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November Patch Notes

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  • #16
    Re: November Patch Notes

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    As I said, SE seems to have only swung the nerf bat at high level party play, and the consensus (for the moment) is it's probably just a glitch/bug that will be fixed soon.

    Going from 1~31 is a freaking breeze now though by comparison.
    They swung the bat at grinding parties. Japanese players already found a way to surpass the old leveling method. How? By doing what SE wants us to do: Guild Leves. Leave it to the Japanese to figure out what to do, while the Americans whine about "nerfs."

    Get 15 people together, put Leve on 5 star, punishing barbs (optional) -> profit.

    Leveling pre-30 is stupid fast, for sure. xD So happy.


    • #17
      Re: November Patch Notes

      The new menu is heavenly.

      Lag is almost completely gone, and I've made 20k SP off 6 leves yesterday and it was a blast, since the EXP is consistent 100-300 from each mob (Guardian boost helps alot here) and I'm gaining shield skills like crazy!

      Though yeah, no more 500sp a fight for parties and you can't force the SP increase by prolonging the fight, sure you're killing faster but I'm fairly sure its a bug, R30+ getting 130sp a mob is not viable at all. (Though SE did say that GL gave a bigger SP bonus than grinding so casuals can catch up to hardcores so....?)

      Even crafting is easier since the menu doesn't jump to the top after choosing each part, and with the sort active all the mats are organized neatly.

      The new tabs are utter shit though, they're not spesific tabs like Tell/Linkshell/Shout, they're just unused slots that you wriite a name for and add filters. (there are only 2 tabs though) but... so far I couldn't attach the new tabs to the chat box, they're taking up more space on my screen.

      And even with filters on they show NPC talk in them, thus making them almost useless to store tells like FFXI.

      And the whole coloring your text stuff is limited to say/tell/party/shout/linkshells, nothing else.

      Other than the above 3 points I'm currently content. (lets see what they'll have for us next update)


      • #18
        Re: November Patch Notes

        Aaaand J9 steals my post and puts it on eorzeapedia.



        • #19
          Re: November Patch Notes

          Originally posted by Etra View Post
          Aaaand J9 steals my post and puts it on eorzeapedia.

          At work, cant check EP, please elaborate.


          • #20
            Re: November Patch Notes

            Originally posted by Freelancer View Post
            At work, cant check EP, please elaborate.
            She/he/it copied and pasted my post about leve quest leveling onto Eorzeapedia. Not that I care, per say, but word for word? Sigh.


            • #21
              Re: November Patch Notes

              Guess she agrees with you, but not enough to phrase it in her own words.


              • #22
                Re: November Patch Notes


                Totally agree with you btw FL. The only thing I'm really disappointed in is they didn't take the synthesis adjustments a bit further. You still need Lightning Crystals to process cotton yarn which suck ass. Getting 3 cloths is nice and is useful long-term, but I'm more concerned about SP rather than amassing cotton cloths. Iron & Silver also still take fire crystals which is disappointing but oh well, at least leves will actually give you crystals now. And when you get shards holy shit do they hand out a lot, usually 35+.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #23
                  Re: November Patch Notes

                  Shards prices declining, wind is dropping from 350+ to 250~230 on Besaid. Huzzah!


                  • #24
                    Re: November Patch Notes

                    Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                    According to one of the guys still playing skill gain has been nerfed into the ground as well.
                    Maybe if he was exploiting ... my experience has been that the skill gains has been tremendous as I've just grinded through 5 ranks in just two days. That's probably more progression than the previous 2 ranks.

                    Manage to complete the R20 class story line and R20 (city) story line. 100K for the two but not like I'm hurting for money atm. I think I took like 100 screenshots and will take me a while to sort through them and upload it. The story has gotten intriguing and is making me want to grind the next 6 ranks but I think I'll be patient and try to get my crafting up to keep it a step behind. No sense hurtling through the ranks w/ no safety net in income and self repairs.


                    • #25
                      Re: November Patch Notes

                      I'm ranking up blacksmith atm to fix my R32 Armorer hammer (R17 > R22) and then taking Leatherworker from 20 to 25 as a sub, after that I just have to balance between ARM/BSM/GLD and I'm gold.

                      Real issue here is that I don't have the time to craft 10 hours a day so bleh....

                      Pro tip: Tin based items should fetch in nice pocket change.


                      • #26
                        Re: November Patch Notes

                        I recently put CONJ on hold while I work on my crafting so that i dont have to buy things that I should honestly be able to make myself. Now that I finished the R20 CONJ quests and the R20 Main Story Quests, I'm comfortable sitting back and working on Weaver, Leather and Alchemy. I have about 300 Crystals of the various elements to put Alchemy well into R20 and enough Dodo Hides and Buffalo Hides to work Leather into the 20s as well. Weaver is already R16 and i'm forcing myself to persevere through the painful 15-20 grind with that.

