We are a final fantasy XIV linkshell. Basically, for those of you who want to play FFXIV
Guild Name: Rapture
Server: PvE (w/ PvP encounters)
Type: All play styles
Ages: All Ages (Must be Mature)
Leaders: Skky & Shailee
Recruiting: We are recruiting active mature members
Vent: We do have an active ventrilo server, for those who want to get involved on a vocal scale.
Regions: World Wide (All English speaking regions)
Origins: North America

Welcome to Rapture:
We are one of the first and largest guilds built for Final Fantasy XIV. We have a chat room, beautiful forums, full web site, and a member base that is about having fun. We are a democratic guild that puts the authority in its members. Officers are voted in by terms and rules are in place to keep the guild running for many years to come. If you are looking to be part of a long-term family than this is the guild for you.
Rapture a family run guild and the guild leaders Skky and Shailee a married couple who live in Miami, Florida. Rapture is the first guild that is forming for the not yet released Final Fantasy XIV MMORPG. We have over two hundred members (at the time of this post) and are growing steadily. Skky and Shailee want this guild to strive even if they cannot continue to run it in the future so Skky has made it a democratic guild so we wont be going away anytime soon!
What sets Rapture apart from the rest?
It’s a Democratic guild?!?!?
Yes! Rapture is a democratic guild (maybe the first of it's kind). Our members have the right to vote on just about anything. Our leaders are elected, the way the website and forums are themed and styled are voted on, and even the structure of our guild is determined by our members as well. We even have a constitution in the works to lie out the ground rules. We will not have a permanent leader so the guild can continue even if the current leaders decide to leave.
This not only gives the member more power, but also gives every member a chance to lead. We believe this will give Rapture more stability and in the end, keep it from being dictated by unfair leaders. Everyone has a say, and if you join a guild, it is important that you are part of its legacy.
What does Rapture have to offer?
First and foremost we are a Final Fantasy XIV guild, so we will be coming together in a new and exciting world when the game is released. Second we are a group of friends from all kinds of backgrounds. Most likely if you have a question someone here will have an answer or know where to find it, whether it's a computer question, a question about cars, mixed martial arts, or just about anything. Someone here will probably be willing to help you.
We also have a forums page, a live chat, and a news feed, which can all be found, on the top of this site. (We hope to add more features as we grow and receive input from our members)
What are we doing while we are waiting for FFXIV?
- We are very active with events in FFXI, where we all rerolled on a new server.
- We play Modern Warfare 2 as [Rap]
- We have contest on a monthly bases
- We have chat room sessions on a monthly bases
- We have 10 to 30 members in our chat room daily
- We post FFXIV News on our web site and forums as soon as it is released.
Whether we are playing FFXIV or not, we are about getting to know each other and becoming part of a family of active and fun guild members.
First and foremost is our focus on mature gamers. In order to have a fun, friendly, and peaceful linkshell, we must recruit mature members. I essentially mean gamers that understand common-sense etiquette, do not cause drama, and are willing to contribute to a community. Our legion type is split between casual and hardcore type because casual guilds in today's games sit around not doing anything together. Hardcore legions treat the game like a second job. We are flexible, but organized as well. Think of it like a family vacation.
A lot of careful planning goes into ensuring an enjoyable time, but sometimes you just have to go ahead and enjoy your time once and a while. Our guild does not like to restrict any type of play orientation or styles so we have adapted to all play styles that our members would like. We are currently deciding our server type and info.
Our Casual Side:
Rapture’s goal is to support not only hardcore members, but also casual as well. We would like to recruit dedicated and mature members. Whether you log on once a week or once a month, if you are dedicated and mature, you’re helping Rapture succeed. We want to make sure that when you log in, you’ll have a family to enjoy, talk to, and experience with Final Fantasy XIV Online. Have your previous guilds been family orientated? Are they casual and friendly and expect a few things out of their members?
Real life comes first.
