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E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

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  • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

    The fact that it's even announced with pics, and a video means this:


    It's only logical to me. I'll save my 20$ a month for the next year and a half. I'll save myself a time sink of over 1000+ hours also for something that will become obsolete soon enough (at least to me, I'm only 21). I'll take more time in playing other titles like the GTA 4 I never found time to play, or maybe I'll finally clear the tower in Soul Caliber. I'll take my dog for more walks, do a bit more around the house, maybe do a bit more overtime at work.

    All in all, I'll take a break from the madness only to start it again next year, drooling over every tidbit of information released. I'll be back, more intense then ever, on my new PC which I'll have saved 20$ a month for over a year and a half (plus the amount of money I'll save on my electrical by not having my Xbox on to bazaar stuff.)

    It's a new day, a new era, and I'll embrace full on.


    • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

      Originally posted by Eiznekcam View Post
      I'll save myself a time sink of over 1000+ hours also for something that will become obsolete soon enough
      It's not obsolete if you're still being entertained.

      Or what, do you think you're earning something by playing FFXI?

      This is kind of like seeing a pregnant dog, and then deciding to get rid of Ol' Rover because there might be puppies.

      ---------- Post added at 05:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 AM ----------

      Oh, and don't discount the ability of the money you save to be eclipsed by that you start spending. Sure, you might start playing more of other games, but you're going to be paying for them. A lot of $60 games won't give you a third of the time-value of $20 of FFXI (I realize you're Canadian, but I am far too lazy to look up pricing. The principle still applies). Taking your dog for walks sounds nice, until they need a vet bill. Plus money spent on plastic baggies adds up. Whatever other entertainment you're going to use to fill your time is almost certainly going to cost you more. And if you were really interested in improving your life, you wouldn't have been spurred on to do it because someone announced a video game.


      • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

        The Magic Box - Final Fantasy XIV Preview (Page 1 of 3)

        this information

        The Magic Box - Final Fantasy XIV Preview (Page 1 of 3)

        unless they translated it wrong, Eorzea is the name of the goddess of the world. Does this mean the world is named after the goddess? Or the world has yet to reveal its own name (like Altana and Vana'diel are two separate things)? the trailer seems to hint the former.


        • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

          Ok, seriously, folks. The ridiculous comments I'm seeing here, at BG, and especially at Alla are cracking me the fuck up, but also making me /facepalm.

          "I'm just going to quit FFXI now, because this makes everything I've done for the past X years in FFXI pointless."

          NEWS FLASH: Everything you've done for the past X years in FFXI is pointless. It's a video game. If you enjoyed yourself, good. That's the only thing you should have taken away from that. Your level 75s, your Relic, your leet gears, your various battles won? All fluff. Doesn't matter a lick in the real world.

          "SE had better allow some sort of server transfer so I can keep my character/gear/gil/etc. Or I'm not playing!"

          WTF. This is a NEW GAME. Why on earth would you ever think that 1.) All of your gil/gear/etc. would be transferable, and relevant in this new game, and that 2.) SE would ever allow people to transfer characters over from the endgame of one timesink to that of a new one. They want you to play for as long as possible. Starting from level 1 and going to the level cap with everyone else means that SE gets that many more months of subscription fees out of you.

          If you want to be max level and have amazing gear than STAY IN VANADIEL. Otherwise, accept that you will have to leave your current character behind. But hey! FFXI will still be here, so you can still work on that character and maybe even have less competition for things!

          Plus, PLUS! Most MMOs don't have a particularly rich endgame set up at launch. Having everyone start at 1 means that SE has time to work on that content, so pre-launch they can focus on making the earlier levels more enjoyable and full. So on that note, those who will rush to endgame? Expect to be bored.


