Greetings! Wow, I used this site back in 2003 to get a world pass.
Anyways, the purpose of this post is to introduce myself and my group to you. We have our own website that will go into further details and information about us, our structure, and what we want to accomplish.
Final Fantasy XIV Linkshell
My name is Crimso. I led very successful end-game guilds in Final Fantasy XI and also in World of Warcraft at level 60 and 70. We were never #1 but we were always in the top 10. I have been leading top groups of 20-60 people since i was a little boy (13). Seven years have passed and I'm ready to create a much better Guild than any in the past.
I was overcome with great enthusiasm when I heard about Final Fantasy XIV and even greater enthusiasm when I learned of a simultaneous world-wide release. Although I retired from FFXI in 2006, I have kept in contact with some of my former officers and we came to the conclusion of restarting the Linkshell for FFXIV.
The game is still far from release but we want to start developing a community right away.
With the game so far away we are in open recruitment mode right now. Anyone that is interested can post an intro and let us get to know you by staying active on our site. You are automatically granted an ‘ensign’ rank while we are in open recruitment. If you wish to join, after 2 weeks on our forums you may post an application. Ultimately we will be looking for people that we deem a good fit to the Linkshell in 2 ways.
1) Prospects must get along with and fit in socially with the Linkshell.
We want to have a variety of people within the Linkshell and we will embrace diversity. However, like a fraternity, some people may not fit in with the rest of our members.
2) Prospects must take their job serious and be top quality players.
This doesn’t mean that we want all of our members to play 16 hours a day just to get the best gear possible (although many of our members will be playing that much). We want you to find your niche, whatever it may be, and maximize your potential within that role. When the time comes for end-game, we won’t just need the best DD (or DPS) and tanks but we’ll also need high level crafters and cooks.
We won’t just be looking for people that dedicate their entire day to FFXIV. As long as you qualify for statement 1 and 2 you can play 10 hours a week and still be useful to our Linkshell.
When FFXIV finally is released, we will all start from level 1 (or zero) and work our way up. We want prospective members to know that, while we ultimately will be interested in end-game events and hope to dominate the stage, there is still a long journey to end-game that should not be overlooked.
The best FFXI end-game Linkshells have members that have known each other from the beginning of their adventure; their strength comes from deep foundations. We hope to start developing a community of people that can rely on each other and ensure that playing the game is fun and addictive. Our Linkshell members will develop their characters together and understand each others' styles of play. When we do start end-game content, we will have a group of people that know how they work as a group and are dependable.
Our website is Final Fantasy XIV Linkshell
Anyways, the purpose of this post is to introduce myself and my group to you. We have our own website that will go into further details and information about us, our structure, and what we want to accomplish.
Final Fantasy XIV Linkshell
My name is Crimso. I led very successful end-game guilds in Final Fantasy XI and also in World of Warcraft at level 60 and 70. We were never #1 but we were always in the top 10. I have been leading top groups of 20-60 people since i was a little boy (13). Seven years have passed and I'm ready to create a much better Guild than any in the past.
I was overcome with great enthusiasm when I heard about Final Fantasy XIV and even greater enthusiasm when I learned of a simultaneous world-wide release. Although I retired from FFXI in 2006, I have kept in contact with some of my former officers and we came to the conclusion of restarting the Linkshell for FFXIV.
The game is still far from release but we want to start developing a community right away.
With the game so far away we are in open recruitment mode right now. Anyone that is interested can post an intro and let us get to know you by staying active on our site. You are automatically granted an ‘ensign’ rank while we are in open recruitment. If you wish to join, after 2 weeks on our forums you may post an application. Ultimately we will be looking for people that we deem a good fit to the Linkshell in 2 ways.
1) Prospects must get along with and fit in socially with the Linkshell.
We want to have a variety of people within the Linkshell and we will embrace diversity. However, like a fraternity, some people may not fit in with the rest of our members.
2) Prospects must take their job serious and be top quality players.
This doesn’t mean that we want all of our members to play 16 hours a day just to get the best gear possible (although many of our members will be playing that much). We want you to find your niche, whatever it may be, and maximize your potential within that role. When the time comes for end-game, we won’t just need the best DD (or DPS) and tanks but we’ll also need high level crafters and cooks.
We won’t just be looking for people that dedicate their entire day to FFXIV. As long as you qualify for statement 1 and 2 you can play 10 hours a week and still be useful to our Linkshell.
When FFXIV finally is released, we will all start from level 1 (or zero) and work our way up. We want prospective members to know that, while we ultimately will be interested in end-game events and hope to dominate the stage, there is still a long journey to end-game that should not be overlooked.
The best FFXI end-game Linkshells have members that have known each other from the beginning of their adventure; their strength comes from deep foundations. We hope to start developing a community of people that can rely on each other and ensure that playing the game is fun and addictive. Our Linkshell members will develop their characters together and understand each others' styles of play. When we do start end-game content, we will have a group of people that know how they work as a group and are dependable.
Our website is Final Fantasy XIV Linkshell