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Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

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  • #16
    Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

    I stopped reading when I noticed I was three paragraphs in and he was still rambling on about absolutely nothing.


    • #17
      Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

      Originally posted by Kailea View Post
      level your melee class, then work on gathering some, then crank out a few items....... its not that hard to change it up some.
      There are people who just like to play just one class, and no other. What if they despise the other classes, or want to play just Pugilist for that one day?

      Why punish some one who wants to play just one class?


      • #18
        Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

        Originally posted by Kailea View Post
        this guy is a moron and blowing things WAY out of proportion...... that and SE has even said there are things that still are not implemented in the game.
        Eh I hope so, he talks about a lot of shit that's been bugging me as well but I had no idea it was that bad. I dunno, I just can't see SE honestly being that ignorant.

        I mean there's a lot of bullshit in there on SE's part, and this shit needs to change fast.



        • #19
          Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

          Originally posted by Kailea View Post
          level your melee class, then work on gathering some, then crank out a few items....... its not that hard to change it up some.
          No one should be telling someone how long they can play. They are biggie boys/girls and can figure this out for themselves.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #20
            Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

            Hmmm... Still got no answer for my question... How much is the exp cut by when you get into surplus exp? Is it just ended, or is it cut by 25% or something? If so, then does the damn penalty keep going up the more exp you get?

            I would like some more information about this...


            • #21
              Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

              Limiting the max exp you can grind in a day sounds appealing actually. Sort of a "protect us from ourselves" sort of thing. Might even force some people to be more sociable. I don't know about you guys, but I wish there were a way I could limit people's access to other addictive activities. SE may be shooting themselves in the foot though. If someone reaches their max exp for the day and doesn't feel like doing a quest, mission, etc. they may log off and play another game.
              "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


              • #22
                Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                So with this surplus exp, people who are whining about FFXI being time-consuming, will whine about FFXIV not letting them consume it enough.

                Though the latter actually makes more sense - I'm paying for the damn thing, let me make the full use of it. I don't see it as too much of a bad idea, but if it's true about the limiting being reached in an hour max - that's going to cause some problems.
                Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                Originally posted by Nandito

                You make me want to hurt things.


                • #23
                  Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                  It seems like they're limiting how far you can go with a single job, but your actual level should continue to rise with multiple jobs. Plus, with the ability to equip abilities from other jobs we'll all be leveling multiple jobs anyways. It seems pretty silly, but I can't say until I get in there and play it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                    I find this kinda funny because it is the exact opposite of what they just implemented in FFXI. Abyssea rewards you more for staying long periods of time and killing as fast as possible.
                    Last edited by Cotners; 08-24-2010, 11:05 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                      Meh... surplus doesn't bother me since I don't have that kind of time to grind anymore unless I'm on a vacation then yeah it'll totally suck.

                      Though... you can look at it as limiting your freedom, or just deal with it as a game rule. (in chess a pawn can only go forward, it can't change direction, those who play chess can either complain that the pawn's freedom is limited or just accept that its in the rules of the game and play the game following those rules)

                      Though I'm 99% sure they'll either extend the time you can grind before surplus or remove it completely, either ways it doesn't bother me at all.


                      • #26
                        Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                        Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                        Hmmm... Still got no answer for my question... How much is the exp cut by when you get into surplus exp? Is it just ended, or is it cut by 25% or something? If so, then does the damn penalty keep going up the more exp you get?

                        I would like some more information about this...
                        I saw a surplus of -10% when leveling my Pugilist. I don't know if it will get worse and worse the more you push through the levels though, I never tried.

                        The biggest issue I can see with the surplus feature is when a shell asks one/some of it's members to level a job for the benefit of the shell. I am thinking end game scenarios here which is about 99% of my entire time in this MMO hopefully. The surplus feature will actively work against this.

                        Of course if you never reach end game this isn't a problem.
                        Last edited by Dux; 08-24-2010, 11:15 AM. Reason: added more words to make the sense of the meaning of things
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                        • #27
                          Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                          Originally posted by Dux View Post
                          I saw a surplus of -10% when leveling my Pugilist. I don't know if it will get worse and worse the more you push through the levels though, I never tried.

                          The biggest issue I can see with the surplus feature is when a shell asks one/some of it's members to level a job for the benefit of the shell, the surplus feature will actively work against this.
                          Thank you. That is what I am afraid of. -10% is nothing IMHO, but after a few kills, it could add up and become a pain.

