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Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

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  • Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

    Final Fantasy XIV Alpha Details Uncovered - News -

    well it seems like it. Now people are speculating new stuff.

    "Though we haven’t been lucky enough to score invites to the Final Fantasy XIV alpha test, today we received an insider tip with some early info on the game and some screens from the online alpha manual. Included in the manual were new details on the experience and skill leveling up systems and teleportation around the world of Eorzea.

    We’ve heard previously that a player’s class in FFXIV is determined by whatever weapon they have equipped, but the alpha manual reveals some new details on this system. Characters will gain “physical levels” the way most MMO players are used to -- by gaining experience points, which currently is only done through killing monsters. “Skill ranks” are separate for each weapon/tool type and are raised by use in combat or crafting. Both physical levels and skill ranks are capped at 20 for the alpha.

    According to the manual, the current version of the game contains nine different weapon or tool types (and, as such, nine different classes): swords, hand-to-hand weapons, axes, polearms, bows, conjurer arms, thaumaturge arms, hammers, and pickaxes. There’s no barehanded fighting allowed; players must have a weapon or tool equipped at all times. Also, if you’ve got a hammer equipped for smithing or a pickaxe for mining, don’t plan to battle enemies -- with those weapons equipped, you’ll only be able to throw stones during the alpha.

    Though the manual doesn’t reveal a ton of new information on Final Fantasy XIV, there are some interesting tidbits. We knew that crystals (in the form of “Aetheryte”) would be important to the game world, but the manual explains how they are used for teleporting.

    Basically, you’ll be able to find an Aetheryre Crystal in most towns. Using it will restore your HP and MP, add the location to your teleport list, and set the crystal as your home point. You’ll also have the option to begin any “levequests” available at that crystal. “Aetherial Gates” located around the world will allow you to refill your HP and MP and can be set as your home point but will not allow for normal teleporting. Finally, “Aetherial Nodes” will appear after completing a levequest, allowing you to instantly warp back to your home point and turn in the quest.

    Want to return to your home point or teleport somewhere else while wandering Final Fantasy XIV's massive world? Square-Enix is apparently set on making that as simple as possible. At any point while you’re not in combat, you can open your menu and click the “Return” button to go to your home point. Likewise, opening the menu and hitting “Teleport” will allow you to choose to warp to any Aetheryte Crystal you’ve previously visited. Using the Teleport option will even send a notice to others in your party asking them if they’d like to teleport with you. As far as the manual mentions, there is no cooldown to either of these options, meaning you should be able to jump around the world freely whenever you want. Although this could change before the game hits its final form, it would make Final Fantasy XIV into one of the most user-friendly MMOs around just by virtue of letting players get around the world quickly.

    As with any MMO alpha or beta, any of these early systems could change dramatically before Final Fantasy XIV is released, but Square-Enix is looking specifically at the battle system, controls, and user interface with this first round of testing. The alpha begins this Thursday, April 8, and we’ll let you know if we dig up any more juicy details. We've also contacted Square-Enix to confirm the details we were given, and we'll update if they have any comments or additions. In the mean time, check out these screens from the manual.

    Aetherial Gates provide some of the bonuses of Crystals but cannot be teleported to

    1. Region title
    2. Area title
    3. Camp title
    4. Aetheryte Crystal location
    5. Player location
    6. Aetherial Gate location
    7. Map menu button

    Surprise! Final Fantasy XIV includes a trade system

    In addition to regular trading, players can set up bazaars where other characters can walk up to them and purchase items

    1. Action bar
    2. Action gauge
    3. Effect gauge

    NOTE: There are 4 more pics up on the website so click the url if you want to see them all. -TGM
    Attached Files
    Last edited by TheGrandMom; 04-07-2010, 10:04 AM. Reason: put info in title and posted pics and text

  • #2
    Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

    Old news is old, all the info they're talking about came from the Alpha Manual leaks that have been floating around since last week.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #3
      Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

      but people shared the links just today. Well at least a lot are discovering it today. Everything last week just sounded like rumors with no screenshots like these. Also this is the first time that it's confirmed there are LEVELS and experience points in the alpha. It's not finalized but it's still now possible FFXIV might keep exp. level system if that's what people prefer.