                        My ultimate goal is to sit on R40 in all 3 before I go ahead and work on CONj for another minute. I'm going to push out 3-6 Battlecraft leves a day in order to work CONJ up slowly, but no more grinding on normal mobs until I'm ready to craft my own crap. I need to empty out my retainer anyway. I ahve too much low level crafting mats taking up space in there.

                        Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                        99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                        99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                        Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                        • #27
                          Re: November Patch Notes

                          Originally posted by Freelancer View Post
                          Pro tip: Tin based items should fetch in nice pocket change.
                          I had a hunch that SE would make use of Tin ores to the fullest and hoarded them up. So, no regrets here, as I've stocked up with a dozen stacks of them and a few ingots and nuggets I got cheap back then. I'm scouring the database for more of such items.

                          ---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

                          Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
                          I recently put CONJ on hold while I work on my crafting so that i dont have to buy things that I should honestly be able to make myself. Now that I finished the R20 CONJ quests and the R20 Main Story Quests, I'm comfortable sitting back and working on Weaver, Leather and Alchemy.
                          A-ha! You and I are like twins. It's the same with me but I still continue to rank up my GLA. I just choose leves that pay out marks and then return to crafting so I don't spend too much more time with GLA. I got lots to catch up on my crafts and about time I put some of these shards to use. LOL I don't know how I ended up with 1,500+ shards of each element (100+ crystals with exception of Lightning because I sold them for quick cash early on ... which I regret now)

                          You're being ambitious with crafting to 40 though. I usually just work 5 ranks at a time because grinding on GLA (or any other class) keeps my shard/cyrstal bin full so that I don't need to buy them off over-priced retainers. Plus that's the only way you can get mats as well that is still far better than paying the exorbitant prices some players ask for.


                          • #28
                            Re: November Patch Notes

                            Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                            A-ha! You and I are like twins. It's the same with me but I still continue to rank up my GLA. I just choose leves that pay out marks and then return to crafting so I don't spend too much more time with GLA. I got lots to catch up on my crafts and about time I put some of these shards to use. LOL I don't know how I ended up with 1,500+ shards of each element (100+ crystals with exception of Lightning because I sold them for quick cash early on ... which I regret now)

                            You're being ambitious with crafting to 40 though. I usually just work 5 ranks at a time because grinding on GLA (or any other class) keeps my shard/cyrstal bin full so that I don't need to buy them off over-priced retainers. Plus that's the only way you can get mats as well that is still far better than paying the exorbitant prices some players ask for.
                            I always knew I had a twin. I'm sad to find out it's a cat... I didn't think I was a cat...

                            Anywho (lol), I'm working to 40 with all 3 crafts at the same time, to ensure I never have to juggle around crafting gear. My WVR is 16, Alchemy is 14 and Leather is 15 ATM. I'm currently bringing Alchemy to 16, then Leather, then I'll hop back onto Weaver and continue in that fashion until I reach 40 with all 3. I want to optimize my gear for the given ranks with minimal need to gear-swap.

                            In doing this, I ultimately gave up on DoL jobs all-together. It's hard enough to bring my crafts to where I'm going with only 3 of them... let alone adding in a DoL (PAINFULLY SLOW) job like Botanist (the only one I even considered) because of my need for wood later when I finally take up carpentry and for the bugs and moss I ened for alchemy/weaver/leather respectively.

                            With hardly any story past R20 available, I've dedicated my time to grinding and getting my crafts up before the PS3 horde arrives and floods the markets with all kinds of ridiculous uneducated prices. I also want to sell my wares to the little tikes. They're gunna look so cute in their hemp clothes XD!!!

                            Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                            99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                            99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                            Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                            • #29
                              Re: November Patch Notes

                              Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
                              With hardly any story past R20 available, I've dedicated my time to grinding and getting my crafts up before the PS3 horde arrives and floods the markets with all kinds of ridiculous uneducated prices. I also want to sell my wares to the little tikes. They're gunna look so cute in their hemp clothes XD!!!

                              I already know what the "kiddies" are gonna do once they sign up. They're gonna go look for a weapon because "omg this weathered weapon is sh/t" despite the fact that it's good for them until R10. I'll capitalize on their impatience and supply them with overpriced R7 weapons. /wink

                              But aside from future plans, my immediate goals were to get Alc and Gld to 10 (I know, I know, what took so long? Sigh...) Once I've gotten those useful abilities in tow, I can reshift priorities on the crafts that will help me the most for grinding on my GLA because I hate HATE hate downtime. The biggest downtime in the game is not replenishing heatlh, mana or even having to find an NPC to unload crap off your inventory. It's repairs. Either people care or they won't and you need to be very fortunate to be on at the right time that someone that can repair is on and then hope that person will take the time to repair your stuff. Weapons seem to die fast ... especially daggers. Daggers (due to the low weapon delay, no doubt and low stamina requirements for abilities) seem to have been made cheaply and need constant repairs. Usually a 1 hour grind means repair. Back at the R15-17 range I had to repair my bronze gladius about 5 times cause they kept getting worn out in just 40 min or so. The hoplon fared only slightly better and required a repair about twice that rate. The rest of the gear would require a repair every 5-10 hours, depending on the type (accessories don't seem to need any repair at all unless you have them equipped during gathering/crafting)

