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What do you hope for in Eorzea?

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  • What do you hope for in Eorzea?

    With what we know so far, an have seen from the main site. What type of things to you hope are a part of the game play itself, battles, gear, quests, etc. Are you looking for a certain class to make and role play? Do you plan on starting a guild of some kind?

    Myself, I just hope for more travel, some type or set of samurai gear. If I can at least wield a katana, then I'm good . That's all I can think of myself, what about you guys?.

  • #2
    Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

    Less grinding yet still a feel of accomplishment.

    Low and mid level worth while shiniesso you don't look like a gomer in underwear for levels 1-60 (job dependent of course, but still...).

    No ridiculous pop times (Charybis).... gotta be another way.

    I hope FFxiv's "tarutaru" are more battle-prone than FFxi's.

    A little more dynamic combat system than FFxi.

    Less painful ways to accumulate in game moneys.

    ... for a start.
    FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
    FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

    Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
    aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


    • #3
      Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

      Indeed, I agree with all of those. I can tell you now, its said from SE themselves, Whether you have a hour or day, it mentions you can get stuff accomplished, an feel satisfied. :D


      • #4
        Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

        I hope, from what I've heard about the later levels in FFXI, that we have a larger variety of monster models.

        Oh, and I really hope we don't have to hide from monsters on airships or boats, I want to see what's going on outside and see the view (if there was one, I only ever rode once and I had to stay below deck).
        Whose idea was it to steal that pirate ship, anyway?
        - Galuf (Final Fantasy V)


        • #5
          Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

          Originally posted by December View Post
          I hope, from what I've heard about the later levels in FFXI, that we have a larger variety of monster models.

          Oh, and I really hope we don't have to hide from monsters on airships or boats, I want to see what's going on outside and see the view (if there was one, I only ever rode once and I had to stay below deck).
          I feel the same about the monster variety in the later levels. Even at the lower levels as well, more camps for parties, more monster variety, monsters designed to be solo-able by certain classes, but be tough to parties, and so on.

          As for the Airship thing... I actually liked that. I liked when the pirates invaded, I liked taking on the Sea monsters, and so on. I found it fun. Yea, it was a pain in the ass at beginning levels, but later on, it was fun as hell when they where on the same level as you. Especially when you where taking on the NM alone, and the people below decided to join in on the fun with you.


          • #6
            Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

            It would definatley be a change of pace for a wider variety of creatures, though the main site itself already has a "raptor" (which does look about exactly as it did in FFXI) Im not honestly sure rooting for it is best for now, lol. Not to shoot the hope down though, I too would appreciate said change. My first ship ride involved pirates as a matter of fact, did I take cover below? Hell no. I had no idea what was going on, lol. Even though I obviously got ganked bad, it was still a thrill having the music change, the air growing foggy, etc. There will def. be something about the ships though(the cutscene in the trailer involving that leviathen of a sea serpent creature). How about events/quest/missions. I do not at all want something to be a walk in walk right out task, its not fun if its easy, neither would it be if only a few seem to complete the god forbid, if only said 6 of who knows how many job cominations are "allowed" to attempt them. XD Know what I mean?


            • #7
              Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

              Sexy Mithra
              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

              - Pablo Picasso


              • #8
                Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                Originally posted by AshtionFFXIV View Post
                It would definatley be a change of pace for a wider variety of creatures, though the main site itself already has a "raptor" (which does look about exactly as it did in FFXI) Im not honestly sure rooting for it is best for now, lol. Not to shoot the hope down though, I too would appreciate said change. My first ship ride involved pirates as a matter of fact, did I take cover below? Hell no. I had no idea what was going on, lol. Even though I obviously got ganked bad, it was still a thrill having the music change, the air growing foggy, etc. There will def. be something about the ships though(the cutscene in the trailer involving that leviathen of a sea serpent creature). How about events/quest/missions. I do not at all want something to be a walk in walk right out task, its not fun if its easy, neither would it be if only a few seem to complete the god forbid, if only said 6 of who knows how many job cominations are "allowed" to attempt them. XD Know what I mean?
                You reminded me about something I had forgotten to add with the "Walk, and walk" part.

                They should make it so that all areas in the game are used as well. People went on the Mhuara-Selbina ship what, once, MAYBE twice their entire time they played the game on their characters. Same for the Alzabi ship, and so on. No one uses the Alzabi ship any more because they got the warps, and such. They should make it so that its actually used, not just sit there, and go back and forth with no one.