We are real life professionals, students, family people, that are unable to put the time into a game that would constitute us as a hard-core guild. However, when we play we do so to the best of our ability.
We are casual in play time, not in play style.
Being casual in play time means that if you need to go to your kid's ball game, that takes priority over a game. If you have finals and can't play for a week, that's perfectly fine.
Being casual in play time does not mean skipping out in the middle of a raid, or detrimentally affecting the success of your fellow guild mates through extended, unannounced AFKs or other in-game absences. (Legitimate emergencies are always understood.)
We only expect the most critical things out of our members in order to keep us organized. For instance:
The member expectations are:
1.Obey the guild wide policies/ Rules (Rules and values below)
2.To act polite and respectful to all guild members.
3.Act mature.
4.Just have fun!
We will be on ventrilo servers in order to prevent chat clutter, and come release date, we will split up into groups in order to prevent people from feeling like they’re just another member. We want everyone to feel special and we want them to feel as if they’re part of something that is both fun and will make a difference. Do you want to be bored when you log onto FFXIV, or do you want to have the time of your life? Join Rapture, we’ll make sure you won’t regret it. Already we have many members who are getting to know each other, as we play other MMOs, chat room, and events/contests. Our goal is to make sure the member is the most important.
We are a guild that helps, and one of our missions is to help those casual members. We do not believe that anyone should be left behind and we are here to not only help those indeed, but also receive help when needed. Everyone needs help whether we are working together to complete a quest or if we need some extra gil in our pocket. “Don’t pay it back, pay it forward!â€
Our Hardcore Side:
These hardcore members must believe, that if they are to be excellent in wha
Since we are a large guild, we have decided to split into two sections, and although we do not deny membership if you are a casual player you must be mature at least. For those who are planning on playing FFXIV for 7 days a week 18 hours a day, we have a category for that as well. We have many members who have a lot of previous MMO experience and are ready to be one of the best on the server. We have a few members who will get accepted into beta, they will map out a strategy that’ll be the key to our success in FFXIV. Every member will have a role, and this role will be for the greater good for Rapture. This strategy will help us succeed, we will be the best.
We are team players people. The goal is not for one to succeed but all to succeed.
Whether we are in guild groups, in raids against high-end content, or in player-vs-player combat we will always do our utmost to be successful. We learn from defeats and repeat victories. We will be flexible enough to adapt and overcome and change tactics, skills, and equipment as needed (and available) for an encounter.
t they do, and how they act, then we must be excellent in what we do, and how we act. Together we can overcome any odds, face any foe, and be the best at what we do, because we shall play at the best level. Negativity is not an option for us because it moves us further from our goals, separates us from one another and stalls us from our inevitable achievements. Rapture shall push forward together, because we believe in Rapture, and if we believe in Rapture, then we cannot fail.
Whether you want to rush to endgame events from day one, Rapture will be one of the first guilds to succeed. We believe. We believe. Based on our members past experiences, our unprecedented leadership, and future beta experience and strategy, endgame will be one of our primary goals.
When we do play, we do everything in our power to be the best players that we can.
We make every effort to succeed and achieve within our playtime.
We will use Ventrilo and expect our members to use it for all guild events (PvE and PvP).
Rapture Values:
Rapture is a democratically run guild. In Rapture members are democratically chosen into leadership roles to make sure that our leaders always strive to keep our members happy. Leaders hold meetings to discuss guild policy and deliberate on changes.
In Rapture the leaders work for you and not the other way around. With a strong basis on friendship and selflessness.
F Fun. No event in Rapture is ever mandatory. The designers of this game have stated that their mission is to create a system that will allow a player to play the game in their own way, and so is it ours.
F Fair. Being a democratic guild we intend to have your goals at the forefront of our decision making and all members of Rapture should know that they all have a say on what direction they would like to see their guild headed.
X X-ceptional(sp =p). Quality over quantity. We expect to help influence strong and effective players through activity. We will keep our members options open so there will always be something to do and grow through.