      • #4
        Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

        Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
        Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer
        Right then is when you should've stopped and known you're wasting your time.


        • #5
          Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

          Actually there were Screenshots. In fact they were the same screenshots in the article. I know because I have them saved. They released the first part of the manual last week...with screen shots, and the second part came out a few days ago. With the same pics.
          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


          • #6
            Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            Right then is when you should've stopped and known you're wasting your time.
            why? they showed new screenshots, and details! Plus another source I found has similiar information about the alpha details.
            Including some info such as the chat commands being similiar to XI. including colors!

            white = say

            blue = party


            here is a good quote from a FFXIV researcher:

            "you only have ONE physical level, you will level this ONCE, you cap it, its capped. Your classes abilities will be determined by the Skill rank of that classes weapon. Play Gladiator to P.Level 20 and get your 1h Sword skill rank to 20, You then switch to Conjurers Wand, Your P.Level is still 20 but your Wand skill is only 1.

            Its a 2 layer system that mixes the level system and the job system. Skilling up lower rank weapons will become easier with a higher P.Level from Skilling up other classes weapons.

            It fixes the logic from XI's job system, Why would you level a Samurai to 75 and suddenly be a Wuss when you change to your level 1 THF? With this system your Character will have a permanent (assuming no penalties from death) Pysical Level of experience (logical) and the ability to take on new professions to enhance their lifestyle and ease of growth.

            We do not know anything about attributes, or how abilities are determined, So how far you can customize with multiple weapons/tools skill ranks vs p.level is unknown.

            Please don't look at "level" and "experience points" and turn to the "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE" mindset, its that kind of close mindedness that stop people from seeing potential in a system.

            Also, all content contained in the alpha manual is subject to change at any time. The way we gain experience and skill may change come the final version. Its what Alpha/Beta testing is for."


            • #7
              Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

              Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
              Because it's GameInformer. They aren't even up to gaming journalism's level of integrity. GI is practically a subscription to GameStop, not anything actually worth reading.

              Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
              they showed new screenshots, and details!


              • #8
                Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                here is a good quote from a FFXIV researcher:
                I could have told you all of that last week.

                p.s. can't wait to see what happens when SE asks them to take that info down.
                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                • #9
                  Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                  but you didn't tell, so it doesn't count. :p

                  Funny GI is dumb enough to actually contact SE about the closed alpha. Their wrists will get slapped sooner than later.


                  • #10
                    Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                    Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                    I could have told you all of that last week.
                    I didn't know about any of this so it'd be nice if we could stop with the assumption that everyone knows everything right away and such info is automatically old news, I'm not sure why it bothers you so much.

                    The forum is not you.
                    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                    • #11
                      Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                      Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                      Their wrists will get slapped sooner than later.
                      Again. GameInformer.

                      SE isn't going to piss on America's largest (and practically only) video game shop.


                      • #12
                        Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                        I didn't know any of this, either. If you need a reason to harass J9, there's plenty of legitimate ones.


                        • #13
                          Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                          Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                          I didn't know about any of this so it'd be nice if we could stop with the assumption that everyone knows everything right away and such info is automatically old news, I'm not sure why it bothers you so much.

                          The forum is not you.
                          Well the reason why I didn't post this stuff is because I assumed this site wouldn't want people breeching the NDA with direct postings of Alpha related content. If you'd like I'm sure there's a way I could post more info from the Alpha manual, but SE will request anyone sharing the actual manual to remove it. Especially if it's done on one of the bigger name FFXI sites.

                          Doesn't mean the info isn't old though, it just means other game sites have more tact then GI, who decided to openly post screenshots from a private beta website.
                          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                          • #14
                            Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                            Your concern with the NDA is not what your previous posts came across as.
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #15
                              Re: Full FFXIV details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

                              Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                              but SE will request anyone sharing the actual manual to remove it.
                              So? SE can request people remove stuff till they're blue in the face, they have no more power to make you stop talking about it than I have to make people stop talking about that one embarassing incident I got into.

