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Benchmark not working...

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  • Benchmark not working...

    I have windows vista, and Directx 9.0, and I tried to run it as admin. But no matter what all I get is this error

    Is anyone able to please help me?

  • #2
    Re: Benchmark not working...

    That is such a generic error message. It's like a patient crawling into a hospital and telling the nurse that "I'm hurt, not sure how or where, just I know that I'm hurt. Help me?"

    The only good answer I can give you is that the benchmark itself is a work in progress and that it can't run at all for some people. There are several things you can take a look at to see if you can get it to work, but beyond that, you're only recourse is with SE Support and I'm not even sure if they provide support with their benchmark program that's still technically beta.

    1. Update all of your drivers. This includes Windows Updates, going through ATI and Nvidia for your graphics card, updating your sound drivers, flashing BIOS where it may be needed (check with your dealer or with the manufacturer of each individual component) Being up to date is a necessary maintenance you must perform on your PC at least once a month.

    2. Check to see if your PC isn't suffering from heat problems. Overheating can cause unexplained errors and crashes. Make sure your room is well ventilated (This is summer for the US so overheating is a concern) and make sure your PC isn't clogged up with dust and hair.

    3. Run a scan on your hard drive and then defrag your hard drive. Tracking potential problems and errors will allow Windows to make sure applications do not utilize these "bad sectors" and cause problems when they run.

    4. Check for antivirus/malware. There's a billion webpages out there devoted for this so just Google.

    5. Reinstall Direct X 9.0c ... which can be found here: Download details: DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer

    6. Uninstall any unneeded or unwanted applications from your computer. You should actually do this before step #3.

    7. Drastic measure? Wipe and reload. This means to format your hard drive and reinstall Windows and any other applications. This is last resort. I wouldn't even go this far for a benchmark that's still in beta, but whatever helps you to sleep better at night.


    • #3
      Re: Benchmark not working...

      Thanks for the tips. I may decide to just say screw it, and wait for the game to come out and get a new computer that I know can run it without issue.


      • #4
        Re: Benchmark not working...

        What's your graphics card?
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Benchmark not working...

          Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family

          Unless I got that wrong, may have to tell me how to find it... I am a bit computer illiterate, but I know some stuff about computers.


          • #6
            Re: Benchmark not working...

            Originally posted by Takelli View Post
            Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family

            Unless I got that wrong, may have to tell me how to find it... I am a bit computer illiterate, but I know some stuff about computers.
            That's your CPU, unless I'm mistaken.


            • #7
              Re: Benchmark not working...

              This is the same error I'm getting.

              XFX 5850

              I finished building my PC and installed Win7. Updated both GPU drivers, and DX drivers. Everything is updated. I still get this error.

              I'm in beta and the game runs great. I just can't get the benchmark to work.


              • #8
                Re: Benchmark not working...

                Originally posted by Cyprius View Post
                This is the same error I'm getting.

                XFX 5850

                I finished building my PC and installed Win7. Updated both GPU drivers, and DX drivers. Everything is updated. I still get this error.

                I'm in beta and the game runs great. I just can't get the benchmark to work.
                Remember, the benchmark is based on Closed Beta (Phase 1) and has not been updated once. There's a very real possibility that installed FFXIV client on your PC may have updated or even changed certain libraries which the benchmark accesses and that can potentially modify your computer to keep it from running the benchmark.

                I believe if you're concerned with performance of you PC and just need some way to benchmark your results you should look at 3D Marks or other services. At least it's reliable and will work. If you guys want a cool program (comes with usual caveat and I am not responsible for damages to your PC for using this software I'm about to mention) then I highly recommend MSI's Afterburner and Kombustor utilites. These are OC and benchmark utilities respectively.

                MSI Afterburner

                It's free to use and supports BOTH ATI and Nvidia cards as well as non-MSI boards but they are not responsible for any potential problems and damages for using their product (nor will I)

                Have fun


                • #9
                  Re: Benchmark not working...

                  What does the afterburner do that you are suggesting we are using that might harm our PC?


                  • #10
                    Re: Benchmark not working...

                    Your graphics card most likely does not support FFXIV, I am getting the same errors as you and my card is not supported.
                    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                    • #11
                      Re: Benchmark not working...

                      Damn... I gotta get a new graphics card then I guess... My PC is only 2 years old though, so it shouldn't have much of an issue.


                      • #12
                        Re: Benchmark not working...

                        It might not be a big issue or it might. Really depends on how the manufacturer built the PC, if there is room in the case (especially some of the newer cards because they are quite large), etc.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • #13
                          Re: Benchmark not working...

                          Yea, that is true. I just gotta figure out what is wrong. I just hope I can play it as it I have preordered it really wanting to play the game...


                          • #14
                            Re: Benchmark not working...

                            Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                            It might not be a big issue or it might. Really depends on how the manufacturer built the PC, if there is room in the case (especially some of the newer cards because they are quite large), etc.
                            TGM is very right ... I barely fit my GTX460 in my Dell computer and that's as small as you'll get for DX11 cards. I know that the 5850 is something like another 1"-2" longer and definitely cannot fit in my case. I had to remove my hard drive to be able to slip the 460 underneath it, that's how crowded it got.

                            Edit: didn't even see this ... sorry.

                            Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                            What does the afterburner do that you are suggesting we are using that might harm our PC?
                            Afterburner comes with Kombuster that benchmarks your GPU. Two valuable things come out of this particular benchmark:

                            1. You can adjust the settings and length of benchmark and everything else to stress test your GPU. Very useful if you want to see what kind of temperatures your GPU can handle and where it will "crack" under stress.

                            2. You can also use the benchmark to gauge performance utilizing the different Direct X version. A lot of people tell me that such and such game runs this way and another runs that way and wonder why and sometimes it could just very well be that the two games are running off two different DirectX versions.

                            Afterburner is an overclock utility and this can be useful if you want to underclock your GPU to keep the heat down if you have a very good card but notice a game is killing your GPU. At least in theory it should work, but I only have anecdotal evidence on forums to go by.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Aeni; 09-10-2010, 08:09 PM.

