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  • #31
    Re: Synthesizing

    Ugh ... crafting during New Moon blows. Full Moon in like ... 14 hours though.


    • #32
      Re: Synthesizing

      Yep, I stop wasting mats on new moon and just go do battle leves and farm/shout for shards.

      Though newbies are catching on to what shards are worth and bazaar buying 300-500 shards for 150 a pop hasn't been getting me the results I want.

      And I noticed that people are abusing YG lately, its like whenever I put an item up for sale theres always these 2 retainers that put the exact same item for 10k less than I do (same 2 every time) so hmmm.... conspiracy!

      And lately I've completely stopped crafting armor and moved to making "parts" and tools since everybody is making haubs and breastplates, the money is not as fast but consistent.

      Also people almost completely stopped offering repairs, including myself, people expect you to repair something like an Iron hoplon that requires an iron ingot (not cheep) for 2k...

      I think I'll take a break from armorer and get my leatherworker and goldsmith to 23-24. though if the update makes crafting easier, wont shard prices go up? hmm.

      /ramble off.


      • #33
        Re: Synthesizing

        [This is just what I'm told. God knows if it's 100% true. I'm too annoyed with the game to really test it.]

        Not sure if anyone noticed, but sitting in the right direction for crafting apparently made it into FFXIV (ugh.)

        Just look at the sky at night and find the elemental stars and go by that. However, since we use multiple element types for most of the crafts, not really sure what direction to really face. People are saying it depends on the classes' brand skill (R20 ability), but who knows. I'm not really in the mood to test it with the crazy lag that's going on in Palamecia lately. Not to mention, Alchemist and Carpenter don't get a Brand skill.


        • #34
          Re: Synthesizing

          Unless someone can show me all the elemental stars in the sky, I won't be able to confirm that. Moon is definitely the big thing here, though, because stuff I'm able to craft w/o problems become a challenge when the wrong moon phase is out.


          It's not moon phase. I think the server needs a reboot. There's something really, really wrong here. It's almost as bad as when the game first came out (where all you did was mash the rapid synthesis command over and over again)
          Last edited by Aeni; 11-08-2010, 02:56 AM.


          • #35
            Re: Synthesizing

            I kept busting and busting and busting synthesis after synthesis and then ... a light bulb went on in my head. I checked my gear on my BSM17 and found I still had some Rank 6 gear on. Removed those and temporarily used my Marauder gear (has +str on them so not too bad as a trade off) and then saw a dramatic difference.

            I'm starting to get a bit annoyed at this system.

            To recap:

            -You should not use any tool or gear for crafting that is more than 10 ranks behind.
            -You should not use any tool or gear beyond your current rank level.



            • #36
              Re: Synthesizing

              Min/Max'ing crafting ftw!
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #37
                Re: Synthesizing

                Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                I kept busting and busting and busting synthesis after synthesis and then ... a light bulb went on in my head. I checked my gear on my BSM17 and found I still had some Rank 6 gear on. Removed those and temporarily used my Marauder gear (has +str on them so not too bad as a trade off) and then saw a dramatic difference.

                I'm starting to get a bit annoyed at this system.

                To recap:

                -You should not use any tool or gear for crafting that is more than 10 ranks behind.
                -You should not use any tool or gear beyond your current rank level.

                Lol Armorer 28 in R14 gear since the only canvas doublet I came across was with a JP galka and he won't say where he got it.

                I guess I gotta suffer til 34 and get velvateen crap, even though nobody is making slops (only tights and I don't want to run around in skin tight red velvateen tights...)

                Also even with heavy gear damage the stats on crating gear like control and such stay intact, so I don't repair anything other than my hammer anymore.

                And for anybody going iron squares route on armorer don't start making them late like I did, I'm only getting 170-190sp a synth off em at 28 and dear god they cost like 16 shards a pop.

                But oh well... I'll just tough it out til 30 then just use the 7 million squares I made to get as high as possible.


                And finally someone did it and shouted to buy wind shards for 400g and now everybody that saw that will be inspired to charge 100g more a piece.

                God dammit...


                • #38
                  Re: Synthesizing

                  And now I'm finding that if I outrank a certain recipe by too much the durability loss grows larger on failures. BSM18 trying to create Bronze Ingots and seeing two straight failures on White orb with Standard synths equate to roughly 50 durability loss. W...T...F... during Full Moon phase as well.

                  I'm also seeing huge durability losses on failures with Birdsbeak Hammer synths but on the Birdsbeak Hammer Heads (which are a lot higher rank, ~13 or 14 I think) the losses are very small, maybe 11 or 12 on failures with my level of control. The failures on the hammer itself are around 20-25 give or take a couple of points.



                  • #39
                    Re: Synthesizing

                    Any talk of time delay effectiveness going around? I am having success on both normal and bold in the first second range of the time bar on lower and on level synths but synths above level in that same margin are critical failure (Failure red orb) and repeated use of that margin to play the odds lead to consistent failure and destabilization, with few sparking events. The destabilization varied from earth to wind, but no pattern as both ice and lightning tripped as well. I am willing to test if I see range of people that have similar effects, but if this holds true for armorer it might mean that each craft has a different innate "sweet spot". I assume that if a sweet spot occurs on the time bar it is random ranges that reset during the craft similar to mining but I thought this might be a possible or just a random occurrence that added to my (Some times delusional) self perceptions and want for success. Like that of athletes having a lucky pair of socks.


                    • #40
                      Re: Synthesizing

                      Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                      And now I'm finding that if I outrank a certain recipe by too much the durability loss grows larger on failures. BSM18 trying to create Bronze Ingots and seeing two straight failures on White orb with Standard synths equate to roughly 50 durability loss. W...T...F... during Full Moon phase as well.

                      I'm also seeing huge durability losses on failures with Birdsbeak Hammer synths but on the Birdsbeak Hammer Heads (which are a lot higher rank, ~13 or 14 I think) the losses are very small, maybe 11 or 12 on failures with my level of control. The failures on the hammer itself are around 20-25 give or take a couple of points.

                      I've seen the same thing. While crafting simple Hempen Yarn to get rid of my stockpile of Moko Grass, I failed 2 in a row at lvl 17. I suffered 2 critical failures in a row that plummeted me down to 30 durability. Everyting after that was a success, but I failed both at 100% progress with 0 Durability on the last synth. I'm not concerned with THESE materials, but if this is a pattern for future synths, I'm concerned for the high-end materials I'll be using later. I know not everything I'll be using is going to be +1 to +3, so is there any confident comfort in crafting say... a pair of Velvateen Tights at lvl 45 Weaver? It should be a cake walk... but those ingredients are going to be costly.

                      I know that as you level, your profits are increased, so we'll all have the throw-away money, but if failure becomes more severe as you widen the gap, will it get so bad that you can suffer up to 50% durability loss for a failure when crafting too far below your level?

                      I sure hope not.


                      You begin synthing a length of Undyed Hempen Cloth...
                      The Synth Fails...
                      Progress increased by 3%
                      Quality increased by 5
                      Durability decreased by 49%

                      ***k that...

                      Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                      99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                      99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                      Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                      • #41
                        Re: Synthesizing

                        Originally posted by Sekighara View Post
                        Any talk of time delay effectiveness going around? I am having success on both normal and bold in the first second range of the time bar on lower and on level synths but synths above level in that same margin are critical failure (Failure red orb) and repeated use of that margin to play the odds lead to consistent failure and destabilization, with few sparking events. The destabilization varied from earth to wind, but no pattern as both ice and lightning tripped as well. I am willing to test if I see range of people that have similar effects, but if this holds true for armorer it might mean that each craft has a different innate "sweet spot". I assume that if a sweet spot occurs on the time bar it is random ranges that reset during the craft similar to mining but I thought this might be a possible or just a random occurrence that added to my (Some times delusional) self perceptions and want for success. Like that of athletes having a lucky pair of socks.
                        Time is definitely a factor but it's not consisten with each craft. For example, I've set a routine for BSM but the same time routine will not work effectively for another craft, say, TAN. There is also a "sweet spot" for HQ'ing on various items (that you can perform "Touch Up" on) and that spot seems to progress in either direction depending on rank and your own craftsmanship.

