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Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

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  • #16
    Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

    Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
    well FFXIV sounds a little crazy but things will improve.
    While I'm sure some of you may appreciate J9's contributions, I need to add a remark here. J9, this thread is for those of us in this community that is currently on the fence regarding the purchase of this game at a later date (i.e., PS3) While you're certainly welcome to contribute, the fact that you do not currently play this game does not lend credence to your posting. Aksannyi has already said that she's been researching the various forums and communities and that she's hesitant with her decision because she realizes that a lot of the information on the internet is anecdotal and not evidenced-based. Much like your post.

    Please refrain from posting or reposting the opinions of other players so as to not derail this thread. Leave this open to those of us from this community to add our comments and opinions about the game and let Aksannyi and the others decide on their own.

    I'll add my opinions here in a minute.

    ---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------

    I have few concerns with this game and will preface my understanding with the notion that this game is not unlike the other games of the genre. It's an MMORPG game. Massively Multiplayer Online RPG. Having solobility options only enhances it; but it is not and should not be the main focus of any titles under this genre. We already have a separate genre for those who are strictly seeking an individualized and personal experience.

    With that said, I'll outline my expectations of any title released under this genre.

    1. Time sink and lots of it.

    Even though SE has stated it would take a more casual approach with this title, it is still developed as a huge time sink. The basic principal of any subscription based title is to create an incentive whereby players feel the need to spend an exorbitant amount of their time online. Despite the ridiculously ironic warning that pops up as you start the game, you're expected to put in time to advance or progress. Make no mistake about it; this game demands that kind of time investment.

    For one thing, it is almost impossible to work on crafting on leve rewards alone. The rewards from leves have been reduced from beta while the basic mats have risen in price. Starting gear that was available from NPCs are no longer so classes that want to fill in an empty armor slot or two (marauder) do not have the option to "gear up" this time around. These forces a player to either squander hard earned Gils into the market (overpriced entry level crafted gear) or go into the time sink themselves.

    While I feel strongly about having a need for an economy with crafters being an instrumental driving force behind it, I'm also wary of not providing an opportunity (i.e., AH) for the general populace to dictate the value of the items (classic supply vs. demand) I do not like FFXI's AH system, as it was very, very bad. I prefer the WoW AH system and let capitalism and free market do its work.

    There's lots of farming, what with the constant need for shard, crystals and gathered items. Again, this is time sink in the classic sense and there's lots of it. If you absolutely abhor time sinks, then stay away from this game.

    2. Lack of organization

    There seems to be a lack of tools that help a player to either group up with friends or with just about anyone else. The tools to not have to be near someone in order to not only invite them into a party or linkshell but to even administrate functions such as promoting a player in the linkshell is a critical element which has been mysteriously left out. Either this is a decision based on design or a badly missed mistake, but in either case this needs to be rectified ASAP. WoW is the 10,000,000 ton gorilla and unfortunately any MMORPG title will be subjected to comparisons to that game. One thing that Blizzard did right, however, was the ease in which you could interact with other players and organizing a simple paired experience or up to a large 40 man raid was trivial at best. I wish SE will fix this.

    3. Lack of communication

    Another issue that I have problems with is the lack of communication tools. More emphasis was placed on emotes and associated voice overs and motion captured movements but not enough on basic chat functions. Communication, like organization, is an integral part of any MMORPG title, and any perceived hindrance to the proper operation of such functions will completely ruin any meaningful experience in the game. Again, this needs to be addressed quickly, probably more important than any other UI problem.

    4. Minor issues

    I'll just list a few other trivial issues:

    1. Lack of monsters (low rate of spawn, this needs to be increased temporarily for the next few weeks and during peak hours)

    2. Leve difficulty scales strangely. At the moment, I can 2-man a 5-man quest with such ease that it's disturbing. Yet, the rewards are not commensurate of the difficulty involved. Rewards need to be further adjusted to reflect both difficulties in the quest itself and in organizing larger groups in the first place.

    3. Improper labeling (coloring) of difficulty on monsters. These are bugs that were reported during beta and still have not yet been fixed. Some yellows are easy as pie and some greens are just outright ridiculously difficult.

    4. No in-game mail. Yes, this is detrimental to the experience and unless retainers are made more versatile and account based (rather than character base) this will forever be the crux of my discontent with this game. This alone would be important for me but may be trivial for many other players.