I Interactive. Rapture encourages a social atmosphere in which people from around the world can meet and have fun interacting with their in game personas.
V Venerable. Commanding Respect because of impressive dignity. As the genre suggests in a massively-multiplayer game it is massively important to be held in high regard among the FFXIV community.
Raptures rules are in place to maintain a functioning and enjoyable atmosphere any activities that infringe upon another player's fun be they within the guild or outside of our community will not be achieved without penalty.
Rapture’s Rules:
- Harassment of players
- Failures to cooperate
- Insulting others
- Stealing drops/bank loot
- Racism/Prejudice
- Player Killing, Mass or otherwise
- Ninja lotting from members outside of the guild
- Overuse of profanity
- Hacking/Third-party programs (bots)
General Rules
• All meetings and official guild events must be announced at least 1 week in advance.
• Once a member receives 3 complaints from 3 different members, they will face a jury of officers.
• No member is to be kicked from guild, unless held before the jury of officers.
• Membership is currently open to the public.
• Anyone banned from the forums/chat is banned from the guild in-game and vice-versa.
• The same rules apply to members, leaders, and officers.
• Any motion to create a new rule or modify an existing one must be passed by an officer vote.
• At least 4 Officers must be present for any vote.
• Majority rule is required for a motion to be passed.
• All stalemates are broken by the vote of the Ouryu.
Officer Rules
• Elections for Officers and Co-officers will be held every 6 months.
• An Officer that goes missing for 1 month will be removed from service.
• Officers must attend officer meetings. Excessive absences from such meetings can lead to removal from service.
• When an Officer is removed from service, a Co-officer is voted in by the Officers to replace him.
Is Rapture right for me?
Are you interested in joining something that will make a difference in the FFXIV world? Would you like to have fun and know that you have a family every time you log on? Are you hardcore and want someone to play with whether you’re on 24 hours a day or 12 hours a day? Do you need something to do before Final Fantasy XIV Online comes out that’ll keep you informed and to get to know your fellow guild mates?
Guild Name: Rapture
Server: PvE (w/ PvP encounters)
Type: All play styles
Ages: All Ages (Must be Mature)
Leaders: Skky & Shailee
Recruiting: We are recruiting active mature members
Vent: We do have an active ventrilo server, for those who want to get involved on a vocal scale.
Regions: World Wide (All English speaking regions)
Origins: North America

Welcome to Rapture:
We are one of the first and largest guilds built for Final Fantasy XIV. We have a chat room, beautiful forums, full web site, and a member base that is about having fun. We are a democratic guild that puts the authority in its members. Officers are voted in by terms and rules are in place to keep the guild running for many years to come. If you are looking to be part of a long-term family than this is the guild for you.
Rapture a family run guild and the guild leaders Skky and Shailee a married couple who live in Miami, Florida. Rapture is the first guild that is forming for the not yet released Final Fantasy XIV MMORPG. We have over two hundred members (at the time of this post) and are growing steadily. Skky and Shailee want this guild to strive even if they cannot continue to run it in the future so Skky has made it a democratic guild so we wont be going away anytime soon!
What sets Rapture apart from the rest?
It’s a Democratic guild?!?!?
Yes! Rapture is a democratic guild (maybe the first of it's kind). Our members have the right to vote on just about anything. Our leaders are elected, the way the website and forums are themed and styled are voted on, and even the structure of our guild is determined by our members as well. We even have a constitution in the works to lie out the ground rules. We will not have a permanent leader so the guild can continue even if the current leaders decide to leave.
This not only gives the member more power, but also gives every member a chance to lead. We believe this will give Rapture more stability and in the end, keep it from being dictated by unfair leaders. Everyone has a say, and if you join a guild, it is important that you are part of its legacy.
What does Rapture have to offer?