                        ---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

                        Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
                        I know that as you level, your profits are increased, so we'll all have the throw-away money, but if failure becomes more severe as you widen the gap, will it get so bad that you can suffer up to 50% durability loss for a failure when crafting too far below your level?
                        I also tested out Hasty Hand and at BSM17 I had a 8/10 success rate for it on Bronze Nuggets and now it's failing majority of the time at BSM18. This is with increased craftsmanship, magic craftsmanship and control from gear. With all of this and a higher Rank, for Hasty Hand to be failing so much more makes me think that SE really did not intend for anyone to dibble and dabble with lower ranked crafts once they've moved beyond. They're banking on the fact that people would rather pay another BSM, for example, rather than craft their own, even if they are able to.


                        • #42
                          Re: Synthesizing

                          Originally posted by Yygdrasil View Post
                          I've seen the same thing. While crafting simple Hempen Yarn to get rid of my stockpile of Moko Grass, I failed 2 in a row at lvl 17. I suffered 2 critical failures in a row that plummeted me down to 30 durability. Everyting after that was a success, but I failed both at 100% progress with 0 Durability on the last synth. I'm not concerned with THESE materials, but if this is a pattern for future synths, I'm concerned for the high-end materials I'll be using later. I know not everything I'll be using is going to be +1 to +3, so is there any confident comfort in crafting say... a pair of Velvateen Tights at lvl 45 Weaver? It should be a cake walk... but those ingredients are going to be costly.

                          I know that as you level, your profits are increased, so we'll all have the throw-away money, but if failure becomes more severe as you widen the gap, will it get so bad that you can suffer up to 50% durability loss for a failure when crafting too far below your level?

                          I sure hope not.


                          You begin synthing a length of Undyed Hempen Cloth...
                          The Synth Fails...
                          Progress increased by 3%
                          Quality increased by 5
                          Durability decreased by 49%

                          ***k that...
                          Arg something just occurred to me, if that gap is true. It would mean that the game is making it more difficult for a vertical monopoly giving high level crafters a reason to buy stuff other then just to avoid time consumption. But this tact has a lew of problems in the long run, so there must be some other explanation as there is no way for one to stop leveling at those lower levels.


                          • #43
                            Re: Synthesizing

                            Originally posted by Sekighara View Post
                            Arg something just occurred to me, if that gap is true. It would mean that the game is making it more difficult for a vertical monopoly giving high level crafters a reason to buy stuff other then just to avoid time consumption. But this tact has a lew of problems in the long run, so there must be some other explanation as there is no way for one to stop leveling at those lower levels.
                            My fears exactly.

                            Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                            99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                            99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                            Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                            • #44
                              Re: Synthesizing

                              So, we should just pool our knowledge together, and formulate FFXIO's crafting guide. TGM, Malacite, Dux, Dak, Yyg, Seki and anyone else should contribute. Seriously, this is one of the least understood part of the game and I suspect that other sites are plagued with a sense of entitlement by keeping certain information to themselves. Also, quite a few recipes have yet to be unveiled and I know for a fact that they've already been unveiled ... by the players.


                              • #45
                                Re: Synthesizing

                                Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                                So, we should just pool our knowledge together, and formulate FFXIO's crafting guide. TGM, Malacite, Dux, Dak, Yyg, Seki and anyone else should contribute. Seriously, this is one of the least understood part of the game and I suspect that other sites are plagued with a sense of entitlement by keeping certain information to themselves. Also, quite a few recipes have yet to be unveiled and I know for a fact that they've already been unveiled ... by the players.
                                I'm flattered to be included in that list. Flushed cheeks aside... I'll be working the rest of the week to figure out the mechanics of what direction to face while crafting and report my findings back here no later than tuesday. The fact that they recycled this from FFXI gives me a few theories to use as a jumping-off point and hopefully I'll have at least a basic working knowledge of the system by Tuesday.

                                I'm also going to try to map out the pattern that the stars take (if they move at all) and come up with a way for everyone to discern the proper direction to face based on their position.

                                I'll make sure to doccument moon fazes and dates and my current gear bonuses and their suggested ranks for my findings so you know what to expect.

                                Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                                99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                                99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                                Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!

