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FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

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  • #16
    Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    but I really don't want to be bothered by this bull crap when the battery eventually dies.
    You just order another one...I find that account security above all else, even if one doesn't visit risky sites or deals in RMT that could compromise their account is worth every penny. Otherwise if you do get hacked it can take weeks to get ones account back, and tons of annoyance with CS, that happens to be Sony anyway {I've heard}...which they are very horrible at.


    • #17
      Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

      And pay them another $10 + tax. And in the mean time, you basically can't do anything with anything that uses the account, like say FFXI/XIV >_>



      • #18
        Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

        I WANT TO PLAY. ; ;

        "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


        • #19
          Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          And pay them another $10 + tax. And in the mean time, you basically can't do anything with anything that uses the account, like say FFXI/XIV >_>
          You do know that you can temporarily turn it off, so you can log in, and then turn it back on after you log out. It is a few extra steps until a replacement arrives..but in the end its very worth it.

          I've had to listen to friends and family members alike go through the lengthy and annoying process of having to get an account restored with both WoW and FFXI, and sometimes you don't always get everything returned to you, and on a more rare occasion a roll back of significant progress.

          I've never had my account on any MMO hacked or compromised since the days of Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast, but since then; that was enough to take every step possible with the ones that do support the feature. Better safe than sorry...


          • #20
            Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

            Originally posted by Khalus View Post
            You do know that you can temporarily turn it off, so you can log in, and then turn it back on after you log out. It is a few extra steps until a replacement arrives..but in the end its very worth it.

            I've had to listen to friends and family members alike go through the lengthy and annoying process of having to get an account restored with both WoW and FFXI, and sometimes you don't always get everything returned to you, and on a more rare occasion a roll back of significant progress.

            I've never had my account on any MMO hacked or compromised since the days of Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast, but since then; that was enough to take every step possible with the ones that do support the feature. Better safe than sorry...
            yes, but can you tell me that you will know when the battery dies? I am with Mal on this one, I got mine, used it for a week, then shut it off, I am careful enough with my information that i do not need this. Besides people have been "hacked" even with the stupid token, so it all proves that SE just can not protect us against stupid. Yes there are the rare instances where its completely not the persons fault, but that only about 5% of the time.
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • #21
              Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

              PC, PS3 and ...?

              That statement makes the rest of the information suspect.

              Originally posted by Takelli View Post
              * Unlike in FFXI, the 4 different versions of the game are being developed simulataneously to prep for worldwide launch of the game.
              * Auto attack is removed.
              * Even if a skill gap is present among party members, kiling a monster will still grant combat skill increase.
              * Skill caps are equivalent to level caps.
              * Short guild leves are developed for those who do not have much time.
              * There are specific combat skill Guild Leves - uses sword as an example.
              * Different nations will have different guild leves.
              * Aetheryte system developed for convenience and focus on content outside of cities. Reduce travel time for groups meeting up and make the entire system more efficient.
              * Aside from just items and money, NM(Notorious monsters) may present rare item drops in Guild leves.
              * HNM guild leaves are being developed for large groups and are being considered to be implemented in the game at launch. (HNMs confirmed?!?!)
              * There won't be any overlap between players killing monsters for guild leves since they are all instanced for the guild leve recipients.
              * There is non fighting content for crafting classes, but for advanced dungeons fighting will be necessary.
              * Weapons now have durability, working with a crafter or leveling a crafting job yourself will be crucial to progression.
              * Economy will still be trade among players driven with an auction house possibility. Other options are still being considered.
              * SE is attemping to create an economy and trading system that people who do not play often can use as well.
              * Currently only the 3 starting nations exist.
              * Main storylines are going to play a large role once again, this time with voice acting.
              * English voice acting thus far, subtitles provided for other regions.
              * The main aim or motivation for players in FFXIv will be "growth". You can develop your character and grow how you want to. Something a casual player and a hardcore player can share.
              * Variation among armor progress more drastically than FFXI!
              * Different armor will have different skill requirements. Each weapon has corresponding gear paths. There is general purpose gear and skill purposed gear, example is fencers for increased speed of sword skill leveling.
              * SE would love to start the beta immediately, but more development work needs to be done. Tanaka wants some playable form of the game available to everyone like the 30 minute guild leve example at Gamescom.
              * Tanaka wants a very large group of people to be able to test the game and provide feedback as early in the development as possible.
              * Sundi wants to expand the GM team from FFXI to help with the beta of FFXIV.
              * The Special Tast Force will be back for FFXIV, and use of SE security tokens may become required.
              "All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy


              • #22
                Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                I think he is referring to the languages, not the systems.


                • #23
                  Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                  Originally posted by Solymir View Post
                  PC, PS3 and ...?

                  That statement makes the rest of the information suspect.
                  "4 different versions" is referring to the languages English, Japanese, French, Germin

                  what did you think? PS3, PC, 360, Wii/PS2? because this game would never happen on PS2 or Wii

                  Hell the way Microsoft is acting, 360 will be lucky to get FFXIV at all
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • #24
                    Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                    That was a lot more clear than the other versions I"ve watched. So much so I was really impressed with the fluidity of motion.

                    Asura Server


                    • #25
                      Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                      Yea, thats why I had posted it. Most of the videos where done from cell phones, some one actually got a camera in, and was taking videos. Its much nicer being able to actually "SEE" the video rather than see all the pixels of the camera.


                      • #26
                        Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                        Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                        Besides people have been "hacked" even with the stupid token, so it all proves that SE just can not protect us against stupid. Yes there are the rare instances where its completely not the persons fault, but that only about 5% of the time.
                        This. I keep my PC up to date as much as possible with protection software and never give out my info etc. Besides, as was stated above, people have been hacked despite the token so I may as well just eliminate that extra step. I mainly bought it for the Satchel anyway, which has been an absolute Godsend.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #27
                          Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                          well since we are at the campfire waiting for SOMETHING about FFXIV, I found these funny FFXI videos that you all probably already seen years ago. (it isn't a song, there's a story and everything)

                          you know what's a real shocker is that the first episode is in fact a video I seen before I even started playing FFXI years ago!
                          This youtube video was posted in 2008, but the video itself is definitely older than that.

                          [ame=""]YouTube- As Vana'diel Turns (Ep.1)[/ame]

                          the other 2 I just found today.

                          [ame=""]YouTube- As Vana'diel Turns (Ep.2)[/ame]

                          [ame=""]YouTube- As Vana'diel Turns (Ep.3)[/ame]


                          • #28
                            Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                            when we are waiting for info on something..... we dont fill said thread with crap -.-
                            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                            • #29
                              Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                              Hey those guys were great (though very, very old @ this point)

                              but yeah this is not the right thread or them.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • #30
                                Re: FFXIV Gameplay Compilation

                                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                                Hey those guys were great (though very, very old @ this point)

                                but yeah this is not the right thread or them.
                                yeah my bad, I meant "crap" in general lol, I liked these guys myself.
                                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

