[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGKVm6J8Ijg"]YouTube- FFXIV Levequest - Herbicide[/nomedia]
Oh wow I wonder why didn't choose the legion (5 stars) option? Maybe either the Dodos get NM-quality HP and power levels,
or maybe there will be an army of dodos for a legion of players to fight?
Hmmm I guess band = 3 players. party = 6 players, and stuff like that, mew.
Oh wow I wonder why didn't choose the legion (5 stars) option? Maybe either the Dodos get NM-quality HP and power levels,
or maybe there will be an army of dodos for a legion of players to fight?
Hmmm I guess band = 3 players. party = 6 players, and stuff like that, mew.