First and foremost we are a Final Fantasy XIV guild, so we will be coming together in a new and exciting world when the game is released. Second we are a group of friends from all kinds of backgrounds. Most likely if you have a question someone here will have an answer or know where to find it, whether it's a computer question, a question about cars, mixed martial arts, or just about anything. Someone here will probably be willing to help you.
We also have a forums page, a live chat, and a news feed, which can all be found, on the top of this site. (We hope to add more features as we grow and receive input from our members)
What are we doing while we are waiting for FFXIV?
- We are very active with events in FFXI, where we all rerolled on a new server.
- We play Modern Warfare 2 as [Rap]
- We have contest on a monthly bases
- We have chat room sessions on a monthly bases
- We have 10 to 30 members in our chat room daily
- We post FFXIV News on our web site and forums as soon as it is released.
Whether we are playing FFXIV or not, we are about getting to know each other and becoming part of a family of active and fun guild members.
First and foremost is our focus on mature gamers. In order to have a fun, friendly, and peaceful linkshell, we must recruit mature members. I essentially mean gamers that understand common-sense etiquette, do not cause drama, and are willing to contribute to a community. Our legion type is split between casual and hardcore type because casual guilds in today's games sit around not doing anything together. Hardcore legions treat the game like a second job. We are flexible, but organized as well. Think of it like a family vacation.
A lot of careful planning goes into ensuring an enjoyable time, but sometimes you just have to go ahead and enjoy your time once and a while. Our guild does not like to restrict any type of play orientation or styles so we have adapted to all play styles that our members would like. We are currently deciding our server type and info.
Our Casual Side:
Rapture’s goal is to support not only hardcore members, but also casual as well. We would like to recruit dedicated and mature members. Whether you log on once a week or once a month, if you are dedicated and mature, you’re helping Rapture succeed. We want to make sure that when you log in, you’ll have a family to enjoy, talk to, and experience with Final Fantasy XIV Online. Have your previous guilds been family orientated? Are they casual and friendly and expect a few things out of their members?
Real life comes first.
We are real life professionals, students, family people, that are unable to put the time into a game that would constitute us as a hard-core guild. However, when we play we do so to the best of our ability.
We are casual in play time, not in play style.
Being casual in play time means that if you need to go to your kid's ball game, that takes priority over a game. If you have finals and can't play for a week, that's perfectly fine.
Being casual in play time does not mean skipping out in the middle of a raid, or detrimentally affecting the success of your fellow guild mates through extended, unannounced AFKs or other in-game absences. (Legitimate emergencies are always understood.)
We only expect the most critical things out of our members in order to keep us organized. For instance:
The member expectations are:
1.Obey the guild wide policies/ Rules (Rules and values below)
2.To act polite and respectful to all guild members.
3.Act mature.
4.Just have fun!
We will be on ventrilo servers in order to prevent chat clutter, and come release date, we will split up into groups in order to prevent people from feeling like they’re just another member. We want everyone to feel special and we want them to feel as if they’re part of something that is both fun and will make a difference. Do you want to be bored when you log onto FFXIV, or do you want to have the time of your life? Join Rapture, we’ll make sure you won’t regret it. Already we have many members who are getting to know each other, as we play other MMOs, chat room, and events/contests. Our goal is to make sure the member is the most important.
We are a guild that helps, and one of our missions is to help those casual members. We do not believe that anyone should be left behind and we are here to not only help those indeed, but also receive help when needed. Everyone needs help whether we are working together to complete a quest or if we need some extra gil in our pocket. “Don’t pay it back, pay it forward!â€
Our Hardcore Side:
These hardcore members must believe, that if they are to be excellent in wha
Since we are a large guild, we have decided to split into two sections, and although we do not deny membership if you are a casual player you must be mature at least. For those who are planning on playing FFXIV for 7 days a week 18 hours a day, we have a category for that as well. We have many members who have a lot of previous MMO experience and are ready to be one of the best on the server. We have a few members who will get accepted into beta, they will map out a strategy that’ll be the key to our success in FFXIV. Every member will have a role, and this role will be for the greater good for Rapture. This strategy will help us succeed, we will be the best.
