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What do you hope for in Eorzea?

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  • #16
    Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

    Originally posted by Havelock;871028I
    would love this--to have most areas (at least towns) offer something unique or important instead of being just another place to hit up a Nomad Moogle. It would be great to see the player population actually spread out in different areas instead of concentrated 90% in Whitegate, 8% in Jeuno. (Maybe that's what it was like in this game's youth? I didn't start until 2008, so...
    The game actually had people in other areas when it first started off, but then people realized those areas sucked for exp, and they started to stay in only certain areas. I remember sitting in Kazham waiting for an invite for about an hour or so, while talking to the others who where also in kazham before the OP warp, and the level sync. Ahhh... The good ol' days. lol


    • #17
      Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

      Total awesomeness!

      nah.. for real though. I just hope it meets/blows my expectations. I have high hopes for this game and I hope after waiting so long, I won't be disappointed.

      When the game first released for PS2, there was so many people in all the towns. It was exciting for me to see much more people in one area than EQOA had.
      A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

      it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

      R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

      Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


      • #18
        Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

        I am hoping for less asshats. Considering I have to play with other people I can kiss that hope goodbye.

        I am looking forward to playing an online game when it's "young". I didn't start playing FFXI until it was 2-3 years old. Could be why I am still playing it now though, so I guess that's not such a bad thing.
        "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


        • #19
          Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

          I'm looking forward to the graphics. I play ffxi on ps2 and an hdtv, but the picture the ps2 generates is hardly HD.

          me to gf:
          me> i really can't wait for ffxiv. it's going to be an online game much like this with WAY better graphics.
          gf> oh you mean t won't be all fuzzy like that
          /gf points to me playing ffxi
          me> thats exactly what i mean...
          /i show gf trailor to ffxiii and ffxiv
          gf> i cant wait to watch you play.
          75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
          RANK 10 Bastok
          CoP: Done
          ZM: Done
          ToA: Done
          Assault rank: Captain
          Campaign Medal: Medals
          Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

          Originally posted by Etra
          This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


          • #20
            Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

            my hope has already been relaized from day one .....catgirls (yes I know I have problems ;p)
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • #21
              Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

              I started out between CoP and ToA so I can't wait to do the exploring instead of the "follow X player to Y and then do Z". Yeah, there were the last 2 expansions (and the 3 mini things) but for the most part the new was gone. There is probably a reason that 3 of the last 5 jobs are jobs I enjoy, when before that it was 1 out of 15 - I was there when they were new, and people were still figuring them out.

              That and the fact that everyone will be a level 1 newb, and I won't feel that I have to "Catch Up". I have 2 75's, am trying to decide if I want to try to level another or not, but still sometimes feel like I can't play with the big kids.


              • #22
                Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                Looking forward to the newness of it all. I played FFXI since release, and it blew my mind away. I remember throwing away Beastmen's Seal because I couldn't vendor them, and I was running out of space cause my mog was full of junk I thought I'd need. I remember the Dunes, I had built a new 3000 dollar computer just for FFXI, (I was 16, my aunt loaned me the money and it took me like 2 years to pay her back lol) and the dunes just blew me away. Everything was so bright and awesome. Then Quifim, I was so impressed by the Gigas mobs, and the Wights. I remember how everyone used to either goto the tower or hide in the tunnel at night. Someone would train a Wight back, and everyone would jump on it.

                I'm looking forward to that again. It was fun, I remember just being blown away for the first year I played it. Everything was so awesome.
                THF: 75 NIN: 75 RNG: 41 WAR: 37 MNK: 19
                Woodworking: 59
                Bonecraft: 14
                Leatherworking: 16
                Proud Member of IronMaidenTroopers!!


                • #23
                  Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                  Originally posted by Mezlo View Post
                  I'm looking forward to the graphics. I play ffxi on ps2 and an hdtv, but the picture the ps2 generates is hardly HD.

                  me to gf:
                  me> i really can't wait for ffxiv. it's going to be an online game much like this with WAY better graphics.
                  gf> oh you mean t won't be all fuzzy like that
                  /gf points to me playing ffxi
                  me> thats exactly what i mean...
                  /i show gf trailor to ffxiii and ffxiv
                  gf> i cant wait to watch you play.
                  /semi-cute sarcasm: On
                  Congratulations on your latest accomplishment.

                  Your next mission in this series is to get your girlfriend to play FFXI on your Character.

                  Reward: The two of you feeling a little closer, and have one more subject to discuss at dinner.
                  "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


                  • #24
                    Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                    Originally posted by Solymir View Post
                    /semi-cute sarcasm: On
                    Congratulations on your latest accomplishment.

