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So, what are your plans?

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  • So, what are your plans?

    I'm bored at work... just wanna see what will you kids do when FFXIV is out.

    Mine is to take a week or 2 off work once my game travel the world to get to me so it'll be 3-4 days after CE release and once I have it'll nerd out with FFXIV, pizza, energy drinks and maybe tea.

    Going to play as many melee jobs as I can to mutate my gladiator into something horrible and get armorer up to keep my junk in a usable condition.

    once that is over and I'm back to work I guess I'll be playing like a normal human being from 3pm to midnight for the first few months then just lower that time so I can have a life, but in general I'm not aiming to be a leet pro HNM man, maybe just the tough guy of a low/mid level linkshell. (those are the levels where people play for fun and have entertaining adventures before the MMO turns to a job at endgame) and maybe dip into end game every once in a while so I won't feel inferior to other people of my level.

    Unlike FFXI, I intend to play the game, not live it.

    so, what are YOUR plans?

  • #2
    Re: So, what are your plans?

    My plan is to see if they come up with solutions to the obvious problems the game's fundamental design presents and if they don't, I guess I won't be playing.


    • #3
      Re: So, what are your plans?

      Originally posted by Freelancer View Post
      I'm bored at work... just wanna see what will you kids do when FFXIV is out.

      Mine is to take a week or 2 off work once my game travel the world to get to me so it'll be 3-4 days after CE release and once I have it'll nerd out with FFXIV, pizza, energy drinks and maybe tea.

      Going to play as many melee jobs as I can to mutate my gladiator into something horrible and get armorer up to keep my junk in a usable condition.

      once that is over and I'm back to work I guess I'll be playing like a normal human being from 3pm to midnight for the first few months then just lower that time so I can have a life, but in general I'm not aiming to be a leet pro HNM man, maybe just the tough guy of a low/mid level linkshell. (those are the levels where people play for fun and have entertaining adventures before the MMO turns to a job at endgame) and maybe dip into end game every once in a while so I won't feel inferior to other people of my level.

      Unlike FFXI, I intend to play the game, not live it.

      so, what are YOUR plans?
      So you plan to forsake your job for two weeks to play a game, but you're not going to "live" in the game. Sounds like you already are. Two days I might understand, but two weeks is neglectful, doesn't sound like you should be playing this at all if you're going to treat your job like its disposable.

      Unless you're temping or something, by which case you're disposable regardless.

      If and when I do start playing - Carpenter, Blacksmith, Archer. That's about it so far.

      I'm not terribly sold on the melee jobs yet, they sound awfully similar to those in FFXI.


      • #4
        Re: So, what are your plans?

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Two days I might understand, but two weeks is neglectful, doesn't sound like you should be playing this at all if you're going to treat your job like its disposable.
        You do realize some people actually have that much vacation time, right?

        My plan is to continue life as usual, wait a month, laugh at everyone complaining about how terrible it is.


        • #5
          Re: So, what are your plans?

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          You do realize some people actually have that much vacation time, right?

          My plan is to continue life as usual, wait a month, laugh at everyone complaining about how terrible it is.
          Yeah first month is going to blow, not really from the game itself, but from people bitching -.-

          I myself am just going to craft my little tail off, and sell things to people, I will level Lancer and Conjurer later.
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #6
            Re: So, what are your plans?

            You first 2 weeks will probably be full of server crashes, downtime and a lot of emergancy bug fixes... Might as well just go to work and safe your 2 weeks vacation for when the server is stable.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              Re: So, what are your plans?

              Originally posted by Jei View Post
              You first 2 weeks will probably be full of server crashes, downtime and a lot of emergancy bug fixes... Might as well just go to work and safe your 2 weeks vacation for when the server is stable.
              I laughed at every single person that did that on Star Trek Online, then complained because they wasted their off time ;p
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #8
                Re: So, what are your plans?

                I will be vigorously ignoring it until the PS3 release. Hopefully by then there will be something resembling a knowledge base so I can make a more informed decision about whether or not it's worth upgrading my PC to play. More than likely I'll just stick with FFXI though.
                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                Name: Drjones
                Blog: Mediocre Mage


                • #9
                  Re: So, what are your plans?

                  I'll probably start playing on day 1, but I don't plan on taking time off or anything. Even if the game is really buggy and crashy on launch(which is almost a guarantee) I still think it would be worth playing. I also tend to level really slowly, so maybe by starting at launch I will be able to keep some pace with those who start later but grind like crazy.
                  Originally posted by Ellipses
                  Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                  Originally posted by MCLV
                  A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                  More Sig:


                  • #10
                    Re: So, what are your plans?

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    You do realize some people actually have that much vacation time, right?

                    My plan is to continue life as usual, wait a month, laugh at everyone complaining about how terrible it is.
                    Look at what you just said. Look at what others are saying.

