This Topics post will introduce some of the balancing adjustments coming to in-game movement and the guildleve system in the November 24 version update.
Anima Costs
The anima cost incurred by the Return and Teleport commands has been halved.
This reduction applies to teleportation to the aetheryte plaza within any of the three city-states, as well as to any aetheryte camp set as one of a player's Favored Destinations. Up to three camps may be saved as Favored Destinations.
The cost of the Return command has also been halved, and now requires only one anima.
* Aetheryte plazas within cities cannot be set as Favored Destinations.
The November version update will introduce an option that allows players to change the difficulty setting for levequests that are currently underway. This option will be available only with those levequests for which players were able to assign a difficulty level at the onset, and can only be used to lower the setting. Balancing adjustments have also been made to the strength of enemies targeted by levequests, and the minimap has been reworked to continue to display these enemies regardless of differences in elevation in relation to the player. Furthermore, changes to leve linking will result in larger skill and experience point awards, and give individual party members the option to participate in the link.
With the December version update will come a number of new guildleves, including those that will provide players with the opportunity to face off against notorious monsters.
Still more changes are in store for behests and the loot system. Details will be released in future Topics posts.
This Topics post will introduce some of the balancing adjustments coming to in-game movement and the guildleve system in the November 24 version update.
Anima Costs
The anima cost incurred by the Return and Teleport commands has been halved.
This reduction applies to teleportation to the aetheryte plaza within any of the three city-states, as well as to any aetheryte camp set as one of a player's Favored Destinations. Up to three camps may be saved as Favored Destinations.
The cost of the Return command has also been halved, and now requires only one anima.
* Aetheryte plazas within cities cannot be set as Favored Destinations.

The November version update will introduce an option that allows players to change the difficulty setting for levequests that are currently underway. This option will be available only with those levequests for which players were able to assign a difficulty level at the onset, and can only be used to lower the setting. Balancing adjustments have also been made to the strength of enemies targeted by levequests, and the minimap has been reworked to continue to display these enemies regardless of differences in elevation in relation to the player. Furthermore, changes to leve linking will result in larger skill and experience point awards, and give individual party members the option to participate in the link.
With the December version update will come a number of new guildleves, including those that will provide players with the opportunity to face off against notorious monsters.
Still more changes are in store for behests and the loot system. Details will be released in future Topics posts.