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Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

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  • Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

    I'm posting this here with the leader's permission

    It’s finally time! The FFXIV Roleplaying Coalition (RPC) is finally opening to the public. Before now, we’ve been sending out private invites to known RP groups who managed to survive through FFXI’s dwindling RP community , slowly bolstering our ranks and getting our initial organization underway. If you are remotely interested in the concept of RP in Hydaelyn, then this is the place to sign up. It doesn’t matter how hardcore or casual of a roleplayer you are. It doesn’t matter if you plan to join a RP guild or just freelance RP from time to time. Even if you’re just a general supporter who may rarely ever RP, we would be happy to have your support.

    So what is the RPC? We are a collective group of prospective roleplaying guilds/linkshells, freelance roleplayers, and roleplay supporters set for the upcoming new world of Hydaelyn. We will be voting on an “official” RP server upon receiving a server list(assuming SE doesn’t designate a RP server themselves). We are not a super guild or anything like that but rather a coalition, resource, and outlet of/for roleplayers.This isn't that different from the RP Coalitions created for Everquest II and Starsider Galaxy for instance. So why should you join the RPC and/or try to get on the same server (or at least on the forums to keep tabs on what’s going on)?

    1. The RPC will eventually be hosting a plethora of public RP related events in game. You’ll see public events ranging from an annual fashion show, fun competitive sports, talent shows, simple tavern gatherings, and a variety of other in character games and events created by and for the denizens of Eorzea. We hope that these public events will pull people away from the general grind and allow them to show off their creativity, get a glimpse of true RP in an MMO setting, and/or just allow people more opportunities to meet new fellow adventurers.

    2. The RPC will also be handling the compilation of all lore upon the game’s release. Those who have a background in FFXI may remember sites such as “History of Vana’diel” where organized timelines and NPC profiles were made. This kind of stuff will be centralized on the RPC site/forums eventually (detailed profiles on cities, dungeons, gods, major NPCs, etc). It’s only natural that the roleplayers handle lore related content in such a way seeing as they tend to be experts in that field. In addition to this, we may eventually be creating an in character newspaper similar to the past Vana’diel Tribune (again, after game launch). With SE’s support (assuming they decide to support us), we could probably do quite a lot for both Rpers and non-Rpers alike (writing contests, etc).

    3. The RPC will act as a central hub for all other RP aspects of the game. This means RP guilds/linkshells will be advertising themselves here, a lot of character stories and profiles will be posted here, and so much more.

    Further information regarding who we are can be found on the main RPC site. If you’re interested in assisting with, taking part in, or just seeing any of the above things unfold, feel free to sign up. We hope that the general community and administration will support us in our endeavors. The roleplay community is definitely going to be bigger, more united, and more organized than it was in Vana’diel. If you’re wondering why this is launching so soon as opposed to waiting until closer to the game’s release, it’s because roleplayers tend to need more time for preparations than the general population. We tend to need lots of time to coordinate our character personas, backgrounds, and so on. In addition, it’s going to take a lot of pre-coordination to get roleplayers more united than they were in FFXI (where they were hardly noticed at all and did their thing primarily in isolation).

    The site is currently rather simplistic. My personal knowledge in html and flash are pretty non-existent. Something had to be created for now though. However, in the coming months we’ll get our web experts together to create a more sophisticated and impressive main page. So view it mostly as a simple placeholder for now. Most eyes are strictly on the RPC forums right now anyway. We hope everyone will focus more on our organization attempts moreso than our “prettiness” for now xD.

    The site is currently located here, though the RPC forums (linked on the site) are where most of the action will be found for the time being: Final Fantasy XIV Roleplaying Coalition - Home

    Hope to see many future prospective roleplayers and RP supporters there!
    I hope to see you there!

    Asura Server

  • #2
    Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

    Looks very nice, I support RPing when ever I see it, and I do it myself off and on.
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

      Sounds like fun! Anything to make me enjoy FFXIV more!
      Whose idea was it to steal that pirate ship, anyway?
      - Galuf (Final Fantasy V)


      • #4
        Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

        Seems pretty interesting... I may check it out. I'd rather actually RP in a RPG lol.


        • #5
          Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

          This just seems like a good idea for those of us that are going to FFXIV from here, we can all be on the same server, which could be neat.
          75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
          RANK 10 Bastok
          CoP: Done
          ZM: Done
          ToA: Done
          Assault rank: Captain
          Campaign Medal: Medals
          Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

          Originally posted by Etra
          This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


          • #6
            Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

            i'm down for rping just b/c it eliminates people with stupid avatar names and adds to the lore of the game. i'm not super good at staying in character though


            • #7
              Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

              Since this isn't a super guild there will be many different Rping styles represented so no matter the type you like I'm sure you'll find somewhere to fit in.

              Asura Server


              • #8
                Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

                Originally posted by mmalasky View Post
                i'm down for rping just b/c it eliminates people with stupid avatar names and adds to the lore of the game. i'm not super good at staying in character though
                Lol. I'm not either, but when we do manage to actually RP, it can get quite fun...

                Will just need some sort of background of the race, and the class[es] I plan to be. Or I could name them after my favorite character in my favorite book series. And it would still fit lol.


                • #9
                  Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

                  Good stuff, I am a bit of a rp buff myself. Coincidentally I started the Beta test of my character in the Lindblum server (big fan of IX obviously, lol). Would be great if it was established there, but if not, eh, there's always another character!


                  • #10
                    Re: Announcing the FFXIV RP Coalition!

                    "Hey guys after the LARP can someone drive me home? My mom can drop me off, but she can't pick me up.." -Mysterious quote
                    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"


                    THIS LOOKS AWESOMESAUCE:

