Anyone else hoping that some real gil sinks are on the way?
I broke down and blew most of my gil on a Birdsbeak Hammer +1 as I was sick of over 3 days of shouting and searching for that stupid canvas. However, my LS leader was just telling me how he made 260k overnight and that apparently there's actually someone on our server with a billion gil.
No word of a lie, a billion fucking gil. SE had better step in before massive inflation takes over.
I broke down and blew most of my gil on a Birdsbeak Hammer +1 as I was sick of over 3 days of shouting and searching for that stupid canvas. However, my LS leader was just telling me how he made 260k overnight and that apparently there's actually someone on our server with a billion gil.
No word of a lie, a billion fucking gil. SE had better step in before massive inflation takes over.