          ANYWAY: I really hope SE keeps something similar to the job system we have in FFXI, but even if they don't? I'm super excited. FFXI was my first MMO, but certainly not my last or only, and the thing that kept me coming back was that it was Final Fantasy. FFXIV will be Final Fantasy, and that's all that really matters to me. I'll have it at launch, and if the system sucks, then there is always XI to come back to.


          • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

            Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
            If there's a "PS3 limitation" issue, there'll be a "PC limitation" issue for a lot of us.
            That may be true for a few years, but PS3 specs are fixed and PC are not. FFXI is 7 years old - and the PS2 is even older than that, and *that's* why the PS2 limitations seem serious compared to PC. PC technology has advanced in that time. PS2 technology has not. The same will eventually happen with PS3.

            Oh, and another thing about cross-platform FFXIV: Get serious about hackers this time, please. There's already people bragging about how they're going to hack FFXIV (or more likely, download someone else's hacks) so they won't have the same limitations as those poor bastards on PS3. Don't allow a double standard between platforms to exist again. Stronger anti-hacking measures including zero tolerance for hacked clients, please. Everyone should be playing the same game.
            Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
            RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
            All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


            • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

              The PS3 more than has the ability to support custom UIs, and far more advanced UIs than the PS2 had. If people feel the need to use any sort of client-side hack, SE fucked up hugely on FF14.


              • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                Yea im pretty sure the PS3 will be able to handle pretty much anything SE throws at it, both the hardware and software are light-years away from what the PS2 offered.

                As long as there is enough memory and space to shove things into, i guess were ok.

                Im also pondering the PS3 version and leave the version to the people who dont mind having to worry about viruses and hack attempts and shit.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                  it isn't like this mmorpg will require more than 80 GB in its career of expansions and updates anyway. PC technology will rise, but the PS3 won't be obsolete as far as FFXIV's scope of content and standard graphics. even if it was only released on PC, 7 years from its launch, it would look no better that it already does, it would have no more content and improvements than if the PS3 joined in on the fun also. Also the ps3 is pretty new and it's situation can't be placed at the same situation as PS2 holding back FFXI.

                  PC technology can rise as much as it wants, but this mmorpg regardless whether its PC exclusive or multiplatform, would still be what it is and what it will receive. the PS3 won't hold it back like the PS2 did.

                  Also, what's really creating problems for mmorpgs is the fact they are made for PC gaming in the first place.
                  IF FFXIV was exclusive to ps3, hackers can't touch it. and even if they could, they would have a hell of a time compared to trying to hack the PC version. Stolen accounts, security breach, torrents, etc. That's all because of the corruption and vunerability of PC gaming, the most poisonous platform in this industry.
                  Last edited by jenova_9; 06-03-2009, 03:55 AM.


                  • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                    Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
                    Some of the things you all mention would effectively turn FFXIV into a glorified online game. There are always going to be negatives and positives to any situation, and you can't please everyone, especially considering different cultures, language barriers and perceptions.

                    Props to JP Button, because I finally realize how xenophobic and uptight JP gamers are.
                    They're just as hit-or-miss as we are. I remembered when I started out in the game I had played in two different JP-centric PTs. In one party, I made a mistake and the leader explained in what limited english he knew the problem I was creating by casting Dia on a link. He was very polite about it.

                    Then there was the JP-centric PT that kicked me as a WHM because I spoke english. Because, as we all know, I need to speak fluent japanese to fill HP bars in Valkurm.

                    As far as Americans and Europeans go, we can be just as Xenophobic or, actually worse, too enamored with the presence of a Japanese player. Really, I'm talking Otaku Overdrive here. Its scary enough that I'll see some asian chick being stalked in the Manga section of Barnes and Noble, but if you want to see some people truely obsessed with the Japanse culture - cruise on over to the Atlus USA forums

                    There's a SRPG that lands here this week called Knights in the Nightmare and there was this thread begging Atlus USA to include the original Japanese voice work.

                    Except there never was any, what voicework there was happened to be in English to start with, even in the Japanese version.. Otaku Overdrive can be funny and scary.