                    Your next mission in this series is to get your girlfriend to play FFXI on your Character.

                    Reward: The two of you feeling a little closer, and have one more subject to discuss at dinner.

                    Mission already accomplished! (Somewhat)

                    Off topic but fun story for me to tell, so...

                    So last week my roommate's wife and 5 month old were in town. Superbowl Sunday roommate and his wife were going to a superbowl party, and GF and I were just giong to be lazy and lay around the house all day. RM needed to goto the store to grab drinks and stuff for the party. He and his wife were going to go and asked if we could watch the kid. Of course we could! (He was asleep and I was playing ffxi, lol!) I was running to the 3 protocrystals to fight the summons for ASA. I wasnt playing all day, I was just hopping on to get this part done so I'd be ready for static tuesday. well, as soon as they left guess what... The kid woke up. this was not part of the plan... I went and grabbed the kid and took him downstairs to the couch where we were playing the game. He would stop crying as long as I stood up but as soon as I sat down to try and play the game he'd start crying. So, I walked around the living room, instructing the GF where to go so we could get to the proto crystal. She even learne dhow to use the map, lol.

                    tl;dr GF ran through quick sand caves on character otw to protocrystal, fell off wrong side of drop, I had to warp and do the run all over again.

                    tl'dr2 crying babies suck.
                    75: Sam, Nin, Blm, Thf, Pld, Cor, Rdm
                    RANK 10 Bastok
                    CoP: Done
                    ZM: Done
                    ToA: Done
                    Assault rank: Captain
                    Campaign Medal: Medals
                    Wotg: Complete the quests already and I'll start

                    Originally posted by Etra
                    This thread brought to you by Malacite's lack of understanding.


                    • #25
                      Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                      im completely sold on the game, im just hoping its out for purchase by the time i get home from deployment in july. im a diehard xi fan, and played for over 5 years, and love the idea of being able to play with a gamepad controller, and setting up macros. Now it's going to be all up to your own playstyle, and i think the idea of left and right hand actions are going to be great. It would be reallly cool to dual wield something like sword and dagger, or axe and sword, and have individual skills per weapon and/or hand. I was never really into crafting in XI, it just seemed to eat up too much time for such little skill up progress, not to mention the dent it would put in your wallet, so i really like the idea of crafters as classes. It will be nice to be able to change classes on the fly too. The one thing i'm really hoping for is a type of beastmaster job. It was my first to 75, and probably my best job in XI, and the idea of having a sidekick pet help you tear things apart has always been appeling to me.


                      • #26
                        Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                        I really hope the world is full of little oddities and special things to come across. One thing I liked about Oblivion was that there were really deep books about almost every topic in the game. The game never held your hand, and you had to read books in the game to learn how to enchant weapons, to figure out what certain monsters were weak to, or what ingrdients created different poitions. Also all of the books/notes you found in dungeons, wirtten by the dungeon dwellers themselves, so immersive...

                        I know it's a lot to ask that from an MMO, but I never ever want to see a line showing me from point A to point B where the blacksmith is located in town, or where my quest monster is located (ala WoW)
                        Whose idea was it to steal that pirate ship, anyway?
                        - Galuf (Final Fantasy V)


                        • #27
                          Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                          Originally posted by Mezlo View Post
                          Mission already accomplished! (Somewhat)

                          Off topic but fun story for me to tell, so...

                          So last week my roommate's wife and 5 month old were in town. Superbowl Sunday roommate and his wife were going to a superbowl party, and GF and I were just giong to be lazy and lay around the house all day. RM needed to goto the store to grab drinks and stuff for the party. He and his wife were going to go and asked if we could watch the kid. Of course we could! (He was asleep and I was playing ffxi, lol!) I was running to the 3 protocrystals to fight the summons for ASA. I wasnt playing all day, I was just hopping on to get this part done so I'd be ready for static tuesday. well, as soon as they left guess what... The kid woke up. this was not part of the plan... I went and grabbed the kid and took him downstairs to the couch where we were playing the game. He would stop crying as long as I stood up but as soon as I sat down to try and play the game he'd start crying. So, I walked around the living room, instructing the GF where to go so we could get to the proto crystal. She even learne dhow to use the map, lol.

                          tl;dr GF ran through quick sand caves on character otw to protocrystal, fell off wrong side of drop, I had to warp and do the run all over again.

                          tl'dr2 crying babies suck.
                          That's awesome.

                          Fact: Every time I hear a baby cry I become more sterile.
                          "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy

