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Selbina, where art thou?

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  • #76
    Re: Selbina, where art thou?

    Originally posted by awesomeOmnislashing View Post
    Maybe... shield + sword is like a chimera of sorts. So yea, totally makes sense why you need alchemy!

    step 1: steam the shield with your alembic
    step 2: glue the sword onto the shield

    MY question is, why do we need blacksmithing?

    edit: attack +6
    Ok Full Metal. Calm down. This isnt an anime.... this is... well... uh.... well its not an anime.

    Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
    99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
    99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

    Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


    • #77
      Re: Selbina, where art thou?

      FMA: brotherhood is damn good.


      • #78
        Re: Selbina, where art thou?

        Originally posted by awesomeOmnislashing View Post
        FMA: brotherhood is damn good.

        *squints his eyes*





        You.... you cut that out, kupo.

        Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
        99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
        99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

        Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


        • #79
          Re: Selbina, where art thou?

          Ok.... so to re-rail this thread a little bit to where it started... let me ask a few questions, kupo.

          1. Omnislash... you're on Selbina now... and your name is Wet Noodle, right?

          2. J9, are you planning on coming to Selbina or is Omnislash just blowing smoke out his ass?

          3. Aeni, are you going to stay on Pala for now until server transfers become available? Will you be making a secondary character to join Omnislash and I on Selbina?

          4. Is there anyone else out there on the forum who has chosen Selbina as their server? If so, make yourselves known! I'm trying to team up with as many people as possible to aid and assit one another in-game!

          5. That is all... kupo.

          Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
          99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
          99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

          Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


          • #80
            Re: Selbina, where art thou?

            Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
            3. Aeni, are you going to stay on Pala for now until server transfers become available? Will you be making a secondary character to join Omnislash and I on Selbina?
            I'm at 3 slots full and even if it's free now, have no intentions on making another. No one knows for sure when they'll actually start charging (My bet is on April, but we'll see) and I don't want to "forget" and get caught with my pants down.

            If transfer becomes available, I'll think about it, but we'll have to see how much it'll cost and if it's just for one slot. I have a lot ... LOT ... of things scattered across (now) 6 (9) sets of inventory slots (600 -> 900 over night) Much of it was shopping around and slowly buying things that people were desperately discounting deeply on and just hoarding them away for when I can get to it. Much of the discounts I'm seeing will not be available again when people get out of that rank range and people stop making things. That would kill me financially so better to prepare now than wait for the inevitable blood letting.


            • #81
              Re: Selbina, where art thou?

              Originally posted by Aeni View Post
              I'm at 3 slots full and even if it's free now, have no intentions on making another. No one knows for sure when they'll actually start charging (My bet is on April, but we'll see) and I don't want to "forget" and get caught with my pants down.

              If transfer becomes available, I'll think about it, but we'll have to see how much it'll cost and if it's just for one slot. I have a lot ... LOT ... of things scattered across (now) 6 (9) sets of inventory slots (600 -> 900 over night) Much of it was shopping around and slowly buying things that people were desperately discounting deeply on and just hoarding them away for when I can get to it. Much of the discounts I'm seeing will not be available again when people get out of that rank range and people stop making things. That would kill me financially so better to prepare now than wait for the inevitable blood letting.

              Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
              99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
              99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

              Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


              • #82
                Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                I have actually started to not think about playing FFXIV... I was planning on playing it at first, but seeing all the issue with it, I may no tjoin. I even got into a free game (Well messenger calle dIMVU, and got into a GREAT RP that I never want to leave lol))

                But if I eve do decide to do FFXIV, I wil be on Selbina.


                • #83
                  Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                  Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                  I have actually started to not think about playing FFXIV... I was planning on playing it at first, but seeing all the issue with it, I may no tjoin. I even got into a free game (Well messenger calle dIMVU, and got into a GREAT RP that I never want to leave lol))

                  But if I eve do decide to do FFXIV, I wil be on Selbina.
                  Yay! Selbina will DOMINATE ALL OTHER SERVERS IN PURE EPICOSITY KUPO!!!!!!!!