                    Have any of you played a JRPG lately (BBQ, feel free to chime in here)? Grinding is synonymous with gameplay. Japanese developers build their games around the precepts of grinding.

                    Seppuku? Kamikaze? The Japs love self-inflicted pain. I'm sure that when it first came out, losing exp for dying and grinding for exp like a crazy virgin in a college dorm whorehouse made sense.
                    Bioware aside, grinding is pretty central to RPGs on both sides of the pond, western RPGs can actually be more sadistic about it. The core differences are that Japanese RPGs use grinding to fill the spaces in between a linear story while western RPGs tend to encourage freedom and moral choices that build on the actual character's personality on top of all the grinding. We like to forge the character's story for ourselves, rather than it be guided.

                    MMOs have always been where both RPGs cultures collide. There's certainly going to be some forced linear elements, but there's also the sense of open-world exploration and freedom to define your character in various ways. FFXI was just more limited in character freedom since there was no faction element, you're a goody-goody two shoes even as a Dark Knight, Corsair or Thier. You're always a hero.

                    In most western MMOs, you're allowed to be evil, so being a total douchebag can actually be in-character for some people. Thief ninjaed some loot? Well, what do you expect? He's a thief!

                    The presense of the Japanese culture - along with attracting mainstream RPG players from the west who are actually unfamilar with western RPGs and have only played JRPGs - is going to hurt one part of FFXIV just as it has killed it in FFXI and WoW.

                    It will be hard to roleplay. It will be hard because JRPG players and the japanese have very little concept of roleplaying being about forging your own character and acting out part of the story. Its a problem ANY franchise-themed MMO is going to face, too. Its a problem in WoW.

                    But EQ? City of Heros? Vanguard? Warhammer? Its much easier to roleplay in. They do not attract the mainstream player and I found lots of people will roleplay naturally in those games.

                    I LOVE the idea of removing a lot of "player control". People are greedy, and opportunists will control the market. I don't know if anyone's expressed that to SE. Greed breeds contempt, and contempt is what drove RMT to thrive. Plenty of people above the age of 21 buy gil, and no matter how High-And-Mighty you might sound, it really does make sense. It's all a matter of taste, I suppose.
                    There does need to be some more system control in place, but there are always going to be lootwhores and douchebags. They way to diminish them is to prevent them from getting too much power in the first place. Having internalized DKP systems for guilds would be the first step in the right direction, the second would be not letting a job get so powerful that it can be halfassed and still be invited (see: BRD, COR, RDM).

                    And I hate to say this, but bring some elitism back. There is such a thing as making things too casual and if you do that, you lead the player to lower thier guard and also make them think they're so awesome. Make missions hard, put more emphasis back on gear. Separate the wheat from the chaff, FFXI endgame is 90% chaff because they lowered the bar do much.

                    I'd even go so far as to say drop the subjob system entirely. While the system has allowed for robust play, its also limited other jobs. No matter how helpful someone thinks COR/WHM is, I'm not going to enjoy doing it. I'm a gambler, if I wanted a sure thing and to cure people, I'd be BRD/WHM. As a gambler, I refuse to play things 100% safe. SMN's know what I'm talking about here.

                    And that's what really needs to be done in FFXIV - players need to be forced out of safety-minded strategies. Do not include Blink in FFXIV, in any form whatsoever. Not for White Mage and certainly not for Ninja. The removal of subjobs would alleviate support roles, too. Let the healers be the healers, let other magicians do their thing.

                    When I played EQ, I had two main functions as an enchanter - crowd control and refreshing mana. That's it. It was a thrill to crowd control to. A rouge could have a bad pull and I could turn that into a beautiful EXP chain for the party. Rouge pulled four cyclops instead of just one? No problemo! I bind the first, charm the second and send the second to fight the third while the party takes on the fourth mob.

                    Yeah, my charm might break and I might t might die, but that was part of the excitement.