We are team players people. The goal is not for one to succeed but all to succeed.
Whether we are in guild groups, in raids against high-end content, or in player-vs-player combat we will always do our utmost to be successful. We learn from defeats and repeat victories. We will be flexible enough to adapt and overcome and change tactics, skills, and equipment as needed (and available) for an encounter.
t they do, and how they act, then we must be excellent in what we do, and how we act. Together we can overcome any odds, face any foe, and be the best at what we do, because we shall play at the best level. Negativity is not an option for us because it moves us further from our goals, separates us from one another and stalls us from our inevitable achievements. Rapture shall push forward together, because we believe in Rapture, and if we believe in Rapture, then we cannot fail.
Whether you want to rush to endgame events from day one, Rapture will be one of the first guilds to succeed. We believe. We believe. Based on our members past experiences, our unprecedented leadership, and future beta experience and strategy, endgame will be one of our primary goals.
When we do play, we do everything in our power to be the best players that we can.
We make every effort to succeed and achieve within our playtime.
We will use Ventrilo and expect our members to use it for all guild events (PvE and PvP).
Rapture Values:
Rapture is a democratically run guild. In Rapture members are democratically chosen into leadership roles to make sure that our leaders always strive to keep our members happy. Leaders hold meetings to discuss guild policy and deliberate on changes.
In Rapture the leaders work for you and not the other way around. With a strong basis on friendship and selflessness.
F Fun. No event in Rapture is ever mandatory. The designers of this game have stated that their mission is to create a system that will allow a player to play the game in their own way, and so is it ours.
F Fair. Being a democratic guild we intend to have your goals at the forefront of our decision making and all members of Rapture should know that they all have a say on what direction they would like to see their guild headed.
X X-ceptional(sp =p). Quality over quantity. We expect to help influence strong and effective players through activity. We will keep our members options open so there will always be something to do and grow through.
I Interactive. Rapture encourages a social atmosphere in which people from around the world can meet and have fun interacting with their in game personas.
V Venerable. Commanding Respect because of impressive dignity. As the genre suggests in a massively-multiplayer game it is massively important to be held in high regard among the FFXIV community.
Raptures rules are in place to maintain a functioning and enjoyable atmosphere any activities that infringe upon another player's fun be they within the guild or outside of our community will not be achieved without penalty.
Rapture’s Rules:
- Harassment of players
- Failures to cooperate
- Insulting others
- Stealing drops/bank loot
- Racism/Prejudice
- Player Killing, Mass or otherwise
- Ninja lotting from members outside of the guild
- Overuse of profanity
- Hacking/Third-party programs (bots)
General Rules
• All meetings and official guild events must be announced at least 1 week in advance.
• Once a member receives 3 complaints from 3 different members, they will face a jury of officers.
• No member is to be kicked from guild, unless held before the jury of officers.
• Membership is currently open to the public.
• Anyone banned from the forums/chat is banned from the guild in-game and vice-versa.
• The same rules apply to members, leaders, and officers.
• Any motion to create a new rule or modify an existing one must be passed by an officer vote.
• At least 4 Officers must be present for any vote.
• Majority rule is required for a motion to be passed.
• All stalemates are broken by the vote of the Ouryu.
Officer Rules
• Elections for Officers and Co-officers will be held every 6 months.
• An Officer that goes missing for 1 month will be removed from service.
• Officers must attend officer meetings. Excessive absences from such meetings can lead to removal from service.
• When an Officer is removed from service, a Co-officer is voted in by the Officers to replace him.
Is Rapture right for me?
Are you interested in joining something that will make a difference in the FFXIV world? Would you like to have fun and know that you have a family every time you log on? Are you hardcore and want someone to play with whether you’re on 24 hours a day or 12 hours a day? Do you need something to do before Final Fantasy XIV Online comes out that’ll keep you informed and to get to know your fellow guild mates?