                  I mean.... sweet.

                  Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                  99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                  99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                  Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                  • #84
                    Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                    1. Yea, Pretty sure you know that these are all true.

                    also: I hope j9 does come, because I have a crush on her ( I hope its a her, and I hope she is sexy too)


                    • #85
                      Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                      Get in line. You'll have to fight Ufgt to the death first.

                      If you survive, then the Trial of a 1000 Mews will begin.
                      Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                      Originally posted by Nandito

                      You make me want to hurt things.


                      • #86
                        Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                        Originally posted by awesomeOmnislashing View Post
                        1. Yea, Pretty sure you know that these are all true.

                        also: I hope j9 does come, because I have a crush on her ( I hope its a her, and I hope she is sexy too)
                        All urs... kupo

                        Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                        99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                        99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                        Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                        • #87
                          Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                          Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
                          All urs... kupo
                          Seconded. So seconded. Thirded and Fourthed. Fifthed? Such a thing? I don't care ... TAKE EM ALL AND DON'T LEAVE THE CRUMBS!


                          • #88
                            Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                            I'm enjoying Besaid more than I should, RPers in hostess shirts are animating their jiggling into emotes and its pretty fun to read. (THUS my server is superior)

                            And since my shells are now alive and kicking and people talk atleast 70% of my time online, the game isn't such a dark place anymore.

                            Just need a sidekick to talk me into doing pointless exploring whenever I hit Surplus on ARM and I'm good to go. (That and someone to make me god damn enamels for my R29 shield! this is ridiculous! why does the stainsand drop from a level60 mob?!)

                            Now to start making money for a Dodore Doublet...


                            • #89
                              Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                              I remade my character, new name of course. "Lazy Mage"

                              carpentry/leather/weaver are my mains. alch and conj are still there though ^^

                              i never see you on yyg!!


                              • #90
                                Re: Selbina, where art thou?

                                Originally posted by awesomeOmnislashing View Post
                                I remade my character, new name of course. "Lazy Mage"

                                carpentry/leather/weaver are my mains. alch and conj are still there though ^^

                                i never see you on yyg!!
                                The reasons for my absence are 2-fold. One that I cant help and another that I'm not proud of.

                                The one I can't help: We're in different time-zones (I think). I play on EST at around 9:00am - Noon From Monday through Friday. If you're not on during those times... we'll never run into one another.

                                The one I'm not proud of: If anyone follows my other posts on this site... you'll realize I started to play FFXI again. My willpower and patience was worn very thin... and I got sucked into Abyssea. I read a little about the new AF3 gear, the new SMN BPs, the new SMN abilities and the EXP parties that form in Abyssea zones... and I got sucked in... fast.

                                I got my CONJ to R40, and my WVR/TAN/ALCH to R30 over this past Christmas break from work... and I'm starting to get bored with the grind. The yearning to romp around with my SMN and pet my Carby started to well up in my heart again and I was hard-pressed to ignore the feelings.

                                TBH, I was controlling the urge to re-activate the acct pretty effectively until I got a call (completely out of the bue) from a RL friend of mine who plays FFXI that I hadn't spoken to for over 2 years.

                                He called and asked "Do you still play FFXI?"

                                I said "No"...

                                He asked "Can I have all your stuff?"

                                and I said "HELL NO MOTHA-FUGGA!!!!"

                                That set the gears in motion... and I went home that night (Last Wednesday) and re-installed the game... re-activated my account... restored my content ID... (since it was a new PC from the one I was using before) re-inputted all my SMN macros... unlocked my 75-80 level cap with the seals/merits I had on me and went to town in Abyssea.

                                Altana have mercy on my soul...

                                Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                                99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                                99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                                Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!

