Though yet to confirm their official English names. :p

they seem to be Bard, Archer, Monk, and Paladin types.
(Well yes Archer was mentioned when "Gladiator" was first revealed. but this is the first time we see a visual representation
of the Job.)
Feel free to speculate on their names and abilities.
Weapons = Job it seems, therefore that combined with the white-like gear the 4th is wearing, is why I have a theory the
4th one shown may be a PLD/Holy Knight type. Well it might be a DRK based on the type of weapon it's wielding, but Paladins have been shown to wield many things besides swords and shields. so looks like they'll be using a Great Axe this time. Unless it's some other type of job.
Some have a theory it's a Berserker job. but the clothes seem too dignified to be something like a Berserker. Maybe it's a type of Knight job.
Though we have yet to see what Job will get to wield a Great Sword, as well as what Job will wield a Scythe. if those weapons are in FFXIV I would guess something like a Holy Knight and Shadow Knight would wield those.
Anyways back to the first one: there's no proof it's a BRD-type. It might be a gambler or something Fighter-like.
But my 20 Jobs speculation is based on now the fact that the Fighter class has 5 Jobs under it's belt now
(GLA,???, ARC,MNK,???)
so if Sorceror, Harvester and Crafter get 5 Jobs each as well. that would total at least 20 Jobs at launch.

they seem to be Bard, Archer, Monk, and Paladin types.
(Well yes Archer was mentioned when "Gladiator" was first revealed. but this is the first time we see a visual representation
of the Job.)
Feel free to speculate on their names and abilities.

Weapons = Job it seems, therefore that combined with the white-like gear the 4th is wearing, is why I have a theory the
4th one shown may be a PLD/Holy Knight type. Well it might be a DRK based on the type of weapon it's wielding, but Paladins have been shown to wield many things besides swords and shields. so looks like they'll be using a Great Axe this time. Unless it's some other type of job.
Some have a theory it's a Berserker job. but the clothes seem too dignified to be something like a Berserker. Maybe it's a type of Knight job.
Though we have yet to see what Job will get to wield a Great Sword, as well as what Job will wield a Scythe. if those weapons are in FFXIV I would guess something like a Holy Knight and Shadow Knight would wield those.
Anyways back to the first one: there's no proof it's a BRD-type. It might be a gambler or something Fighter-like.
But my 20 Jobs speculation is based on now the fact that the Fighter class has 5 Jobs under it's belt now
(GLA,???, ARC,MNK,???)
so if Sorceror, Harvester and Crafter get 5 Jobs each as well. that would total at least 20 Jobs at launch.