                    If you're jumping in expecting a highly-polished game on day one or even the first few weeks, you're just wasting your time. MMOs always have problems at launch. Sever crashes, bugs that made it past the beta test - this stuff is going to take weeks or months to sort our

                    Hell, a good portion of day one is going to be mostly installing the game and downloading the patches.

                    Its his vacation to blow, but most people would use it to extend weekends, holidays or take a sick day.


                    • #11
                      Re: So, what are your plans?

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Its his vacation to blow, but most people would use it to extend weekends, holidays or take a sick day.
                      Most people use sick days to take a sick day.

                      Different people spend vacations in different ways. I know people who take vacation days and use the time to clean their house. I've known people who pulled their kids out of school in the middle of the term so they could go on vacation, instead of doing everything on summer break.

                      Is FFXIV release how I'd spend vacation time? Haha! Of course not. But there's plenty out there I would do that others wouldn't.


                      • #12
                        Re: So, what are your plans?

                        If I had 5 weeks of vacation, I would take a week off for a game I was looking forward to. As of now the most vacation time we can get at my work is 9 weeks. I have 2 right now, and will have a 3rd week added in 2012. I can't wait for then, I'll have 3 days weekends every other weekend!


                        • #13
                          Re: So, what are your plans?

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          Most people use sick days to take a sick day.
                          Not every job allots vacation and sick days as two different things. Some places (shrewdly) give vacation days and that's it. If I'm sick, I have to use them or I'm counted absent. If I'm sick before I've accrued any? Tough shit.

                          Different workplaces operate in different ways. That said, many of them treat you like you're still in high school and just expect you to be there.

                          Different people spend vacations in different ways.
                          Which is why I said, "Its his vacation to blow."


                          • #14
                            Re: So, what are your plans?

                            Originally posted by Jei View Post
                            You first 2 weeks will probably be full of server crashes, downtime and a lot of emergancy bug fixes... Might as well just go to work and safe your 2 weeks vacation for when the server is stable.
                            I kinda have 86 days paid vacation (and 5 sick days!), well its a month a year but it adds up if you don't use it (to 99 then they ask you to use it because it won't increase and you'll be wasting the incoming days that were supposed to be added) and I didn't take any real off time in around 3 years so I'm golden. and yep, gonna waste a few weeks of it on the game so I won't be craving it later when I get back to work., and if I'm not satisfied either wish crashes or so on, I can take a couple of weeks more, and I'll still have over 2 months(well weekends don't count into the off time, so if I take 2 weeks I'm giving up 10 not 14 days, and we're still in august so I'll build up maybe 12 more days to add to my score by the end of the year) I can waste on holidays, so maybe from where I stand, wasting off-days on a game is nothing but to others with fewer off-days seems disastrous.

                            Worst case scenario is that the game completely fails and I can just go back to work and get a "refund" on the days I didn't use, or actually take a vacation.

                            Is my job disposable? surely not, and I doubt anybody would disagree after reading the above, and with human resources division already asking me to stop hording off-days and take some time off, I'd be taking it anyway.

                            Though its awesome how thread went from what will you do in game to "Sick days for dummies".


                            ---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

                            I'm seeing a trend with people wanting to start out as Crafters, I might just go with a gathering job to cash in on the initial wave of crafters leveling up then craft myself when when the 1st batch of crafters moves up in levels and low level materials become dirt cheap.

                            Still leaning toward mining/smithing like I did in FFXI, and hovering over Gladiator and Pugilist, the rest just don't interest me, though I'l have to level them anyway to get abilities, that's SE's new time sink.

                            ---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            So you plan to forsake your job for two weeks to play a game, but you're not going to "live" in the game. Sounds like you already are. Two days I might understand, but two weeks is neglectful, doesn't sound like you should be playing this at all if you're going to treat your job like its disposable.

                            Unless you're temping or something, by which case you're disposable regardless.

                            If and when I do start playing - Carpenter, Blacksmith, Archer. That's about it so far.

                            I'm not terribly sold on the melee jobs yet, they sound awfully similar to those in FFXI.
                            I see some imbalance with how to be a good melee you need to level like 5 jobs but to be a good mage you just need to level 2.

                            Though I'm pretty sure we'll see people trying to recreate FFXI jobs, I tried making a PLD myself and I have to say it worked very well.

                            GLD with Haymaker, Phalanx, Second wind, Bloodbath, w/e it was called dread spikes for lancer, a few WSs and buffs like Defender and Rampart and then Cure (did 68 every time) and stoneskin, and had a Ghetto PLD/RDM.

                            Though some abilities like Second wind and Bloodbath will totally be cookie cutter and you'll be expected to have it.


                            • #15
                              Re: So, what are your plans?

                              You ever see the Dilbert episode where he crushes Wally's dreams of early retirement by informing him sick days don't accumulate and that you can't actually trade them? lmao it's epic...

                              Anyway I'm with Kailea, gonna whore the Land & Hand classes, but also try some Archer & Lancer on the side (need money/resources for crafting and besides, it's dull not fighting ANY monsters...)

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

