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Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

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  • #31
    Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

    Originally posted by Gman View Post
    Yup, restricting one player's progress for the sake of another player seems insane to me. If player A wants to spend all day playing, why shouldn't they be able to? How does that take away from player B's enjoyment? They will fix this- no doubt in my mind. They will lose sales over something this stupid.
    In WoW they offer a bonus to casual players on their experience to "help them catch up a little bit" with other players who have more time to play. SE went the opposite way in which they act like your mother who sets a defined limit on your play time.

    "Now, now John, you simply must turn that game off and go fly a kite with your sister Kate!"

    ---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------

    Originally posted by Etra View Post
    This is really just the same as rested exp. Except, it's the opposite way of doing things. While I'm sure surplus exp will be tweaked in the same way rested exp was when it was first added (it was stupid easy to get a full bar of rested exp by just not playing for a few hours), it's really the same concept... just SE's way of doing it puts a negative light on things.
    No, it takes a lot longer now in WoW. To get your full 200% bonus on rested exp in an inn, you need to not be on your toon for several days (i.e., 72 hours I believe) Logging off and logging back on in 8 hours only grants you a fraction of a bar now.


    • #32
      Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

      My 2 cents: Remove fatigue and implement auction house... fixed.


      • #33
        Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

        Originally posted by bikkebakke View Post
        My 2 cents: Remove fatigue and implement auction house... fixed.
        Well and a few other issues it seems, like implementing hardware mouse (this is a big deal, trust me, a fraction of a second may not seem much but then you add the time it goes through your ISP's network into SE's ISP's network into SE's servers and then back to you)

        I've seen myriads of videos now and almost all of them feature lag, lag, lag, lag and it's not from underpowered systems. I see players in party behind a mob and they are actually in front on their screen but to someone else they don't look like they are. If they put in stuff like fuidama ... LOL ... GLHF.


        • #34
          Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

          Added detailed analysis on problems with crafting above. Also forgot to mention that all HQ ingredients do is increase intial durability when starting a synth.
          I also managed to get my Quality over 100 while making some Chalk earlier but I still got the same result of 12 pieces so wtf?

          Oh yeah and who's idea was it to have Macros saved to every character on the account? I can see that being nice for some people but to me it's actually quite annoying, at least for the beta since I have 2 characters.



          • #35
            Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

            I like bazaars much more than auction houses. I like the search and wondering what I'm going to find next.


            • #36
              Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
              I like bazaars much more than auction houses. I like the search and wondering what I'm going to find next.
              I would MUCH rather have both. Auction house so you can go in, look for what you want, grab it, then if you can't, you always have the option to go into bazaars.

              Using an AH is much easier IMO as well.


              • #37
                Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                In WoW they offer a bonus to casual players on their experience to "help them catch up a little bit" with other players who have more time to play. SE went the opposite way in which they act like your mother who sets a defined limit on your play time.

                "Now, now John, you simply must turn that game off and go fly a kite with your sister Kate!"

                ---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 AM ----------

                No, it takes a lot longer now in WoW. To get your full 200% bonus on rested exp in an inn, you need to not be on your toon for several days (i.e., 72 hours I believe) Logging off and logging back on in 8 hours only grants you a fraction of a bar now.
                Way to read what I said. In the original concept of rested exp, it took mere hours. NOW it does take quite a few days. Like I said, it [surplus exp] will probably be tweaked further.

                In the future, please read my posts in full.


                • #38
                  Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                  Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                  No one should be telling someone how long they can play. They are biggie boys/girls and can figure this out for themselves.
                  After the time I played various MMOs, I'm still not sure that's the case unless you quit for good.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-24-2010, 01:21 PM.


                  • #39
                    Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                    I didn't really understand the movement/mouse thing, honestly. I used WASD in WoW and that suited me fine, is it like that?

                    The exp fatigue thing seems a bit dumb to me. That's going to pretty much end the "revolving door" party style that was so popular in FFXI. People will start a party, xp until the fatigue sets in, and end it together. That's a typical JP thing to do, but NA players have always been the type to seek replacements and continue. There were days I would spend xping from the time I got up in the morning until late afternoon.

