What is the range of mob aggro and when do they aggro? I was running around in The Black Shroud, heading due west to the next camp and ran past several Dreadwolves and didn't notice anything. Kept running past crabs, puks and shrooms ... before I got to a section after a really, really long narrow corridor, and not encountering any Dreadwolf for a good couple of minutes, I noticed something on the minimap was coming after me ... REALLY FAST.
Next thing I know, I'm getting mauled by a Dreadwolf that's still at least a good 100 feet behind me, hitting me for around 600 or so and nailing me for good on the second hit. Mind you, I never stopped running all that time.
I don't know if that was a freak incident or just bad server lag and Dreadwolves ARE suppose to aggro you. Annoying as hell because my spawn point was halfway around the world (after teleporting to Gridania) with only one anima point to my name
Next thing I know, I'm getting mauled by a Dreadwolf that's still at least a good 100 feet behind me, hitting me for around 600 or so and nailing me for good on the second hit. Mind you, I never stopped running all that time.
I don't know if that was a freak incident or just bad server lag and Dreadwolves ARE suppose to aggro you. Annoying as hell because my spawn point was halfway around the world (after teleporting to Gridania) with only one anima point to my name
