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Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

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  • #61
    Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

    SE cannot just settle for the current market system

    I read somewhere an AH would come at a later time
    I'm also pretty sure you'll have more ways to do business, let's just wait and see, worrying is pointless?

    Tanaka seems to be pissed at the fact that people have been speculating apparently "without basis" about surplus... so lets see what they have in store for us about that. Limiting play-time like that is NOT what anyone is expecting from a pay-per-play game, thats the shit they force us on free games so we have to pay instead
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #62
      Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

      You should see the European beta forum feedback section for the Battle System, it is flooded with reply after reply of "No To Surplus EXP" and some of them aren't very polite either. Admittidley the thread does contain other feedback other than the surplus issue it is still 57 pages long and getting longer all the time.

      Sadly Square Enix have nobody to blame but themselves. They deliberatly withheld this information from the testers and given the large scope and potentially devestating impact on long term revenue of this system if implemented badly I think this scale of response is appropriate and should be encouraged. I would be more worried if the testers weren't going ape about it and giving SE this very strong and hopefully overwhelming feedback that it is wrong and needs to be removed complete/redesigned.

      EDIT:: European Beta players have posted reports of Surplus EXP penalty of -30% (no evidence supplied). There are rumours of even higher penalties all the way up to 100% but nobody has stepped forward with evidence of that either.
      Last edited by Dux; 08-25-2010, 05:01 AM. Reason: wordy wordy stuffy stuffy
      - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
      Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
      My Profile On Lodestone


      • #63
        Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

        Originally posted by Dux View Post
        EDIT:: European Beta players have posted reports of Surplus EXP penalty of -30% (no evidence supplied). There are rumours of even higher penalties all the way up to 100% but nobody has stepped forward with evidence of that either.
        That's because there is none...... no one really knows what surplus EXP does, and I found it stupid that some people immediately thought of it as something bad and started bitching about it. The main problem with SE, is they give the majority of their player base to much credit, when it comes to brains.......
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #64
          Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

          Tanaka Tires of "Fatigue" Rumors :: Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) :: ZAM

          Seems Tanaka blames "foreign" publications for the speculation and fabrications about the surplus. Then it goes on to say that the JP population of testers are complaining just as much, trying to figure out how it works. In an interview with one of the developers, they admitted to giving a chance for players without as much time on their hands to "catch up". How else can that be taken? I suppose it could have been lost in translation, but unlikely.

          The saga continues.
          FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
          FFXI: Shiva Server


          • #65
            Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

            Originally posted by Kailea View Post
            no one really knows what surplus EXP does
            Yes thats true and it is possibly a large over-reaction on behalf of the testers in general however I dont feel that Square Enix can absolve themselves of responsibility, Tanaka's frustration is more Square Enix's doing than us Westerners who he seems to be pointing the finger at right now.

            They have deliberatly keep the testers in the dark about something that appears in-game and makes little to no sense at all. They then give it a name with the word Surplus in it which by its very definition implies something not used/left over and then they mention fatigue systems too which has other terrible connotations. You can't leave people in the dark then put two dots on a bit of paper and not expect people to draw a line between them.

            It would help matters if Square Enix stepped forward and told everybody what Surplus isn't, this would at least quell some of the concerns that this is a game breaking mechanic, they really don't want such wild and harmfull PR right now so close to release.
            - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
            Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
            My Profile On Lodestone


            • #66
              Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

              I have zero sympathy for S-E. Their communication with FFXI players has been beyond shit the last seven years I've played and has been equally as terrible during FFXIV beta. While some idiots are prepared to take whatever S-E deigns to give them, more seasoned and level-headed players are backing the fuck off this game now. A bunch of us have already been burned on "the next big MMOâ„¢" turning out to be utter shit, this is giving every sign that it's going to follow suit.


              • #67
                Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                SE cannot just settle for the current market system

                I read somewhere an AH would come at a later time
                I'm also pretty sure you'll have more ways to do business, let's just wait and see, worrying is pointless?

                Tanaka seems to be pissed at the fact that people have been speculating apparently "without basis" about surplus... so lets see what they have in store for us about that. Limiting play-time like that is NOT what anyone is expecting from a pay-per-play game, thats the shit they force us on free games so we have to pay instead
                Didn't SE already confirm they will be adding some sort of AH system post launch once the economies start to form and stabilize so it's easier for players to work with it?

                And from my understanding, the "fatigue" system clocks in when your Class rank starts coming close to surpassing your Character level, and only around certain levels (i.e. it doesn't start getting bad till 20). But when you switch to a different, lower ranked class, that new class gets full Exp while raising your Character level, effectively lowering the "Surplus EXP" from your original class. It seems like it's a system to encourage people to level multiple classes moreso then it is to discourage playing as a whole. And again, we don't know anything about it and most of the complaints are based on rampant, unconfirmed, unchecked speculation.

