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  • #61

    Almost everyones names appear to be alliterations.

    Stupid SE and their unreasonable demand for surnames.

    Stupid buzz-killers and their complaints about people seeing what they get to play.


    • #62
      Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

      Originally posted by Gman View Post
      But you're a hypocrite... you just admitted it. It's NOT ok to put pics and text when there's an NDA in effect. But it happens. A video is no more serious TO YOU than those pics. To the person streaming the video it is, but he really isn't your concern is he? Just don't watch it.

      It's simple as hell.
      Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
      The NDA is there to stop uninformed people from making uninformed opinions about the game.
      and this is what is happening right now, I have seen many people in the chat on the video, making their opinions about the game, based of the stream.

      *looks at a pic of FFXIV* "oh that looks pretty"

      *looks at a video" "the hell is all this crap going on?"

      key difference in pics and video.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #63
        Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

        Originally posted by Kailea View Post
        and this is what is happening right now, I have seen many people in the chat on the video, making their opinions about the game, based of the stream.

        *looks at a pic of FFXIV* "oh that looks pretty"

        *looks at a video" "the hell is all this crap going on?"

        key difference in pics and video.
        It's a shame opinions are forever.


        • #64
          Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

          i also saw asshat after asshat yelling in chat log, dumb asses will be dumb asses no matter if finished product or not.
          "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


          • #65
            Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

            And that people will judge graphics from live feeds, as opposed to the much more available official trailers.


            • #66
              Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

              HAHAHAHAHAH Buzz Killington.

              Quick, call the NDA police... oh wait, he's already here.
              Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


              This is why I J9:



              • #67
                Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!


                Ok, kids, play nice.

                - I haven't watched the stream, or tried to - I've been staying away from most of the FF14 coverage personally other than double checking the threads on this forum.

                - If you're a tester, you agreed to an NDA, but I've never seen an NDA that requires you to report other breaches of NDA, so I call BS on that reasoning. I don't personally approve of NDA breaches as a whole, but it's not my place to play judge and jury on those that don't care.

                - This site isn't owned or or officially affiliated with Square-Enix; it's a fan site, and so long as we're not the ones hosting the video or promoting it, I sincerely doubt they'll care whether or not we discuss things like this. I'm sure they're horrified that someone is breaking the NDA, but that's their burden to bear to figure out who it is and deal with them as they wish.



                • #68
                  Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                  Here is my take on this...

                  I've beta tested a LOT of games. I don't openly talk about it nor do I post pics. I would never consider doing a live stream. As far as others doing it, that is their, choice and I do not feel that they are doing it maliciously. It is their choice to make and their ass on the line. Would I report anyone doing any of that? Only if it was causing harm; as if they were altering pics in a negative manner or posting nasty negative things. But people breaking the NDA, for the most part, are only doing it to help out their fellow gaming fanatics. What I do take issue with is when people do decide to report others and they go around advertising that they did. Exactly what purpose does this serve? If you see someone shoplift something, do you report it and then stand there and yell "Someone just broke the law and I just reported them!!"? I also agree with Icemage that the NDA doesn't demand you report others that are in violation. Never, in all my years of testing, have I ever seen that.

                  As far as these streams, pics, and posts harming the game, that's bullshit. For every person saying that it looks like shit or something negative, there are 50 happy gamers getting very excited and thinking of saving their pennies to buy it. And did you ever consider that the Negative Nancys that are saying shit are only doing so because they are jealous that they can't play or just to cause a stir with the people that are excited?

                  I won't take anything down unless requested to do so by the powers that be. If for some reason that offends anyone then there are other websites on the internet to visit. Also if I have offended anyone oh well that's life. We can't all agree on everything because, if we did, life would be pretty damn boring!
                  Last edited by TheGrandMom; 04-08-2010, 09:32 PM. Reason: Spelling...there and their mean 2 different things lol
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • #69
                    Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                    Pooky was banned after SE told BG and another site to take the streams down off their sites

                    and no Icemage, its not a part of the agreement that i have to report NDA breaks like Pooky, I chose to

                    a few pics are one thing, a little bit of text is another, but streaming live Alpha testing is utterly stupid, and does alot of harm to the game.

                    I already saw many comments by viewers of that stream

                    "game looks like crap"
                    "wow clone" (we can of course omit this one)
                    "interface sucks"
                    "grind fest"

                    and a bunch of other things that are just based off an unfinished product, that should not have been seen by non-testers in the first place.

                    Its sad that I get called so many things and poked at, for doing the right thing, but that's life.
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • #70
                      Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                      o.O well, it's Pooky's own fault.

                      I was enjoying the live feed as I'm anxious as hell to try this game and buy it, SE doesn't have to worry about that part. And until I'm accepted into the beta, I am not legally obligated in any way shape or form to hold back on any info I discover on the game.

