                          War/Magic - 67%

                          Now, this isn't accurate, because it's a no-no to average %s but I have no access to the data and this is as close as accurate assuming the sample size is large enough for SE to feel confident publishing these figures. But suffice to say, JP prefer crafting equally to combat while everyone else prefers to smash and crush and seem to want to avoid crafting in general. Those are telling figures if you asked me.

                          Last edited by Aeni; 01-21-2011, 06:40 PM.


                          • #28
                            Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                            REALLY hope they don't change class names. There's really no need for that... And won't really repeat what Aeni has said about it, but it would totally turn me off from the game if they did decide to go "traditional." The new team just seems to be giving in to all the demands without a thought. (Jumping? Really? Sorry, but no.)



                            • #29
                              Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                              Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                              Not sure where you heard this because currently in the game there is no viability for crafting classes in battles.
                              Okay, glad that you clarified that. As I've not played, I saw that you needed to change your weapon to change jobs (so to speak) and since you had to also equip a weapon to craft, it was made to sound (to the outsider) like you'd be able to battle with your Smither or something, which to me seemed a little odd. What are you going to do, throw anvils at shit? Which would be funny but not very practical.

                              I really don't understand why, out of everything, people are so hung up on jump. Most MMOs have it, it's not a big deal, if you don't like it you do not have to use it. Do I think XIV should be a carbon copy of every other game? Of course not, but jump is so basic it seems silly to not include it. (As is an AH, but ... yeah.)

                              Oh well I'm way too tired to even think straight right now, I think the changes show promise. I think the fact that SE is communicating is a huge fucking leap from here to Saturn from where they were before, and I think that if things continue to look up I may end up spending a fortune to play this game after all.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
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                              • #30
                                Re: FFXIV Players' Poll The First ~ Results & Analysis {1/21/11}

                                Because when I think of jumping in an MMO, I instantly equate it to the 'tards in WoW... Jumping every which way during battles, while in my mind I make them go, "hurrrr. derpderp."

                                Just an instant dislike and I don't want to see it in Final Fantasy because the new team wants to please everyone.

