Re: FFXIV Storyline revealed!
Really, the only beastmen in the original (pre-toau) areas who were treated unfairly were the Quadavs. The Orcs were a bloodthirsty, warring horde of invaders. Yagudo are religious zealots who tried to destroy Windurst because of their differing views. Antican are a plague like race who desire to conquer and spread to all they can reach. Gigas are much like Orcs in their destructive ways. Sahagin prefer to avoid all other races and Tonberries were mutated long ago and turned into the hateful little green toads they are today. It was only the Quadav who were ever "wronged" by the allied races. And not because of any attempts at genocide, but due to the fact that their ancient birthing grounds are located in an incredibly ore rich mountain. When Hume's started mining those tunnels the Quadav fought back, in response the Humes packed the tunnels with explosives and blew out many of them, with the Quadav still inside.
The allied races did have their dark sides and often fought with each other as much as they fought with the Beastmen. But most of the Beastmen were undoubtedly the aggressors. Though both Windurst and San'D oria did attempt to conquer the continents, both of whom failed due to both Beastmen conflicts and failed assaults on Bastok severely draining the invading forces.
As for the racial tensions within Bastok itself, it's not that the Galka were specifically treated bad by the humes, all lower class citizens of Bastok are treated fairly poorly. It's more of the fact that those who rose in political power were mainly self centered, silver tongued Humes who do not hide that apathy the Hume race is cursed with. It's not that Galka are treated with a specific prejudice, it's more that they're openly ignored in their concerns, much like all lower class citizens are. When combined with the Galka's ever present "rage", it leads to the negative feelings that fester and grow within their own community. While the Galka get angry at being ignored, the Humes just continue to ignore them fueling the Galkas to get even madder.
Also, one little issue about the History of Bastok from fairyoracle's link, at the start of the Crystal War, Hrichter Karst wasn't the Bastokan President. I don't even think he was a Senator at that point. His father, Derek Karst was however, as they both play roles in CS from WotG Bastok quests.
Originally posted by fairyoracle75
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The allied races did have their dark sides and often fought with each other as much as they fought with the Beastmen. But most of the Beastmen were undoubtedly the aggressors. Though both Windurst and San'D oria did attempt to conquer the continents, both of whom failed due to both Beastmen conflicts and failed assaults on Bastok severely draining the invading forces.
As for the racial tensions within Bastok itself, it's not that the Galka were specifically treated bad by the humes, all lower class citizens of Bastok are treated fairly poorly. It's more of the fact that those who rose in political power were mainly self centered, silver tongued Humes who do not hide that apathy the Hume race is cursed with. It's not that Galka are treated with a specific prejudice, it's more that they're openly ignored in their concerns, much like all lower class citizens are. When combined with the Galka's ever present "rage", it leads to the negative feelings that fester and grow within their own community. While the Galka get angry at being ignored, the Humes just continue to ignore them fueling the Galkas to get even madder.
Also, one little issue about the History of Bastok from fairyoracle's link, at the start of the Crystal War, Hrichter Karst wasn't the Bastokan President. I don't even think he was a Senator at that point. His father, Derek Karst was however, as they both play roles in CS from WotG Bastok quests.