                    In fact - I want to see Beastmaster enjoy that kind of control if such a job in implemented in FFXIV.

                    I really don't feel a tremendous impact of RMT these days, but then, I'm on Odin and my names won't come up in the top of any search. What countermeasures have been put in place have dramatically lessened the impact of RMT in the game at large, but I suppose your encounters with them will vary upon how you choose to play and make gil.

                    I've never had the temptation, I just let my ranger and corsair drain my Conquest and imperial standing to keep me in the ammo in between times I'm farmng or whatever. The stereotype that RNGs RMT makes me want to smack the bitch that utters it. I could very easily be pwning your damage just using Scorpion Arrows, I'm just too proud to use them most of the time. But I can pwn your damage with Scorpion Arrows... if I wanted to.


                    • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      I'd even go so far as to say drop the subjob system entirely. While the system has allowed for robust play, its also limited other jobs. No matter how helpful someone thinks COR/WHM is, I'm not going to enjoy doing it. I'm a gambler, if I wanted a sure thing and to cure people, I'd be BRD/WHM. As a gambler, I refuse to play things 100% safe. SMN's know what I'm talking about here.
                      ya it would be interesting if FFXIV experiments with the classic FF1 style of concrete roles instead of using subjobs.
                      but at the sametime, if this mmorpg follows the trinity role rules, a party is screwed if they don't have a warrior to tank.
                      they can't depend on like a dragoon or monk, because they don't have provoke (unless the system gives them a provoke type ability)

                      in cases like that, subjobs might save parties from breaking apart.

                      I mean what use is there for a SMN in early levels if they can't sub WHM? their damage output is terrible!


                      • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                        Their damage is "terrible" in this game. Who knows what SMN would be like in FFXIV?


                        • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          The PS3 more than has the ability to support custom UIs, and far more advanced UIs than the PS2 had. If people feel the need to use any sort of client-side hack, SE fucked up hugely on FF14.
                          No matter what SE does with the UI on this game there will be people who view it as limited or unsatisfactory. When someone figures out how, there will be unofficial client hacks for it.

                          Not that I care, I won't be playing it.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                            See WoW. Custom UIs. Easy. Anything SE wouldn't allow in a custom UI should be easy to detect and lead to instant bannination.

                            Pluuuuuus, with a good custom UI system, they'd be able to see what you're doing with it, instead of it being an external program.

                            And I do love how people are saying "X is broken in FFXI, if FFXIV has it it is doomed to suck". It's FFXIV, not FFXI-2, people!


                            • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                              Originally posted by Feba
                              And I do love how people are saying "X is broken in FFXI, if FFXIV has it it is doomed to suck". It's FFXIV, not FFXI-2, people!
                              Utsusemi is broken in FFXI, SE won't fix it because the reaction to fixing it would lead to a mass exodus. People are just plain whipped on Blink. The only way to prevent its abuse is to not include it at all. Plenty of FF games have gotten by without it anyway.

                              Originally posted by Murphie
                              Their damage is "terrible" in this game. Who knows what SMN would be like in FFXIV?
                              They could go the Esper/Materia route and not have the job included at all. That might actually be for the better.


                              • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                                plenty of FFs gotten by without blinking because their combat system allows characters to kill things much faster and take more damage too. also their accuracy/damage dealing didn't suck even if they were fighting something 10 levels higher than them. So those games had no need for blinking to have a better chance at outlasting a mob. and that's not to mention the easy 99 potions, hi-potions and x-potions they have stashed in their inventory.

                                They could go the Esper/Materia route and not have the job included at all. That might actually be for the better.
                                NUUUUU! Then potentially anyone will be able to summon regardless of job. That is too FF6/7/8ish
                                Summoner is much better as its own job, they just gotta make them good DDs like they are in FFTactics.
                                Last edited by jenova_9; 06-03-2009, 04:51 AM.

