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  • Beta Giveaway

    As some of you already knew had a contest to give away some beta keys last week. The last batch of keys set to be sent out on 08-16-2010 were delayed... causing everyone a great deal of anguish as those of us who waited to get a key had to camp by our PCs for an exorbitant amount of hours.

    I am proud to say that after camping by my computer for days the keys were finally released today and I got one! =D

    Now the question is – was it worth the $15.95 in subscription fees and hours of camping to get a closed beta key two - three weeks before the open beta goes live? LOL

    Before Kailea jumps on me for posting a "oh look how cool I am" post again - let me get to my point:

    Did anyone else sign up for fileplanet for this purpose? Did you get a key? If not, are you going to demand a refund? Honestly I got a key and am thinking of trying to get a refund for the hassle. Also if you check their twitter FP put out some pretty unprofessional and rude messages to angry patrons of their site... ( (FilePlanet) on Twitter)

    Anyhoo... Thoughts?


  • #2
    Re: Beta Giveaway

    I was extremely irritated with the way FilePlanet gave away these codes. I did not subscribe just to get one, I have a lifetime subscription. It was a royal pain in the ass to get them but yes I finally got a couple codes. (I have access to more than one account.) I have already sent them an email expressing my concerns and suggestions.
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #3
      Re: Beta Giveaway

      TGM - this was also my second key. I've been in closed testing since Alpha 11...

      I have to be honest though. I cancelled my order of two collector's editions yesterday. (One for me - one for my BF.)

      The game is far too buggy, laggy, slow paced and just a GUI burden to be enjoyable. They have built the GUI around the controller concept, despite betraying the console players by releasing it for them 6 months later... what exactly is their priority here?

      Fatigue system? Seriously? Egalitarian GAMING? Please. ><;; Its bad enough the people in my neighborhood get government section 8 assistance to live month to month when I have to bust ass to make ends meet myself... Now MMORPG developers are gonna hold the hands of "disadvantaged" players who don't have enough time to play videogames? This is absurdity.

      I cancelled my pre-order hastily after it was clearly noted that this would not be changing in live release as this is part of Square Enix's "vision" for the game.

      I say they need to get an eye exam and quick.



      • #4
        Re: Beta Giveaway

        Originally posted by Aedan View Post
        TGM - this was also my second key. I've been in closed testing since Alpha 11...

        I have to be honest though. I cancelled my order of two collector's editions yesterday. (One for me - one for my BF.)

        The game is far too buggy, laggy, slow paced and just a GUI burden to be enjoyable. They have built the GUI around the controller concept, despite betraying the console players by releasing it for them 6 months later... what exactly is their priority here?

        Fatigue system? Seriously? Egalitarian GAMING? Please. ><;; Its bad enough the people in my neighborhood get government section 8 assistance to live month to month when I have to bust ass to make ends meet myself... Now MMORPG developers are gonna hold the hands of "disadvantaged" players who don't have enough time to play videogames? This is absurdity.

        I cancelled my pre-order hastily after it was clearly noted that this would not be changing in live release as this is part of Square Enix's "vision" for the game.

        I say they need to get an eye exam and quick.


        soooooo you based your opinion on an unfinished product, and canceled your orders?.... nice

        and on a side note, its not a Fatigue system, if people would listen they would understand by now *shrugs* but what ever.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #5
          Re: Beta Giveaway

          On another side note, 2 codes each well some of us haven't even got one, thats some fucking bullshit right there.

          sig courtesy tgm
          retired -08


          • #6
            Re: Beta Giveaway

            I've made a determination off of playing a beta whether I wanted to play retail, nothing wrong with that. I believe his decision is more about SE going back to their same antics and less about the actual game.

            As for multiple keys, if they are publicly out there to be had, to the victor go the spoils. I had 5 keys in the end and no I didn't sell any. I gave them out to my friends.
            Originally posted by Feba
            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
            Originally posted by Taskmage
            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
            Originally posted by DakAttack
            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


            • #7
              Re: Beta Giveaway

              Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
              I believe his decision is more about SE going back to their same antics and less about the actual game.
              ok well I can kind of see that, I guess I just have more of an open mind or something. I never take a beta of any type as the final form of a game, and always expect there to be a big jump to retail. I will agree about the company thing though..... hell its why I don't play Phantasy Star Universe, I love the hell out of the game, but the support for it is horrible.
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #8
                Re: Beta Giveaway

                Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                soooooo you based your opinion on an unfinished product, and canceled your orders?.... nice

                and on a side note, its not a Fatigue system, if people would listen they would understand by now *shrugs* but what ever.
                So "fatigue system" let me see if I understand most of this-

                8 hours per week of grinding allotted per "job". You can then continue to grind post those 8 hours for 7 more hours until you will gain no xp AKA 15 hours per week maximum leveling per job - 7 of which are gimped xp (diminishing returns).

                After that change jobs to keep playing.

                What if I like to play casters and the paltry offering served up her by SE is lame? 2? Seriously. 2 caster classes... Epic.

                So I can play a max of 16 hours per week at full efficacy but if I really wanna I can play an additional 14 hours with diminished xp...

                All in the name of EGALITARIAN BULLSH*T.