                      You have to put it all into context honestly. Yes, breaking the NDA is generally deplorable especially if you're leaking stuff to competitors for your own personal gain. I don't think anyone here would support any actions that would directly damage the game. However watching one player run around trying out the game, to me, hardly seems like the end of the world (except maybe for his beta account LOL owned. Dumb ass should have known better.)

                      The link is down, supposedly Pooky has been banned now? Anyway if the Mods feel like this is a big violation, feel free to remove the link from my OP I'm not going to duke it out with you guys over something like this. I'm just don't see this as a huge deal all things considered. And yes, technically we can report the both of you for revealing you are testers so how do you like that? Not saying I would, because then I too would be a hypocritical jerk but the point remains.

                      [ame=""]JustinTV - Pookypoo - Order of the Blue Gartr[/ame]

                      Pooky's thoughts on the matter;

                      Hello everyone,

                      I started streaming fully aware of the consequences, and sure enough, 30 minutes before the Alpha session ended tonight, SE has terminated my alpha account.

                      I hope my sacrifice wasn't wasted, and I hope a lot of your questions were answered from watching me play, despite all the disconnects and crashes. As you all should expect, it's an Alpha, crashes and imperfections are expected.

                      I have nothing against SE, and I have nothing against any Alpha testers that were having their own little flame war over me in the Alpha forums. I've managed to send in quite a few bug reports, and I am glad SE gave me the chance to at least play through most of today's Alpha test and play my part in the success of FFXIV. I would have loved to continue testing the game for SE, but of course that won't happen ;D. if you Alpha people are relishing in my demise, I really don't understand why. The only satisfaction you get is...i dunno, an ego boost maybe? I really don't know. Certainly not satisfaction from me being sad from getting banned, because like I said I was expecting it, therefore, no sad faces here~

                      Don't worry, Alpha testers, your ego will still be intact now that I'm gone, unless another person comes along and does the same thing. Oh wait, you're already doing it by releasing all those screenshots and information, possibly even selling the info to game magazines and websites! At least I was open and honest about it and not hiding like the rest of you~ (^_^)b

             <-- SE's mail

                      Meanwhile, I'll continue playing FFXI, and maybe I'll see you all around in game in the future whether it be FFXI or FFXIV or FFXXV. ^^


                      P.S. Seeing that clearly SE doesn't want me to stream, if I somehow get into beta (wink wink) I won't be streaming, just so I can at least enjoy the lagless experience and do more testing than the 3.5hours I received today.

                      P.S. #2 I'll still be streaming on JTV, just it won't be ffxiv, of course, therefore not as crazy laggy. Mostly FFXI ^^

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #71
                        Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                        Sorry to the be the barer of bad news, but YES... can be held responsible for allowing links to streaming videos of FFXIV at this stage of development. Yes, this website is a fan website, but that doesn't mean they can't come in and force the site to remove the links. And I'm sorry, but I have never heard in the entire time I have been involved with the game industry has a company ever taken, "We're a fan website" as an excuse. You may not be hosting it, but it doesn't mean you are excused.

                        And like I said before... go ahead and report me. Watch Square shrug their shoulders and continue on. Again lol you are not in my position.



                        • #72
                          Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                          Originally posted by Kailea View Post

                          a few pics are one thing, a little bit of text is another, but streaming live Alpha testing is utterly stupid, and does alot of harm to the game.

                          I already saw many comments by viewers of that stream

                          "game looks like crap"
                          "wow clone" (we can of course omit this one)
                          "interface sucks"
                          "grind fest"

                          and a bunch of other things that are just based off an unfinished product, that should not have been seen by non-testers in the first place.

                          Its sad that I get called so many things and poked at, for doing the right thing, but that's life.
                          I'm sorry but a few people acting like they hated the game just because they were jealous is not going to influence the community negatively. There are FAR more people excited now that they've seen the game in action. The couple of people that were negative do not have a huge influence over THE ENTIRE GAMING COMMUNITY. You are just using that to justify what you did....and I'm not talking about you reporting him either. I'm talking about you blabbing all over that you did. It's the only reason that you are getting backlash so you deserve whatever you get. Next time ZIP IT!
                          Originally posted by Feba
                          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                          Originally posted by DakAttack
                          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                          • #73
                            Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                            Originally posted by Spazz View Post
                            Sorry to the be the barer of bad news, but YES... can be held responsible for allowing links to streaming videos of FFXIV at this stage of development. Yes, this website is a fan website, but that doesn't mean they can't come in and force the site to remove the links. And I'm sorry, but I have never heard in the entire time I have been involved with the game industry has a company ever taken, "We're a fan website" as an excuse. You may not be hosting it, but it doesn't mean you are excused.