                    They have to realize that their playerbase is aging. A lot of us were students when XI came out, and we had a bit more time to throw into a game. Now, many of us have jobs, kids, and other time stealers we didn't have back when XI came out. If I'm able to even get a PC to run XIV, I'm probably only going to be able to play on the weekends. You're telling me I can't get up on Saturday morning, lfp, and grind until dinner time? Especially considering I won't have the time to do it all week? That ... is ... ridiculous! It's going to do the exact opposite of what they said it would do. People who can play every day will be spending their "fatigue time" leveling other jobs and becoming more versatile quicker while people who can't will be switching it up against their will and getting nowhere on their main and taking that much longer to progress. It's not going to fix shit. And while I was always jealous of people who got great stuff on their characters, on days I was unable or unwilling to work to get what they had, I realized I had no right to bitch and moan about it. I'm not going to cry about JoePlaysEveryDayForEighteenHours hitting the level cap before me when I know I only have a few hours a week. I'm just going to keep grinding at it when I have the time. It will piss me off if I get into a good leveling groove and I'll have to quit because the xp won't be worthwhile anymore.

                    Yeah, I don't like how it sounds at all.
                    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                    ~I has a blog~~
                    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                    • #40
                      Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                      Square Enix simply responded with "The market wards are a unique and innovative system that we want to keep".
                      I loved this response. Yeah S-E, it was unique back in 1999 when we used to do this in the East Commonlands tunnel and behind the Jade Tiger in Everquest. It was a real blast having to cycle through hundreds of vendors trying to find the best price and equally as fun when you had to try and decide what to competitively sell your items for.


                      • #41
                        Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                        Originally posted by Etra View Post
                        Way to read what I said. In the original concept of rested exp, it took mere hours. NOW it does take quite a few days. Like I said, it [surplus exp] will probably be tweaked further.

                        In the future, please read my posts in full.
                        l2english ... your grammar needs improvement.

                        ---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                        I didn't really understand the movement/mouse thing, honestly. I used WASD in WoW and that suited me fine, is it like that?
                        It doesn't seem to be the case because the author of that op-ed/blog piece said that he has had experience with playing WoW and that the two systems are not the same. He states that most players would let that bit of issue slide in favor of adding hardware mouse interface rather than the software (emulated) that's in place now.

                        ---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

                        Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                        I like bazaars much more than auction houses. I like the search and wondering what I'm going to find next.
                        Not if it's anything like Lower Jeuno 2005. Imagine 500 NPCs stacked on each other in one small area and your top of the line PC refuses to display past the 250th NPC and you're stuck having to remember whose bazaar you visited as you work your way around. I can think of other ways to spend hours of my time.


                        • #42
                          Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                          Are controllers not supported? Thought I saw they were. If so I'd just use a controller to play. I preferred the control in FFXI anyways.


                          • #43
                            Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                            Sounds like Aion's "Energy of Repose" and "Energy of Salvation" where for repose, you fill up a bar that grants you a bonus to your exp for having logged off for a specific amount of time, and salvation is bonus exp granted if you are progressing more slowly than other people of around your level. In this case though, it seems they did a 180 and went the opposite way. Guess we shall see whether or not those $80 were worth it, otherwise I'll go back to Aion and FFXI.
                            Originally posted by Van Wilder
                            Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                            Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                            I'M BACK BABY!


                            • #44
                              Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                              Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                              l2english ... your grammar needs improvement.
                              That's not a very valid argument against what I wrote.

                              I find my grammar to be acceptable enough. While the first part is confusing (I was sleepy when I wrote it), the part regarding rested exp being tweaked further in WoW was perfectly understandable.

                              Originally posted by bikkebakke View Post
                              Are controllers not supported? Thought I saw they were. If so I'd just use a controller to play. I preferred the control in FFXI anyways.
                              They are supported. I use my PS3 controller to play.


                              • #45
                                Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                                Be nice if Sony would release an official driver for the god damn things though instead of having to enable unsigned drivers each and every time I boot up my PC on top of using iffy 3rd party software.

                                Oh I was wrong earlier (slightly); HQ ingredients DO NPC for a bit more, but only on +2/3's not +1 and they do in fact increase base quality when synthing. That said I've landed a few synths with quality over 100 and not seen anything different so I've no clue how the hell you HQ. Phase 3 ends sometime tonight or tomorrow, then it's Open beta early September.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