                The director himself has said the reason for this is to prevent people with a lot of free time from having an "advantage" over other players. What advantage is there to be had? "OMG I HIT lvl cap first!" I can really see how your personal achievement hurts me as a player... wait what? How about we thank higher level players for auctioning all those lower level items they didnt need/want so I could more effectively level! Are people dumb?

                I play these games for community. For fun. And I play them a lot. I don't want the creators to shut me down just because they are afraid my sword of ownage +5 that I got from camping rare spawns all day is going to make them feel inferior. WHO CARES!?!?

                People who played FF 11 are expecting a "hardcore" MMO experience that caters to the single player experience a bit more than FF11 did (no soloing. lol)... Nothing is really hardcore about playing 2 hours a day 4 times a week and then capping out "max efficacy" xp grinding time on your job.

                This whole thing is silly.

                About the game being finished too Kailea. MMOs are really never finished. They just stop making content when people stop paying. Thats how it goes.

                I would in the very least expect SE to have some common sense with the GUI and menus at launch though. WHat they have in game now makes FF 11 seem awesome! (Which was also unwieldy and cumbersome)

                TGM - Yes I am sick of SE escapades where they wow us with fantastic graphics and seemingly fun gameplay... only to ruin it with socialist garbage that limits what I can achieve as a player in game. If I wanna play 8 hours as a gladiator- whatever. My subscription fee. My body. My life.

                This is sad. It sickens me. And it is a dangerous first step toward the gaming companies and the government being able to limit what you do even in "fake" life now.


                Sorry for the tirade. I just- this is insane and people need to realize it. Before you know it SE is going to take a pool of all players gil everday and divide it evenly so that no player has an advantage over the other...

                Random loot drops? Those are out as they provide an unfair advantage to certain players.

                Crafting procs? Out too. Too many hurt souls looking at my gladius +1.

                Refute this. I dare you. Regardless of how the system is implemented the GOAL of SE is clear.

                EVEN STEVENS~~~! hahahah! /gigglesandrunsoffintoafield


                • #9
                  Re: Beta Giveaway

                  Where did the term "fatigue system" come from? I have read plenty of interviews and have yet to see this term...


                  • #10
                    Re: Beta Giveaway

                    Originally posted by Aedan View Post
                    So "fatigue system" let me see if I understand most of this-

                    8 hours per week of grinding allotted per "job". You can then continue to grind post those 8 hours for 7 more hours until you will gain no xp AKA 15 hours per week maximum leveling per job - 7 of which are gimped xp (diminishing returns).

                    And no, I'm not explaining, because the multitude of interviews and letters from the director explain it well enough. Not to mention, you copied and pasted your entire post from the other thread.
                    Last edited by Etra; 08-30-2010, 02:02 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Beta Giveaway

                      Originally posted by bikkebakke View Post
                      Where did the term "fatigue system" come from? I have read plenty of interviews and have yet to see this term...
                      "That seems to be exactly what the Final Fantasy XIV game mechanic is doing. Komoto's message begins with an explanation of why this system is in place.

                      First off, the main concept behind FFXIV is allowing those players with little time on their hands to play effectively, and game balance is based off of that. Furthermore, it is being designed to not give those with more time on their hands to play an unfair advantage. Because of that, systems such as Guardian's Favor (a bonus to Guildleves) have been implemented to make leveling in the short-term easier than leveling in the long-term.

                      He says to think of the experience limiting system as a counterpart to real-world fatigue. "No one could train ad nauseam in the real world with no ill effects." That's true, of course, but we don't play MMO games to be burdened with real-world limitations, now do we?

                      This was taken from Kotaku and could be the reason.
                      Originally posted by Feba
                      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                      Originally posted by DakAttack
                      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                      • #12
                        Re: Beta Giveaway

                        Thanks TGM, I guess through my scanning of interviews again I was just looking for that term to pop up.


                        • #13
                          Re: Beta Giveaway

                          Originally posted by Aedan View Post
                          o "fatigue system" let me see if I understand most of this-

                          8 hours per week of grinding allotted per "job". You can then continue to grind post those 8 hours for 7 more hours until you will gain no xp AKA 15 hours per week maximum leveling per job - 7 of which are gimped xp (diminishing returns).

                          After that change jobs to keep playing.

                          What if I like to play casters and the paltry offering served up her by SE is lame? 2? Seriously. 2 caster classes... Epic.

                          So I can play a max of 16 hours per week at full efficacy but if I really wanna I can play an additional 14 hours with diminished xp...

                          All in the name of EGALITARIAN BULLSH*T.
                          incorrect, I don't feel like going through the whole explanation, as someone else said it has been stated so many times.....
                          but your main mistake is that its not really counted by hours, that was the first translation error. It is a set amount of EXP calculated by SE that they think you would get in a normal party in an hour, so its 8 hours of EXP, not 8 hours. Then to extend that time even further, your not going to be getting EXP continuously, and every second your not gaining EXP your getting your surplus back down down.

                          Originally posted by Aedan View Post
                          About the game being finished too Kailea. MMOs are really never finished. They just stop making content when people stop paying.
                          I have played MMORPGs for a long time now, I know this.......
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