                              I have noticed a correlation between weapon taking wear and your damage output. It is ever so slight and gradual but if you compare from the start and then where you end up at, there's a noticeable decline. I cannot, for the life of me, fathom how some players continually grind until the weapon gets to 1 durability and all of there gears are well into red stage. I mean, those last few kills must've been agonizing (or resulted in their deaths) or they were just a bunch of douche-bag leeches in their party of 15.


                              Anyway, planning to push ARM and CRP to 20 and then TAN, TLR and GLD to 18. I continually work on BSM in tandem with the others and hopefully get it to 25 when all is said and done. I wish they gave out more marks for my GLA though, I keep seeing these for PUGs and it's annoying because they reward TWICE as much as they do for MRD or GLA. Grrr...


                              • #30
                                Re: November Patch Notes

                                Originally posted by Aeni View Post

                                I already know what the "kiddies" are gonna do once they sign up. They're gonna go look for a weapon because "omg this weathered weapon is sh/t" despite the fact that it's good for them until R10. I'll capitalize on their impatience and supply them with overpriced R7 weapons. /wink

                                But aside from future plans, my immediate goals were to get Alc and Gld to 10 (I know, I know, what took so long? Sigh...) Once I've gotten those useful abilities in tow, I can reshift priorities on the crafts that will help me the most for grinding on my GLA because I hate HATE hate downtime. The biggest downtime in the game is not replenishing heatlh, mana or even having to find an NPC to unload crap off your inventory. It's repairs. Either people care or they won't and you need to be very fortunate to be on at the right time that someone that can repair is on and then hope that person will take the time to repair your stuff. Weapons seem to die fast ... especially daggers. Daggers (due to the low weapon delay, no doubt and low stamina requirements for abilities) seem to have been made cheaply and need constant repairs. Usually a 1 hour grind means repair. Back at the R15-17 range I had to repair my bronze gladius about 5 times cause they kept getting worn out in just 40 min or so. The hoplon fared only slightly better and required a repair about twice that rate. The rest of the gear would require a repair every 5-10 hours, depending on the type (accessories don't seem to need any repair at all unless you have them equipped during gathering/crafting)

                                I have noticed a correlation between weapon taking wear and your damage output. It is ever so slight and gradual but if you compare from the start and then where you end up at, there's a noticeable decline. I cannot, for the life of me, fathom how some players continually grind until the weapon gets to 1 durability and all of there gears are well into red stage. I mean, those last few kills must've been agonizing (or resulted in their deaths) or they were just a bunch of douche-bag leeches in their party of 15.


                                Anyway, planning to push ARM and CRP to 20 and then TAN, TLR and GLD to 18. I continually work on BSM in tandem with the others and hopefully get it to 25 when all is said and done. I wish they gave out more marks for my GLA though, I keep seeing these for PUGs and it's annoying because they reward TWICE as much as they do for MRD or GLA. Grrr...

                                I totally approve of your plan and your methods because (and this is probably because of our shared parantage) they're virtually the same as mine, only with different crafts. I totally empathize with your dagger issues and their constant need for repair. Although I don't use them myself, my CONJ's staves/wands get torn up in less than 45 minutes of grinding. Since I dont have woodworking as a craft, I've settled for carrying 2 of them at a time with me. I'm currently carrying 2 R22 wands (willow?) and when one dips into the red, I swap out. When the second hits the red, I go to town and beg for repairs. I have a stack of Growth Formula Beta for just such cases... since it seems people refuse to repair your stuff for you unless you supply the raw mats, AND the money. Normally I have no problem paying the NPC 3.5k each to repair them... but 75% doesnt go far before you busted again. I've got one in my bazaar and offering 4k to repair it, I think thats fair. It brings it to 100% for 1k more than the NPC would charge to take it to 75. I figure that makes it 1k/25%, right? People are just stubborn.

                                I've seen people shouting for repairs on cloth/leather and I always help them out for peanuts. It's a community after-all. What can I say though... I'm a FFXIO forum member, helping is what I do.

                                I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again Aeni. When it becomes an option... MOVE TO SELBINA!!!!! I NEED A FRIEND LIKE YOU HERE!!!
                                Last edited by Yygdrasil; 12-01-2010, 03:03 PM. Reason: Grammer is for Nazis

                                Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                                99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                                99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                                Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!

