Re: FFXIV interview.
Actually it does seem like we're going to have that "Five races united against a common foe" bit going on again. The story so far clearly describes how the five races fought each other over the lands of Eorzea until an unknown outside aggressor came into play and laid waste to the lands forcing the five races to band together in an uneasy truce. In fact the basic back story is exactly the same as FFXI's. Five races fight amongst each other, a sudden outside army attacks forcing everyone to join forces, and since the end of the war the "calm" period leads to the need to have able bodied young adventurers take up missions and quests to protect their homelands.
And I plan to play as a Hume (or whatever the new name for em is), probably a midlander...depending on what that entails. Looking over the descriptions of the races though, none of em mention anything about their factions being at war within themselves, most don't even seem to have hostilities between them. If anything it'll just mean statistic and starting area differences instead of some RP feud.
I like how they allow you to switch nations in FFXI, even if it is for something as simple as being closer to a workers guild. Not everyone is patriotic and that can be just as much as an RPish element as staying close to your nation. That being said, I've bled blue for close to 6 years now. One glance at my character's town gear and you know I'm Bastok to the core. But that's just me.
I loved how Thf had Hide and the ability to pick locks. Which is why it sucked so hard when they nerfed lock picking, goblin coin theft and made the Thf's "advantage" with treasure Caskets be that each Thief Tool you traded to one gave you a chance, a chance at getting a hint. And not even a high chance at that. But little things like those are what really make a class special imo. Not everything should be combat focused, and I hope we see more of that in FFXIV.
Everywhere I looked, the definition for MMO was never restricted to games where the majority of the world is persistent. In the end, Guild Wars can be considered an MMO, just like PSO and PSU and other games like that because they do have central, persistent worlds on centralized servers. Characters and information are all saved server side and when you log out, the game world is still there running. In the end, it's a fine line of discussion with a lot of grey area and sub genres. So chillax with the spit and vinegar because there's no need to get so fussy over something like this.
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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And I plan to play as a Hume (or whatever the new name for em is), probably a midlander...depending on what that entails. Looking over the descriptions of the races though, none of em mention anything about their factions being at war within themselves, most don't even seem to have hostilities between them. If anything it'll just mean statistic and starting area differences instead of some RP feud.
Originally posted by Aksannyi
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Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
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Originally posted by Feba
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