                          I could see some one having an issue trying to level a class fast for their friends/linkshell for some event, and this getting in their way.

                          Why not put in rested exp like WoW did instead of penalize players who play a lot?


                          • #28
                            Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                            Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                            Thank you. That is what I am afraid of. -10% is nothing IMHO, but after a few kills, it could add up and become a pain.

                            I could see some one having an issue trying to level a class fast for their friends/linkshell for some event, and this getting in their way.

                            Why not put in rested exp like WoW did instead of penalize players who play a lot?
                            This is really just the same as rested exp. Except, it's the opposite way of doing things. While I'm sure surplus exp will be tweaked in the same way rested exp was when it was first added (it was stupid easy to get a full bar of rested exp by just not playing for a few hours), it's really the same concept... just SE's way of doing it puts a negative light on things.


                            • #29
                              Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                              Originally posted by Etra View Post
                              This is really just the same as rested exp. Except, it's the opposite way of doing things. While I'm sure surplus exp will be tweaked in the same way rested exp was when it was first added (it was stupid easy to get a full bar of rested exp by just not playing for a few hours), it's really the same concept... just SE's way of doing it puts a negative light on things.
                              It takes 8 hours to get a bar of exp. Takes a week to get a full level of rested exp. Which I think is fairly balanced.

                              But punishing some one for playing the game is the wrong way to go about things. It will make me not want to play. As it is now hearing the way it does it. Hopefully it takes a lot of play time to reach the surplus exp. Hopefully it isn't where you gain a level, then it suddenly becomes surplussed.

                              How long does this "debuff" last for anyways?


                              • #30
                                Re: Amazing recap of the state of FFXIV

                                What the hell are they thinking anyway, putting this in just to limit those who can/want to dedicate more time? I understand the idea of a level playing field but this is going too far. There's a huge difference between giving everyone an equal opportunity and fucking with the rules so the less "advantaged" (for lack of a better term) can keep up.

                                Also, crafting needs major overhauling wtf SE. I thought I would try to get my Archer some better ammo, so I looked up bronze arrows and they're a fairly low level recipe. But when I look at all the components needed, omg... I pretty much have to craft all the ingredients which means raising 4~6 other classes. All for a rank 0 recipe! And of course that means I have to have the gear for those classes which further eats into my inventory...

                                Yeah this is not cool SE. I shouldn't have to multi-class like this for such a low level synth. Furthermore, do away with shards entirely please. You got it right in XI with crystals and signet/sanction/sigil to aid in acquiring them. It's much easier having just one catalyst instead of 3 to work with (I'm assuming clusters will function just like shards, but will be used for high level synths)

                                EDIT: Okay just to be specific here;

                                Bronze Arrow Bronze Arrowheads x1, Cock Fletchings x1, Cedar Arrow Shafts x1, Animal Glue x1, Hempen Yarn x1 0

                                The glue and the yarn I can buy from NPC for 95 and 7 gil each which isn't too bad, but since the whole point of this is to keep my costs low then I should likely make my own glue;

                                Animal Glue x24 Sheep Leather Spetch x1, Bone Chip x1, Muddy Water x1, Water Shard x2, Fire Shard x2 (requires Chemicking Training) 0

                                The spetch is like 3 gil so np, chips require mining, water is 5 gil and mining should get me shards. Okay not so bad but that's one more job I need to gear and level.

                                I also need Botanist now for the Cedar Arrow shafts. I could also go collecting moko grass (or farm rats all day) to make the yarn but for 7 gil why bother.

                                The fletchings require I level Weaver now as well, so that's 2 more inventory slots and I'm not even sure what drops those feathers (probably Dodos but they still con IT to me at physical rank 13 wtf) or if I can buy them.

                                Lastly we have; Bronze Arrowheads Bronze Nugget x2, Wind Shard x6, Fire Shard x2 1

                                Those nuggets are about 65 gil each IIRC or I can level goldmisthing to make them which I wouldn't mind if I didn't need freaking Fire crystals which are hard to come by (and it's only a rank 3 synth...)

                                Now, I haven't even seen the stats on these arrows nor do I know how many I'll get per synth, but god damn it that's a lot of work for such a low level synth.
                                Last edited by Malacite; 08-24-2010, 12:33 PM.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