    5. Targeting is clunky and needs to be addressed. This applies to both targeting of party members as well as targeting between multiple enemies.

    These are just some of the issues that currently stick out in my mind more than others. Overall, I rate this game (at least in comparison to the early days of FFXI) to be far superior but it still lacks basic tools and functions which should not be happening in 2010. Compared with other MMORPG titles, however, it falls a bit short. I'm giving SE another 5 months before deciding whether to quit or continue.
    Last edited by Aeni; 09-26-2010, 01:32 PM. Reason: OMG LACK OF SLEEP FOR GREAT LULZ


    • #17
      Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

      My only complaint is there's no AH and communication tools are lacking. (IE: Can't even see where people in the LS are this time around.)

      It's just basic things that should of been in awhile ago.


      • #18
        Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

        Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
        That has to be the stupidest shit I've seen posted on this board in a long while and that's saying something.
        Well considering you only read half my post, pardon me if I take it with a grain of salt.

        Yeah, telling people to level a craft in a game that's clearly wanting you to do it, I must be fucking out of my mind here. What are you going to do, just wait until your melees cool down so you can EXP again?

        No, wait, you're going to bitch about being made to wait to do that. That's the Grizzlebeard thing to do because SE can do no right in your eyes. And the second we try to be reasonable about the system or look at the bigger picture, you're going to tell us to either "get off our high horses" or call us "apologists" because you can't develop any level of thought beyond your typical circle jerk arguments.

        Hell, you can't even read complete posts. I made a suggestion (and I can't be the only one to have suggested it) that would not only bring an AH-like feel to the existing system, it would eliminate a great deal of frustration from the existing system while still preventing RMT manipulation.

        Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. You can't have the AH without attracting the RMT to inflate/deflate things as they see fit. Unless you can come up with a better idea, please refrain from your petty attacks.

        Originally posted by Taskmage
        Can't find the arrows you need? Oh well, level mining, botany, smithing, clothcraft and carpentry yourself.
        And how is FFXI any different in that regard? If I want arrows, I gotta do carpentry, clothcraft, bonecraft, a little smithing and ultimately alchemy as well. And you can't raise Alchemy without doing some cooking. Can't do cooking without fishing a bit.

        You'll dump a mil into getting each craft to level 10, millions upon millions more just to get to 100 in one. At least FFXIV isn't making you go through the financial burden of levelling a craft. Limits on gathering the resources might limit your growth on a given day, but that's about it. I'd take that over what FFXI had in a heartbeat.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-26-2010, 01:50 PM.


        • #19
          Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

          Originally posted by Etra View Post
          It's just basic things that should of been in awhile ago.
          Geh, that's exactly SE's weakest point.

          And reading TGMs assessment I am now so far away from the fence that any further away and I'd actually get closer... due to the roundness of the planet. <_<;

          So I'll just stop reading about XIV for now. We'll see in a year or so after I've tried TOR, GW2, and maybe games like Firefall and Black Prophecy.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #20
            Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            telling people to level a craft in a game that's clearly wanting you to do it,
            Umm, the stories I've heard about crafting in this game make it seem anything but inviting. Something about a vicious cycle of the only low-level leves requiring something purchased with guild marks, which you can't get without completing guild leves in the first place?

            Granted, it could still, in fact, be better than FFXI's system, but you do realize that isn't saying very much at all, right?
            Originally posted by Armando
            No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
            Originally posted by Armando
            Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
            Originally posted by Taskmage



            Originally posted by Taskmage
            However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
            Matthew 16:15


            • #21
              Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

              Originally posted by Aeni View Post
              While I'm sure some of you may appreciate J9's contributions, I need to add a remark here. J9, this thread is for those of us in this community that is currently on the fence regarding the purchase of this game at a later date (i.e., PS3) While you're certainly welcome to contribute, the fact that you do not currently play this game does not lend credence to your posting. Aksannyi has already said that she's been researching the various forums and communities and that she's hesitant with her decision because she realizes that a lot of the information on the internet is anecdotal and not evidenced-based. Much like your post.

              Please refrain from posting or reposting the opinions of other players so as to not derail this thread. Leave this open to those of us from this community to add our comments and opinions about the game and let Aksannyi and the others decide on their own.

              I'll add my opinions here in a minute.
              Thank you for this. Going to edit the OP with this quote, just so it's there for clarifications purposes, since you said it so well.
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • #22
                Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                Umm, the stories I've heard about crafting in this game make it seem anything but inviting. Something about a vicious cycle of the only low-level leves requiring something purchased with guild marks, which you can't get without completing guild leves in the first place?

