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Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

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  • #16
    Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

    So again.. Since this is Open Beta, we don't need a key.. Right?


    • #17
      Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

      maybe a couple of keyboard keys can help, mew.


      • #18
        Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

        The "Open" Beta is only available to those that are in the Beta right now. As more servers go online more people will be allowed in. Expect a register button to light up on the beta page tomorrow when the servers first start to go live, probably by the start of the following week there will be many keys given out. But only if you register, it is still a beta and you will still be expected to fill out a questionaire or two before it goes live(as in released).

        ---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

        also that video is disturbing and exactly why SE is limiting EXP time =D

        sig courtesy tgm
        retired -08


        • #19
          Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

          Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
          Maybe people are getting a little impatient to start playing the open beta already, mew?
          More like we just know how slow SE's downloads and patches are and just want to get a head start so come Tuesday/Wednesday we don't start the dl and then have to wait a day to start


          • #20
            Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

            Originally posted by Cyprius View Post
            So again.. Since this is Open Beta, we don't need a key.. Right?
            Wrong, you still need a key. I know it's confusing because they're calling it an "Open" Beta, i.e. Public but this isn't the case sorry. People who were in Phase 3 will be issued new keys.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

              It's 26 hours to completion on just the client itself (for those of you who downloaded the installation file from fileplanet linked above) After that you'll still have to download the patch which is another 1-2gb ... it'll get even slower tomorrow unless SE has a direct download for the client (but leaving the patch to the torrents) Doesn't matter to me, I wasn't planning on playing this game until the weekend

              Also, getting into the beta at this point is probably important if you want to reserve commonly used names. Having both first and family name helps but I think some of you are going to find reserving a bit better than leaving it to chance that someone on the other side of the earth is thinking exactly what you're thinking. So scary.

              ---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

              Ugh ... what is up with this horrible torrent system. I'm contributing with 40KBps uploads and in return I only get 18 back? WTF?


              • #22
                Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                its not "being" impatient... its "being" worried. they say open beta is ready, and they even say you can download it... but then only closed beta testers can download it...

                why call it open beta? <.<
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #23
                  Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                  Just because registration isn't open yet, it doesn't mean it won't be.

                  They're making changes to their accounts system at the same time the open beta is released. There's a good chance that that is when the registration for open beta will open and new keys are issued.


                  • #24
                    Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                    Originally posted by Kafeen View Post
                    They're making changes to their accounts system at the same time the open beta is released. There's a good chance that that is when the registration for open beta will open and new keys are issued.
                    The changes won't go into effect until Sept 22, 2010 ... that's the official word. So this has nothing to do with that.

                    I got a little better success with throwing the tracker into utorrent instead of having the patch download through FF14 client. (Swings wildly between 170 KB/s to 50 KB/s, but better than that crappy 26 KB/s - Just so you know, my internet upper limit is at 350 KB/s or thereabouts and I have no clue how other people are making claims of hitting 400 KB/s downloads ...)

                    C:\Users\(user)\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\d96437e6\metainfo\H2010.08.30.2000.torrent (4.7GB)
                    C:\Users\(user)\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\bca2a8ae\metainfo\D2010.08.27.2001.torrent (5MB)
                    C:\Users\(user)\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version\downloads\ffxiv-beta\bca2a8ae\metainfo\H2010.08.04.2000.torrent (5MB)

                    These are the three trackers I know about. Bear in mind that I'm not a closed beta tester who is only downloading the smaller 1.6 (1.7?) GB patch file. Also note that you will not gain the tracker for the other update until you have brought your client up to speed with the closed beta testers.
                    Last edited by Aeni; 08-30-2010, 11:48 PM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                      Originally posted by Kafeen View Post
                      Just because registration isn't open yet, it doesn't mean it won't be.

