Ok heres my dilema, burning blade, nice weapon skill for my gladiator except it uses MP. So I attack a mushroom and find out its a bit to tough, so I spam burning blade nd now have 8 MP left, HP charges when I walk, MP doesn't >.< so How does one charge your MP?
Also is their any accomodation where you can reset all your HP, MP etc? I am in the forest village and can't find anywhere
And yeah from what others are saying, making money is hard!
If anyone can assist in my MP dilemor it would be apreciated. I'm consdiering deleting this character and opening a new one and maybe join the majority here in the P server (forgotten what ists called off the top of my head)
Also is their any accomodation where you can reset all your HP, MP etc? I am in the forest village and can't find anywhere

If anyone can assist in my MP dilemor it would be apreciated. I'm consdiering deleting this character and opening a new one and maybe join the majority here in the P server (forgotten what ists called off the top of my head)