                I'm not saying SE is completely in the wrong here, but they're not anywhere near as terrible as the article's doom-glooming paints them as. Hell, his comments about XI were overblown and out of proportion so it's easy to assume his comments about XIV hold very little truth to them as well. When this game "launches", there's going to be *tons* of changes based on player feedback (and no matter how hard some people stamp their feet and throw their tantrums to claim otherwise, SE does indeed listen to player feedback), the first three months will be more or less a full game "paid open beta" where SE is working out the bugs, adding new content and re-balancing everything to work better. It's pretty much how XI launched, and how many MMOs start off.

                This game won't really find it's stride until months after launch, by the time the PS3 version rolls around, they'll be playing a much different game.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #68
                  Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                  While some idiots are prepared to take whatever S-E deigns to give them, more seasoned and level-headed players are backing the fuck off this game now.
                  Excuse me while I find a place less populated, so I can laugh loudly and hysterically at the absurdity of this statement. PC gamers are the furthest thing from level-headed.

                  More "seasoned, level-headed" people wouldn't be playing an MMO at all, much less pissing their time away on a forum about one. What does that say about the lot of us?


                  • #69
                    Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Excuse me while I find a place less populated, so I can laugh loudly and hysterically at the absurdity of this statement. PC gamers are the furthest thing from level-headed.

                    More "seasoned, level-headed" people wouldn't be playing an MMO at all, much less pissing their time away on a forum about one. What does that say about the lot of us?
                    It's kind of sad you believe that. You must really have a low opinion of yourself if that's the case.


                    • #70
                      Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                      Speculation is to end shortly. According to one poster on the european beta forum SE made an post about what Surplus actually is in Japanese.

                      As I don't speak Japanese so have no idea if the URLs are legit or not and that I'm now off to the pub to drink beer and shoot some pool I will leave it to people more knowledgable and less drunk than me to look at. Worth remembering this could be one huge "lost in translation" misunderstanding so probably shouldn't draw too many conlusions until an official SE reply is made available in English.

                      Last edited by TheGrandMom; 08-25-2010, 08:18 AM. Reason: tried to fix urls
                      - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
                      Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
                      My Profile On Lodestone


                      • #71
                        Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                        From what I quickly glanced over, they state that FFXIV is for the casual crowd mostly (they do not want the game to be hardcore at all.) Because of this, they added in guild leves to help leveling go faster. In addition, you start up getting 100% exp. However, after 7 hours of playing, you'll slowly approach 0 exp acquisition during that time.

                        In paragraph 6 they say it's on a timer. A one week timer. 「1週間のタイマーを設定しています。」 <-- Exactly what the article says.
                        After that line, I honestly have no idea what they're saying about the timer and it resetting after "growth."

                        Edit: Full translation not by me:
                        Last edited by Etra; 08-25-2010, 09:38 AM.


                        • #72
                          Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                          Originally posted by Etra View Post
                          From what I quickly glanced over, they state that FFXIV is for the casual crowd mostly (they do not want the game to be hardcore at all.) Because of this, they added in guild leves to help leveling go faster. In addition, you start up getting 100% exp. However, after 7 hours of playing, you'll slowly reach about 0.
                          So... It the "surplus exp" starts after 7 hours of game play? Or after 7 hours it gets to 100%?


                          • #73
                            Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                            Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                            So... It the "surplus exp" starts after 7 hours of game play? Or after 7 hours it gets to 100%?
                            They use the word 以降・いこう・ikou ("hereafter" sort of word), so I would assume they mean after the 7 hours of playing you'll slowly start losing exp until it gets to 0% acquisition. It then takes a week to reset, as my edited post reads.

                            However, just remember my Japanese isn't as good as it used to be. I could be reading it entirely wrong. (I don't believe so, though.)


                            • #74
                              Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                              Originally posted by Etra View Post
                              They use the word 以降・いこう・ikou ("hereafter" sort of word), so I would assume they mean after the 7 hours of playing you'll slowly start losing exp until it gets to 0% acquisition. It then takes a week to reset, as my edited post reads.
                              A WEEK!!!! SERIOUSLY SE W...T...F...!!!!!!

                              A week to get rid of surplus exp, that's a little over the top isn't it SE? WTF!?!?!?

                              SE will loose sales over this if they do not fix it...


                              • #75
                                Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                                Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                                A WEEK!!!! SERIOUSLY SE W...T...F...!!!!!!

                                A week to get rid of surplus exp, that's a little over the top isn't it SE? WTF!?!?!?

                                SE will loose sales over this if they do not fix it...
                                Yeah... I really hope I'm just reading that wrong.

                                Although, you have to remember that after the seven hours it days take quite a bit of grinding to reach even a remotely damaging surplus mark. My conjurer got to level 18 (played no other classes) and I hit about a 10% surplus mark. That's not bad at all in the scheme of things. Only thing I'm concerned about is the "growth" (it reads in the article: 成長・せいちょう・seichou) they talk about. I have no idea what they mean by it.