                Granted, it could still, in fact, be better than FFXI's system, but you do realize that isn't saying very much at all, right?
                Well, turns out that system is all the rage in Monster Hunter. You go around completing requests and earning resource points to purchase certain materials needed to go toward building weapons and such. I don't know if its exactly like that, but it doesn't sound too far removed from these leves

                If anyone was expecting to just breeze through crafting jobs, they were fooling themselves. As Aeni pointed out once before, the beta made things faster and easier so they could get feedback on how the systems worked quickly and make the proper adjustments. They didn't make things the way they did in the beta to be indicative of the final version.

                There is no "final" version of an MMO, anyway.


                • #23
                  Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  craft in a game that's clearly wanting you to do it
                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  If anyone was expecting to just breeze through crafting jobs, they were fooling themselves.
                  So, the game just basically gives everybody a giant "F U," then.

                  Now it makes sense.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                  Originally posted by Armando
                  Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                  Matthew 16:15


                  • #24
                    Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                    Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                    Umm, the stories I've heard about crafting in this game make it seem anything but inviting. Something about a vicious cycle of the only low-level leves requiring something purchased with guild marks, which you can't get without completing guild leves in the first place?

                    Granted, it could still, in fact, be better than FFXI's system, but you do realize that isn't saying very much at all, right?

                    The items that you are to make in guild leves are really easy to make. It only says "Recommended: Hatting Training" for some of them because it's a hat item. It's not required and the training you get from marks really allows you just create HQ 1/2/3 versions of the items easier. The training guides provided by marks are all but required to level a craft... Far from it. The people who are having issues from it probably aren't seeing the text that says something along the lines of "This is a larger item that requires a bigger resource area" or whatever and failing over and over again 'cause they aren't using the crafting resources provided at camps.

                    I'm a level 12 weaver currently, and I'm having no problems with it. The only thing stopping me is I need crystals (I could buy them from the wards, but saving my money) and I don't feel like doing botany. I haven't even needed to do a gathering class yet as I get all the materials I need to level up as rewards from leves.

                    Yeah. I hardly see this as a hindrance in any way.


                    • #25
                      Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                      Ah, never mind, then.
                      Originally posted by Armando
                      No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                      Originally posted by Armando
                      Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                      Matthew 16:15


                      • #26
                        Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                        A pro tip for synthesizing is to totally ignore the color of the synth and just blast away rapid synthesis for the first 6-10 levels on basic recipes. You end up with less breakages which in turn gains your crafting level ridiculously quick. I gained 4 levels in culinary on just 12 vongole clams alone with the first 6 trying to replicate Dak's findings (unsuccessful I should add) The next 6 went very well.

                        If any of you need wind shards, I have had great success fishing them up in Limsa. I got like 40 something wind shards casually plying the waters for 45 minutes (casual because I was afk majority of the time with my daughter on my lap not wanting me to spend too much time to the game )


                        • #27
                          Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                          Saying you want AHs is like saying you want RMT in the game inflating and deflating the economy as they see fit - which is exactly what would happen. Without a centralized system, its practically impossible for RMT manipulate the system as they did in FFXI. Dropping the AH is a good move. Barter/trade is far more realistic for the kind of settings MMOs go for.
                          While I don't exactly disagree I also don't agree with this statement.

                          Yes having a centralized system makes it easier to exploit, the real problem IMO was too few sources of supply that could be easily monopolized.

                          You want some NM drop? Most FFXI NMs had/have a long respawn timer and can be bot claimed. Some rather dirty tactics could be utilized in order to further eliminate competition. Used to be RMT had the Morlborger NM constantly bound at the entrance to Ordelle's Caves in order to keep competition for the Archer Ring NM out and or dead.

                          You want to craft? Some things are either only available from guild shops, or it takes awhile to gather the supplies. I can think of any number of items, various ingots, jellyfish, arrow wood and other stuff that was monopolized by either players or RMT.

                          Then there are all of the issues with, oh take the old Scorpion Harness. Used to be one of the best items in the game until ToAU came out, then the price on it plummeted.

                          Now there are various ways you can battle economic trends such as these. The way that comes to my mind is to incorporate more sources of supply so that it is harder or impossible to monopolize the source of supply. I would also have several gear choices that do something similar, take Scorpion Harness and Jaridah Peti as an example.

