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PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

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  • #91
    Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

    Originally posted by Feba View Post
    Considering they wouldn't know? Sure.

    And honestly, would people complain? Yes. Would they be a valid complaint, if it meant a company actually sticking to its promises on unified releases? No.

    Except protecting their subscriber base. Honestly, most people complaining will still probably buy FF14 right away. They may even buy a computer just for it. I'm not saying it's a bad business move, I'm just saying it's a very very dick move. Dick moves are often best for business, doesn't make them any less dick moves.
    And delaying for 100% of players rather than just those who were planning on getting the PS3 version rather than the PC version is less of a dick move? Personally I'd see needlessly delaying the PC release by another 6 months as a much worse deal for the players.

    Originally posted by Ziero View Post
    Actually no, it won't. Most of the Japanese player base still use the PS2, many of the NA players actually use the Xbox version as well. Hell, Sony themselves was pushing this damn game at their E3 conference. With how much easier it is nowadays to play console games online while downloading large quantities of content into built in HDDs, the PS3 version would have been the simplest and most efficient way for the vast majority of the player base to play this game in a high quality format. If XIV was only on PC, it wouldn't see half as much interest as it currently enjoys as it's more then likely most people who pick up this game on a whim will do so on the PS3.

    For most people, ease of use > super advanced super graphics. And buying and playing a game on consoles is always so much easier then playing them on a PC.
    I don't see what the XBox and PS2 have to do with my statement, nor did I say that most of those PC players are going to running a shit hot gaming machine with some super high res display and 4x AA at 60 FPS. My point is there are a lot more PC users than PS3 users, most of those are going to be able to run the game in some respect even if they aren't all kicking out 5000+ on the benchmark, most people should at least meet the minimum requirements. Focussing more on a single platform is also likely to help optimise for lower spec machines.

    I'd have trouble running FFXIV on my PC at the moment myself so I was planning on getting the PS3 version. That doesn't mean I'd want to unnecessarily delay the release of the game.

    Either upgrade your PC if you need to and are willing to if you want to play early or wait until the release of the PS3 version like you'd have to anyway. Why wish unnecessary delays on other players?


    • #92
      Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

      Originally posted by Kailea View Post
      Looking at it from SE's end, I would not be placing my full trust in someone who screwed me royally once already (PS2 HDD Sony fail)
      SE more then already got their payback for that little incident when they made XIII multi-platform.

      Originally posted by Kafeen View Post
      I don't see what the XBox and PS2 have to do with my statement, nor did I say that most of those PC players are going to running a shit hot gaming machine with some super high res display and 4x AA at 60 FPS. My point is there are a lot more PC users than PS3 users, most of those are going to be able to run the game in some respect even if they aren't all kicking out 5000+ on the benchmark, most people should at least meet the minimum requirements. Focussing more on a single platform is also likely to help optimise for lower spec machines.
      You honestly think there's more people looking forward to this on the PC then there are on the PS3? You do realize that the PS3 is a more popular gaming platform in Japan then the PC is. You do realize that more people would rather drop 300 for a PS3 to run the game with great graphics and settings and not have to worry about numerous tiny little issues then people would want to drop 4-500 on a new PC to run the game at it's lowest settings. You do realize it's far easier to push and promote a game for a gaming console which is literally as simple as pick-up-and-play then push it for a PC where half the time you're not even certain if the game you just bought will run correctly right out of the box.

      The Xbox and PS2 comments show that many people prefer console gaming to PC gaming, the majority of which as far as Japan is concerned, mainly due to ease of use and not having to worry about how well a game will run for them on a console.

      I'd have trouble running FFXIV on my PC at the moment myself so I was planning on getting the PS3 version. That doesn't mean I'd want to unnecessarily delay the release of the game.

      Either upgrade your PC if you need to and are willing to if you want to play early or wait until the release of the PS3 version like you'd have to anyway. Why wish unnecessary delays on other players?
      Many people were expecting this game to come out in December, even more weren't even expecting this game at all this year, and everyone was expecting the game to come out on all systems in all regions on the same god damned day. If they came out and said "the game will come out for everyone in December!" how would know the PC version was delayed? If they said "It comes out in march for everyone!" how would you know the PC version was pushed back because of the PS3? It would have been so much better for SE to stick to their constant and repeated promise of a same day universal release as it would've meant everyone looking forward to this game would have been able to play it at the same time on the same day.