                            And like I said before... go ahead and report me. Watch Square shrug their shoulders and continue on. Again lol you are not in my position.

                            We wouldn't have to worry is fags like certain unnamed posters didn't report everyone for everything.

                            At most they can ask you to remove the link anyway.

                            I just wish people wouldn't spoil such harmless fun.
                            Last edited by Cryxen; 04-08-2010, 10:26 PM. Reason: spelling


                            • #74
                              Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                              Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                              We wouldn't have to worry is fags like certain unnamed posters didn't report everyone for everything.
                              >_> woah, let's keep it civil now.

                              I agree with what TGM said. If it it pissed you off that much, then you could have just reported the guy and kept it to yourself. It's the way you and apparently many others on the beta forums are acting so high & mighty (even while some of them are breaking the NDA themselves) that's so infuriating. You are not the police, quit acting like it. That's SE's business, and possibly the moderators of this site (hence why I'm not fighting with Spazz over this.) I'm not promoting others go and break the NDA either; If I ever got accepted you can bet your ass I'd keep to myself about it and just be grateful I got to enjoy the game and help in the process. But at least let us enjoy what little glimpses we get out of it. In future I will not be posting anything else like this I find over at BG (or any other site) again. You people can dig it up for yourselves.

                              Also technically that leaked OST is a huge break of the NDA, yet no one seems to be pissing and moaning about that. Also lol, BG is railing against you pretty hard Kailea

                              Best not show your mug there ever again.
                              Last edited by Malacite; 04-08-2010, 10:59 PM.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • #75
                                Re: LIVE BETA VIDEO!!!!

                                Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                                Pooky was banned after SE told BG and another site to take the streams down off their sites

                                and no Icemage, its not a part of the agreement that i have to report NDA breaks like Pooky, I chose to

                                a few pics are one thing, a little bit of text is another, but streaming live Alpha testing is utterly stupid, and does alot of harm to the game.

                                I already saw many comments by viewers of that stream

                                "game looks like crap"
                                "wow clone" (we can of course omit this one)
                                "interface sucks"
                                "grind fest"

                                and a bunch of other things that are just based off an unfinished product, that should not have been seen by non-testers in the first place.

                                Its sad that I get called so many things and poked at, for doing the right thing, but that's life.
                                What a lame excuse. People who think along the lines of that in the first place are ones we tend to ignore anyways. You obviously think along the lines of that yourself, seeing at what you did.

                                You did not do the right thing. All you did was snitch on someone who was a real tester (Can't say the same thing about you unfortunately) who shared his experience with true XIV communities and fans of the game. TheGrandMom put it very nicely.

                                I've beta tested a LOT of games. I don't openly talk about it nor do I post pics. I would never consider doing a live stream. As far as others doing it, that is their, choice and I do not feel that they are doing it maliciously. It is their choice to make and their ass on the line. Would I report anyone doing any of that? Only if it was causing harm; as if they were altering pics in a negative manner or posting nasty negative things. But people breaking the NDA, for the most part, are only doing it to help out their fellow gaming fanatics. What I do take issue with is when people do decide to report others and they go around advertising that they did. Exactly what purpose does this serve? If you see someone shoplift something, do you report it and then stand there and yell "Someone just broke the law and I just reported them!!"? I also agree with Icemage that the NDA doesn't demand you report others that are in violation. Never, in all my years of testing, have I ever seen that.

                                As far as these streams, pics, and posts harming the game, that's bullshit. For every person saying that it looks like shit or something negative, there are 50 happy gamers getting very excited and thinking of saving their pennies to buy it. And did you ever consider that the Negative Nancys that are saying shit are only doing so because they are jealous that they can't play or just to cause a stir with the people that are excited?
                                And I've been with FFXIOnline before XI came to NA shores (different account). It's disheartening to see some mods have lost touch with the meaning of community over the years. I remember how excited we all were with all the Japanese screenshots being taken and uploaded for us back then...I nearly creamed when I first saw a Flamberge strapped to a Mithras back. True, there was no NDA back then, but we should all have gotten to known each other over the years that something like that isn't something to focus on.

                                And being a fansite, the most SE will do is shoot you an email/request to take down certain posts, links, images and whatnot. We can all understand when that happens, as it's an official request. And none of us expect you to ignore SE like that. But trying to make it sound like SE is going to come after FFXIOnline like a rabid hound dog...hah.... They only will if you refuse to adhere to their very, legal requests. And again, none of us here expect you to in the first place.

                                And a little interesting image I came across tonight...thought I would share.

                                Oh my!
                                Last edited by skoreanime; 04-08-2010, 11:50 PM.