                          For NM drops I'd be inclined to say that any of a particular family of mob in the zone has a small chance of dropping the item, while the NMs have a much higher chance. I'd probably also stick in spawned and time spawned versions of NMs, in short, plenty of ways to get that armor.

                          Eh, I could go on but I think I'll be quiet now. I'm afraid economics is something of an interesting subject to me, even though I got burned out on it at the UW. I find game economics especially fascinating because they do mirror real world economics, people like to say that the rules don't apply but they do. And yeah, being quiet now >.>

                          You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                          I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                          • #28
                            Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                            There's nothing wrong with having an AH. It makes things much simpler and more streamlined. Right now nothing pisses me off more than having a massive backlog of goods I could be selling but can't because;

                            - I have to pray someone finds my Retainer
                            - Pray that my prices are OK since there's no sales history to base it off of.

                            BBQ is right in that the AH was part of the problem in XI, but that can be fixed. You don't have to scrap it entirely, but there are a few things they should do. First and foremost, no more connected, central auctions like Jeuno. This is what fucked things up royally, having Aht Urhgan and Jeuno connected (along with all 8 guilds in 1 city). You need separate markets for diversity and better trade.

                            Second, there has to be more transparency with the sales history and prices. This is huge. What led to a lot of problems in XI was that people would look at the sales history, but it was a fairly short list (only the last 10 entries) and it only ever showed how much the item went for, not how much it was listed for as well. If we're allowed to see who's listing what and for how much, it would make things a lot harder to manipulate and control the way RMT have in XI.

                            Regardless, they need to do something because the current system as is does not work. It's nothing but a massive pain in the ass and an even bigger time sink. Between that and the obscenity of interdependency of crafts, I'm at my wit's end.

                            For example, I'd really like to upgrade some of my gear. Let's go with the Willow Shortbow (rank 6). I'm currently Physical level 17 and would like something much stronger, but I"ll have to settle for this.

                            Recipe: Willow Shortbow - Recipe - Final Fantasy XIV Database -

                            Carpenter (11)
                            Finished Product
                            Willow Shortbow (x1)
                            Required Crystals
                            Earth Shard (x4)
                            Wind Shard (x6)
                            Willow Branch (x1)
                            Willow Lumber (x1)
                            Hempen Bowstring (x1)
                            Sheep Leather (x1)
                            Fish Glue (x1)
                            Recommended Skill
                            Bowyering Training (x1)

                            Can't get the training because it requires marks so let's focus on the materials.

                            Shards: Check, easy enough to come by.
                            Willow Branch & Lumber: I'm a rank 11 Botanist and 10 Carpenter so I'm set.
                            Hempen Bowstring: Weaver Rank 1, 8 lightning shards 2 earth shards 4 moko grass. Not too bad.
                            Sheep Leather: Tanner Rank 1: Also pretty easy, not worried.
                            Fish Glue: This is where I start to rage.

                            Fish Glue - Item - Final Fantasy XIV Database -

                            3 different recipes all with 2 different kinds of fish required per. And it's rank 11 Alchemy to boot. So right there, to upgrade to the next bow in the list I have to raise 6 crafts (some to at least rank 10) and farm some sheep, also using up a whole lot of crystal shards along the way.

                            And it just gets uglier. The Bronze Saw I want to make (rank 7...) for my Carpentry requires Iron Nails which is a level 21 smithing recipe. So much work just to go up from the basic starting gear. Seriously, what the fuck SE? I get that you're pushing hard for everyone to do at least some crafting but this is insane. I should not have to grind away at 6~7 different classes for a week or two, just to upgrade from basic starting gear. Especially when by that time I'll probably be around physical level 25! Maybe even higher.

                            I was really hoping that this time around would be different from XI, that I could actually equip myself accordingly as I went along but no, once again it's 1 step forward 3 steps backwards.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #29
                              Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                              Mal, they do not expect you to level up all the crafts. They want people to trade with each other.

                              I honestly do not know why some of you do not understand this. It's an MMO, make friends with people and trade.


                              • #30
                                Re: Honest First Impressions? (For those of us still on the fence)

                                Since when do people trade in an MMO? Remember the egg event? That was all about "Buy, buy, buy." I hardly ever saw someone trading eggs instead of just outright selling them, sometimes at ridiculous prices.
                                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                                ~I has a blog~~
                                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