      Instead we get a "PC users get it super early, while PS3 users get screwed over!". Not only are they breaking the promise of the same day universal release, they're also breaking the promise of a 2010 launch for PS3 players. That just screams bad business move as it will turn away a lot of players.

      FFXIV is supposed to be a more casual MMO, and PS3 would be the easiest way for these casual players to enjoy it. But all hype PS3 users had for this game just took a major hit.
      Last edited by Ziero; 07-02-2010, 11:59 AM.
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #93
        Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

        Originally posted by Kafeen View Post
        And delaying for 100% of players rather than just those who were planning on getting the PS3 version rather than the PC version is less of a dick move? Personally I'd see needlessly delaying the PC release by another 6 months as a much worse deal for the players.
        Considering that in Japan, the majority (90%+) of users will be on PS3, YES! (based on current XI numbers)

        In fact, even most NA players who are interested in XIV probably have a PS3 but lack a powerful enough Computer to run it, at least under optimal settings.

        Besides that, it's a brand new MMO, but a large proportion of the community will be starting 6 months later. Yes, that's real fair. So much for everyone starting off fresh.



        • #94
          Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          Besides that, it's a brand new MMO, but a large proportion of the community will be starting 6 months later. Yes, that's real fair. So much for everyone starting off fresh.
          I was hoping that we would all start off on the same page. But due to SE's dick move, then we (PS3 users) will have to wait 6 months to play the game and then have to deal with the elitsism of the others(PC users).

          I would much rather they delay the release of the PC version so that everyone does start off at the same time.


          • #95
            Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

            Originally posted by Ziero View Post
            Many people were expecting this game to come out in December, even more weren't even expecting this game at all this year, and everyone was expecting the game to come out on all systems in all regions on the same god damned day. If they came out and said "the game will come out for everyone in December!" how would know the PC version was delayed? If they said "It comes out in march for everyone!" how would you know the PC version was pushed back because of the PS3? It would have been so much better for SE to stick to their constant and repeated promise of a same day universal release as it would've meant everyone looking forward to this game would have been able to play it at the same time on the same day.

            Instead we get a "PC users get it super early, while PS3 users get screwed over!". Not only are they breaking the promise of the same day universal release, they're also breaking the promise of a 2010 launch for PS3 players. That just screams bad business move as it will turn away a lot of players.

            FFXIV is supposed to be a more casual MMO, and PS3 would be the easiest way for these casual players to enjoy it. But all hype PS3 users had for this game just took a major hit.
            I had the exact same thought. They could have quietly finished the PC version by late August, and put all their manpower on completing the PS3 version by Nov-Dec timeframe, and release them both then. Still 2010 release, everyone is happy, PC gamers would be none the wiser. But instead, it appears they wanted to beat Blizzard to the punch, and release the PC version way earlier than necessary, thereby screwing over the PS3 player base.

            **WARNING- CONSPIRACY THEORY** Also, there's still a very very slim chance that Microsoft is invoved in this. What if they went to SE and said, ok fine, we agree to let Silver members subscribe to FFXIV, but you have to give us a simultaneous release with PS3. All of a sudden they are scrambling to get the 360 version ready, and have to delay the PS3 version. We will know if this theory is true if a 360 version is announced in the next few months.

            But SE can take this to the bank. If they delayed my enjoyment of this game by 6 months so Microsoft could have their way, they've lost me as a customer for life.... and I know I won't be the only one. **/CONSPIRACY THEORY**
            FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
            FFXI: Shiva Server


            • #96
              Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

              Originally posted by Takelli View Post
              I was hoping that we would all start off on the same page. But due to SE's dick move, then we (PS3 users) will have to wait 6 months to play the game and then have to deal with the elitsism of the others(PC users).

              I would much rather they delay the release of the PC version so that everyone does start off at the same time.
              selfish much?

              The age old saying "shit happenes" comes to mind here, the PS3 version is delay, and I am sure for good reasons, that does not mean they need to delay the PC version.