                      They're making changes to their accounts system at the same time the open beta is released. There's a good chance that that is when the registration for open beta will open and new keys are issued.
                      the lack of information they divulge hurts them more than they seem to be aware of
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • #26
                        Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                        Yepppp... Same installer that fileplanet has: FINAL FANTASY XIV


                        In preparation for the official release of FINAL FANTASY XIV on September 30, 2010 and the early release on September 22, we will be starting an open beta test to help put the finishing touches on the game. We ask that all users who can participate in the open beta test apply from the following website.

                        1.Access the following URL.
                        * The page will become accessible starting at 19:00 on Aug. 31, 2010.

                        2.Log in with your Square Enix account and have a registration code issued.
                        * Depending on the access status, we may temporarily suspend the issuance of registration code. If you cannot have registration code issued, we ask that you please wait a little while before trying again.

                        3.Register the registration code you received by e-mail on the Square Enix Account Management System.
                        Click "Select Service" from "Services and Options" on the left menu. Select "FINAL FANTASY XIV" from the services available and then "Add a service account." Enter the registration code you've been issued and proceed to the end of registration.

                        The Square Enix Account Management System:

                        - Client Software Used in the Open Beta Test
                        The installer for the open beta test’s client software can be downloaded from the following website.

                        *If you have already downloaded the client software for the closed beta test, there is no need to download the installer.

                        - Transferring your Character Name from the Open Beta Test to the Commercial Release
                        As long as the World you choose in the commercial release is the same as the World you chose in the open beta test, you will be able to transfer your character name. If you choose a different World for the commercial release, your character name will not be transferrable. For details, please refer to the beta test site.

                        - To PlayStation 3 Version Applicants:
                        This test phase will deal only with the Windows version of the software. Details regarding the test schedule for the PlayStation 3 version will be released by e-mail at a later date. If possible, we still ask and encourage you to take part in the testing on a Windows PC.

                        - Note:
                        ・The open beta test is being conducted on the Windows version of the game only.
                        ・Latest news and notifications will be periodically posted on the forums of the tester site.
                        ・The game to be tested is under development, and may differ from the commercial release.
                        ・Please direct all inquiries regarding FINAL FANTASY XIV to the Square Enix Support Center ( ).


                        • #27
                          Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                          Installed it. Jjust crashes upon opening. My GPU is a radeon x1950 so I guess it doesn't even support downloading of the actual game. How about that :D

                          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                          • #28
                            Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                            You have to update your ATI drivers to the newest. It's an issue with ATI cards, it seems.


                            • #29
                              Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                              Originally posted by Etra View Post
                              In preparation for the official release of FINAL FANTASY XIV on September 30, 2010 and the early release on September 22, we will be starting an open beta test to help put the finishing touches on the game. We ask that all users who can participate in the open beta test apply from the following website.

                              1.Access the following URL.
                              FINAL FANTASY XIV
                              * The page will become accessible starting at 19:00 on Aug. 31, 2010.
                              First question when you enter that page:

                              My region (Taiwan) is not on there.... what to do? what to do? Should I risk the NA version?
                              Last edited by Bricklayer; 08-31-2010, 12:56 AM.
                              Character: Bricklayer
                              Server: Ramuh
                              31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


                              • #30
                                Re: Open Beta Download Now Avaialble

                                Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                                The changes won't go into effect until Sept 22, 2010 ... that's the official word. So this has nothing to do with that.
                                I thought the official word was:

                                Dear members,

                                We are shifting to new internal systems and services that require all of our customers to properly identify their current residence in order to access our new products and services.

                                One consequence of this is that members residing outside of the supported territory (United States and Canada) will not be able to access their existing North America SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS accounts, including MEMBERS Points, after August 31, 2010, 2 a.m. PDT. New accounts may be available in your proper territory. We apologize for any inconvenience.

                                To find out more about this change, please visit the following web page:

                                If you have questions after reviewing this page, please contact our Support Center at:
                                SQUARE ENIX Support Center

                                SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS Team
                                I just got the same e-mail Etra, except mine had UK times on:

                                The page will become accessible starting at 2:00 on Sep. 1, 2010.
                                So the registration is openning then like I said.

