Ok many people remember my beginers guides etc. Well this really isn;t much of a beginners guide as I;m learning myself (and asking some stupid questions to but ah well)
My character is a hume and I'm on the Palamecia server with teh starting city of Ul'dah.
Starting adventures:- have a good look around the citys to get your bearings and find the Aetherite (where you can replenish your HP & more importantly MP and start Leve quests) When you walk up to it an action exclamation mark appears on teh screen, click on that to open the menu on the right and select your action. In this city its at 3,4 on the map.

Well I have spent about 2 hours today farming various creatures around the Ul'dah gates, also been wipped out by a bird that took 2657 points off me >.<
Good mobs to take on are Star Mamots first and some of the Beetle Bees, then about lvl 4/5 depending how they gauge copper Coblyns

Worth noting is the colour next to their names. (I have named them as you would know them on FFXI) blue = easy, Green = decent challange, Yellow = even match, Orange = Tough, red = Very tough / Incredibly Tough. You can see the Blue dot next to copper Coblyn in the above picture above the action menu.
Selling goods - I will do another post about all the shops here.
So I'm in Ul'dah as I type and am selling my goods to the NPC's in the Ruby Road Exchange (4/6).
Leathercraft NPC
Mammot pelt +3 = 684 gil
Mammot pelt +1 (x2) = 501gil each = 1002gil
Mammot pelt = (x7) = 456 gil each = 3192gil
Cravery (Culinary NPC)
Marmot meat = 47gil each to sell. I didn;t sell as I had 9 so was waiting for a stack I could probably bazaar near the cooking guild or use myself.
My character is a hume and I'm on the Palamecia server with teh starting city of Ul'dah.
Starting adventures:- have a good look around the citys to get your bearings and find the Aetherite (where you can replenish your HP & more importantly MP and start Leve quests) When you walk up to it an action exclamation mark appears on teh screen, click on that to open the menu on the right and select your action. In this city its at 3,4 on the map.

Well I have spent about 2 hours today farming various creatures around the Ul'dah gates, also been wipped out by a bird that took 2657 points off me >.<
Good mobs to take on are Star Mamots first and some of the Beetle Bees, then about lvl 4/5 depending how they gauge copper Coblyns

Worth noting is the colour next to their names. (I have named them as you would know them on FFXI) blue = easy, Green = decent challange, Yellow = even match, Orange = Tough, red = Very tough / Incredibly Tough. You can see the Blue dot next to copper Coblyn in the above picture above the action menu.
Selling goods - I will do another post about all the shops here.
So I'm in Ul'dah as I type and am selling my goods to the NPC's in the Ruby Road Exchange (4/6).
Leathercraft NPC
Mammot pelt +3 = 684 gil
Mammot pelt +1 (x2) = 501gil each = 1002gil
Mammot pelt = (x7) = 456 gil each = 3192gil
Cravery (Culinary NPC)
Marmot meat = 47gil each to sell. I didn;t sell as I had 9 so was waiting for a stack I could probably bazaar near the cooking guild or use myself.