              Everyone bitching "PC will get a head start" really do you bitch every time you play any MMORPG and people have been playing before you?
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #97
                Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                selfish much?

                The age old saying "shit happenes" comes to mind here, the PS3 version is delay, and I am sure for good reasons, that does not mean they need to delay the PC version.

                Everyone bitching "PC will get a head start" really do you bitch every time you play any MMORPG and people have been playing before you?
                I am guessing that most PS3 users are thinking what I am thinking.

                I also do not think that if I start a mmorpg after everyone else. I am just saying that they should delay it so that pc users don't get a head start on PS3 users. I don't think its fair to those who don't own a PC that isn't "Top of the line".


                • #98
                  Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                  Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                  The age old saying "shit happenes" comes to mind here, the PS3 version is delay, and I am sure for good reasons, that does not mean they need to delay the PC version.

                  Everyone bitching "PC will get a head start" really do you bitch every time you play any MMORPG and people have been playing before you?
                  It's funny how easy it is to say that when you're not the one being screwed over.

                  Again, if they never announced that it would be coming out in Sept for the PC, and instead said the entire thing would be coming out in december or march, would you even know it was pushed back because of the PS3?

                  In one fell swoop SE broke two promises to the PS3 player base that they've been making for an entire year 1) universal same day release and 2) 2010 launch date. If that's not a dick move, I don't know what is.

                  Also, not many (read only 1) MMO has come out for multiple platforms so far, and from what most people are saying the staggered release lead to a lot of in game hostility. Hell, most MMOs aren't just console exclusive, they're also regional based so you usually end up only playing with people in the same region as you anyway. So it doesn't matter as much when it comes to staggered releases. But with XIV, the game has multi-platform, multi-regional servers so everyone who plays will be mixed together. It makes it all the more impactful when you stagger releases for a gameworld like that.

                  It's a dick move by SE, no matter how you cut it.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #99
                    Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                    I can't imagine how expensive some of you think a PC that is going to be able to play FFXIV well is going to be. (Note I didn't say at the settings that SE has listed. You can't trust minimum specs.) I mean, I get that everyone has different budgets, and everyone places a different non-monetary value on these sort of things, but some of you are acting as though if you want to buy/build/upgrade a PC in order to play that you'll have to sell a kidney or something. I mean, I get the anger at having to either wait or buy new equipment to play, but I guess you have to weigh your desire to play at launch and/or with friends who will be against the cost.

                    I'm torn, honestly. I was going to get a PS3 and play it on that, just for ease, but it would be the ONLY reason I'd be buying a PS3 (well, that and for the Blu Ray player), and I don't want to wait until March. So I'm going to ask someone who knows better than I do what parts I need to buy to build a PC that should be able to play XIV fairly well without breaking the bank, and be done with it. It's not as though the only reason I'd use this PC would be for FFXIV, so I figure the price I pay will be worthwhile in the long run. So for me, the cost is worthwhile. For you it may not be.

                    Not that it doesn't suck that SE changed what they've been saying previously, but if I spent my time getting angry every time SE said one thing and did another I'd be a very angry person.


                    • Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                      The amount of PC users that will get a "head start" is minimal, so all this griping really is moot. Is it a sucky move? Sure, I'll give you that, but will it break the experience of the game once you DO get it? I think not. You have to remember that September is when a lot of students are returning to school, so think there will be many people playing this game? Nah, I doubt it. Quit your whining and wait for the PS3 version like the rest of us. sheesh.
                      Last edited by hexx; 07-02-2010, 04:56 PM.
                      Originally posted by Van Wilder
                      Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                      Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                      I'M BACK BABY!


                      • Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                        Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                        selfish much?

                        The age old saying "shit happenes" comes to mind here, the PS3 version is delay, and I am sure for good reasons, that does not mean they need to delay the PC version.

                        Everyone bitching "PC will get a head start" really do you bitch every time you play any MMORPG and people have been playing before you?
                        Considering there's only been one other MMORPG that's ever been multiplatform and its getting a universal, worldwide release on PS3 and PC?

                        Yes, yes I am going to bitch this time, because SE clearly does not have their shit together right now, but in actuality, its probably just SE isn't putting their foot down hard enough.

                        I'm assuming what's really happening here is politics between Sony and SE. Sony has DCU Online debuting on PS3 and PC in November - and if impressions are to be believed, DCU is like a lighter God of War as an MMORPG, which could make a real impact. It also has cross-realm play and PvP.

                        I'm thinking Sony believes they have a home run of an MMO on their hands and doesn't want FFXIV in its way. They very well may, too, because unlike Champions or City of Hero, the gameplay is all action, powers grow in a more intuitive way and powers can be shifted to different roles so you never need a "tank/melee/healer"

                        If Sony is right, then they may have the biggest MMO since WoW on their hands.

                        So perhaps instead of delaying FFXIV, they put it on PC first. Even so, this is a dick move, SE could have stood up to Sony.

                        I'm just really disappointed that for the first time in SE's history there's a delay and its not a delay based on localization. I don't think they just stopped working on the PS3 build one day, I think they're launching the PC version early to get out ahead of WoW Cataclysm and DCU.

                        Regardless, I disagree with the move because it is foolish to build a PC for a game these days. Practically anything I could get on PC I can also get on a PS3 and 360, so spending more on a PC than those two combined is even more foolish. It would be another matter entirely if building a PC cast as much as a PS3, but that's not going to be the case.


                        • Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                          Odds are my graphic card can't handle Star Craft 2 either and my PC is almost 3 years old now so it's about time I upgraded anyway.

                          I would have preferred to hold off on doing so however at least until boxing day when shit is 50% off >_<

                          Not totally sure about the Sony paranoia there but you could be right, as something is definitely screwy here.

                          Originally posted by hexx View Post
                          The amount of PC users that will get a "head start" is minimal, so all this griping really is moot.
                          You don't honestly believe that do you?

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                            There can't be technical reasons for the PS3 version being behind, because in the past the only reason we ever saw delays for other SE products was for the sake of localization. With FFXIV, they're not waiting for English voiceovers to happen - they're already the standard, there is no Japanese voice-over and that means the English is done. I mean, they seem to have had that done in the Alpha.

                            And given SE is built Crystal Tools and are more familiar with the PS3 than anyone (outside of Kojima Productions, anyway), I'm not buying that PS3 development just got harder all of the sudden, that they hit some snag that was going to hold things back.

                            No, I think they're just being chicken. They just want to get it out the gate before WoW: Cataclysm and DCU hit, they don't want to get lost in the full brunt of holiday releases and they especially don't want to compete directly with Sony on PS3. I don't think SCEA's need for pristine release windows has anything to do with it - SCEA is retarded, yes, but they're probably not that retarded. I don't think SCEA's stalling them in the approval process either - what are they gonna do, require SE to have Trophies out the wazoo, 3D and Move support?

                            Then again, there have been rumors about those things for the PS3 version, haven't there? Implementing Move support into Heavy Rain just cost users the remaining Chronicles content promised to them. How long has GT5 been delayed and oh, lookie, now it supports move. SOCOM 4 also took a looooong time to show up this gen, too.

                            I don't think FFXIV was made with 3D in mind, that could potentially throw a wrench in things. Then again, if they were showing it off in 3D on PC at E3, then that's not a reason for the PS3 version to be delayed because the coding for that can't be that different, but Move support would be another story. It would take months to make that feel right.

                            But is any of that a good reason to delay a PS3 version? Absolutely not, considering it could just be added in an update.


                            • Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                              You don't honestly believe that do you?
                              Yes I do actually, otherwise I wouldnt have posted it Mal. Unlike yourself, most of us actually THINK and proof read before we post >.>;

                              The way you say it, its as if a large group of FF MMO players have high end up to date PCs that can handle FFXIV right now, when in fact, based on what I've seen from bench mark numbers, quite a few have not broken the 3k mark in the benchmark.
                              Originally posted by Van Wilder
                              Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                              Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                              I'M BACK BABY!


                              • Re: PC Version in September. PS3 Delayed. Pre-order + Pricing Info

                                Six months is not even going to matter in the slightest. People need to slow their roll. Will it suck for people who want it now now now? Sure. But they'll just have to get over that. Several months into the game (much less a year), and you won't even be able to tell the difference.

