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Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

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  • Re: Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

    with more Lalafell media revealed. I'm guessing they might reveal the next city soon!

    But then again I think they said Limsa is the only city until open beta maybe.


    • Re: Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

      Originally posted by Kailea View Post
      oh yes because reporting people majorly breaking the NDA is "blowing it out of proportion" but look I am not going to argue with you, not sure why your trying to start shit with me. I called it crap, in the general sense, and you jumped all over it, now drop it, and hush.
      I'm the reaction to your action. Maybe you should stop openly nagging about it and just report it silently then leave it be, yeah?

      Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
      with more Lalafell media revealed. I'm guessing they might reveal the next city soon!

      But then again I think they said Limsa is the only city until open beta maybe.
      Well, the last interview, they didn't deny or confirm opening up the other cities during beta. Sounds like they'll be focusing on the core mechanics right till the end, which is a good move IMO.


      • Re: Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

        Originally posted by skoreanime View Post
        I'm the reaction to your action. Maybe you should stop openly nagging about it and just report it silently then leave it be, yeah?
        the hell is wrong with you, I made a small comment about the site, to a completely different person, there is not even anything to "report" about that . Hell the comment I made was even true, he closed off his site, so that it was no longer public. Then you go on your little tangent off me, then make a small random comment about the current topic.

        I have found and started using the new email support SE gave us since they posted it, and I have not "nagged" (as you like to call it) about shit since then. Now really drop the damn subject.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • Re: Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

          next post about that subject gets deleted and u get a punch in teh nose :D
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • Re: Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

            [nomedia=""]YouTube- cool hand luke[/nomedia]

            I have once again been defeated by the youtube video embedding feature of FFXIOnline.
            "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


            • Re: Alpha Manual details uncovered! Gameinformer has the secrets!

              Just finished browsing through the new screens and videos that were posted...nothing really much to say, really the same as before. Only notable thing I noticed is the bloom effect going from dark areas to brightly lit ones. You can also visually see other people accept guildleves.