                Same with Norg. Not many people actually go into norg except for Nin, and Sam. No one is ever there, oh, and don't forget about the Desert place (Cant remember the name), it could be used for people to actually be there, and get some stuff done, like quests, and so on. Make those places have quests that people will find FUN, and will want to do with a decent reward. Reeatable quests in those places will be good. Like, you have to kill Shahigan, and you can only be X level, if you take on the quests, you will be reduced in level, and you have to kill so many Shahigan, or fend off Shahigan from Norg for a good reward. Same with the desert, fend off the desert place of the Antican for so long, and the longer you can survive, the better the Exp. money, and items that you can get. Like a belt that adds a small amount of haste, and ACC, but not as good as the Speed Belt, and is R/Ex. Or get items that increase your Max Hp/Mp by 5%, or decrease physical damage taken, and so on. People will do the quests just for the fun factor of they are fun, and they can't be done by a guide. Like each wave is different, and no two waves are the same. Like wave 1 for one group will be different for another.

                Theres so many things SE could do to add content for lower levels, that can be fun, and will have decent rewards. But, thats a whole different story, more like a rant, and doesn't belong here.


                • #9
                  Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                  Well, again from the main site, I read somewhere that the crystals in this game will have teleportation features, so as far as having to walk to your destination, I am almost positive I read that, in some instances, it sounds as if you can just tele-away to get to the location. This could be mistaken for something such as, reaching mission/quest location and "teleporting" to a mini-area where you slay said target or whatever. We will just have to see.


                  • #10
                    Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                    I just can't wait for that "new game smell" where everything is fresh and fun. I can't wait to explore with my friends and laugh at our stupid mistakes. I want to get excited and cheer when we accomplish something great. Ya...I can't wait for that new game smell.
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #11
                      Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?


                      May sound bland and ambiguous, but I hope for FFXIV the same thing I hope for with every new/old game.... to enjoy it. I can tolerate a lot of glitches or bad dialogue or clunky battle systems in any game, so long as for some reason I'm enjoying the game.

                      While lots of different monsters or looking pretty at any level is nice, a game's worth depends on how much you enjoy playing the thing. Everything else is icing on a delicious cake.


                      • #12
                        Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                        Indeed, I agree with you both. That new game mmo essence, is just awesome. Everythings new, learning things the first time, hell I'll be happy the first day I find myself lost in the games enviroment w/o a clue where to go lol. Theres nothing quite like those first days online FFXI was so awesome, FFXIV will be even


                        • #13
                          Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                          The long awaited BEE MAGE!
                          Soloed to 75

                          [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                          all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                          .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                          Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


                          • #14
                            Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                            Originally posted by AshtionFFXIV View Post
                            Well, again from the main site, I read somewhere that the crystals in this game will have teleportation features, so as far as having to walk to your destination, I am almost positive I read that, in some instances, it sounds as if you can just tele-away to get to the location. This could be mistaken for something such as, reaching mission/quest location and "teleporting" to a mini-area where you slay said target or whatever. We will just have to see.
                            I remember seeing something about the crystals showing up after you finish killing the monsters you needed to kill for the guild levee, and you would go back to where you got it. Not sure about teleporting about though.


                            • #15
                              Re: What do you hope for in Eorzea?

                              Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                              Same with Norg. Not many people actually go into norg except for Nin, and Sam. No one is ever there, oh, and don't forget about the Desert place...
                              I would love this--to have most areas (at least towns) offer something unique or important instead of being just another place to hit up a Nomad Moogle. It would be great to see the player population actually spread out in different areas instead of concentrated 90% in Whitegate, 8% in Jeuno. (Maybe that's what it was like in this game's youth? I didn't start until 2008, so...)

                              Anyway, one thing I very much want...and it seems like they're headed this direction, thank god! to have skills and levels sort of bound, so that level syncing does not destroy your ability to be effective once you hit 75. It's pretty bad that most players have to spend weeks or even months grinding out skill points even after they've reached the top. And not skill points above and beyond what's possible for the job, i.e. merits, but just the skills for basic effectiveness.
                              Last edited by Havelock; 02-11-2010, 11:02 AM. Reason: Shortened, sp
                              Must level...<Resist sleep> ...

