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E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

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  • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
    Also, Nobuo so much. The theme music on the website is just epic.
    I wonder what nostalgic original FF Nobuo type battle themes will be made this time!

    what's really good is that many of us who missed the first years of FFXI finally get to experience this mmorpg during its first generation. well ya Japan is getting it first, but still at least the North America 1st generation will be so new and refreshing for everyone. The adventures and discoveries will be so grand, it will be such a rare and overwhelming experience! alliances will be formed. People will depend on each other more instead of high levels being the lawnmower. ^_________^

    Also since Yoshida is the artist, will he make the beastiary too? I soooo love his art. people, towns, monsters, clothes, everything, a true master of fantasy art that fits perfectly in the Final Fantasy atmosphere. hopefully the 3-D artists can perfectly translate Yoshida's brilliance to the world.

    Some people are demanding no subjobs this time, I agree that would be a good thing because it would mean less time sinks leveling a sub, just so your main gets invites and can be effective enough.

    I also wonder if the jobs at launch will all be available, or there will be advanced jobs that have to be unlocked.
    well that is okay but I think if someone wants to train as a Ranger, they should be able to do so without without having to level
    a basic job first.

    I also wonder if they will add features that enhance roleplaying. I wonder if the towns will be more interactive and natural.
    Like even sitting at a table to have a drink and chat with others and breath in the atmosphere, would be nice.


    • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

      For those who somehow missed it: it will be a worldwide release. Japan is not getting it first.


      • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

        Originally posted by Cometgreen View Post
        For those who somehow missed it: it will be a worldwide release. Japan is not getting it first.
        SQUEEEEEEEEE~ *huggles everyone* We can all be fwends first day!

        I'm so excited. I wonder how improved the character creation is? and if the in-game models will perfectly match the character creation models?

        Because notice how in FFXI character creation, the real-time models displayed in CC have much more detail and polygons than the actual models used in gameplay.

        Since they are using the power of Crystal Tools and PS3 hardware, this shouldn't be an issue anymore and we will truly witness next gen graphics for this mmorpg that are not downgraded (I'm not blaming you, ps2, but you did hold FFXI back from looking better.) in anyway.

        I also wonder if they will use the hairstyles and faces from FFXI, or they are totally starting fresh? Well even if the faces
        and hairstyles are entirely new, there is a chance there will be at least double the amount of options. And maybe more pieces of equipment might also be visible now. like earrings, rings and stuff.

        Hopefully the camera options and HUD are as good as before. as well as the filter options, and overall GUI. I think the targeting system should remain the same, it works great as it is.

        There is a lot of pressure, so I wonder if SE is really gonna pull through with stuff like job selection. Imagine if all the jobs from FFXI are available at launch! and there's like 10-20 more jobs! lol well ya maybe that's overdoing it. but Geomancer and Mystic Knight and Time Mage would be interesting additions. Maybe even bring in Mediators, Oracles and Calculators.

        But FFXIV better maintain the world as strictly persistent zones (with the exceptions of the special zones used in instanced cases.) if it becomes heavily instanced like PSU I'll be so mad.
        Last edited by jenova_9; 06-02-2009, 09:07 PM.


        • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

          There's just one thing I'd like above everything else:

          If there's voices in the game (CS and others.) Please, please, for love of Altana and everything that's good in the world. Give me a Japanese option.

          That is all.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

            This is quite possibly the best news I've heard in years! Thank you square-enix!


            • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

              Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
              There's just one thing I'd like above everything else:

              If there's voices in the game (CS and others.) Please, please, for love of Altana and everything that's good in the world. Give me a Japanese option.

              That is all.
              I think its best if they avoid voices altogether. I liked reading the text and it potentially opens up more room to include more text in what NPCs say instead of limiting it based on how much voiceovers they can fit in the memory, as well as how much extra they have to pay for voice actors. It's really not worth it for an mmorpg outside of the intro and the grunts/voices uses for certain actions/animations. Because there's no way they will be able to voice all the text and it would feel awkward having some text voiced and other text not voiced.

              I wonder what the chocobo license quest will involve this time. :p

              will the servers have the same names?

              will the party limit still be 6 outside of alliances? (I like 6 as the party limit, it's better than 5 and more well rounded than 7.)

              I wonder if the chat colors will be used the same way? (party chat, say, shout, etc.)
              as well as the name colors (player, npc, anon, monster, claimed monster, monster claimed by another, party member, etc.)

              will FFXIV use the same cool macro system and shortcuts?
              will day/night cycles have the same length as before?
              will the crafting system still involve crystals?
              what will the home points look like? the mog houses similiar?
              I wonder what the layout of the terrain, towns and linked zones will be like this time?


              • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                How incredibly meh.

                If there's a free trial I might give it a shot, but if it's being designed to work on a console it's already going the wrong direction.

                500 hours in MS paint


                • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                  Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
                  How incredibly meh.

                  If there's a free trial I might give it a shot, but if it's being designed to work on a console it's already going the wrong direction.
                  I agree. SE didn't seem to learn their lesson with PS2 and FFXI. Wasn't their excuse for not being able to do a lot of upgrades on the game because of PS2 limitations?

                  Awesome, SE. Just awesome.


                  • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                    Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
                    How incredibly meh.

                    If there's a free trial I might give it a shot, but if it's being designed to work on a console it's already going the wrong direction.
                    not at all, it's the right direction since FFXI felt more comfortable with console type controls, and even PS2 supports keyboard.

                    and the controller provides more functions and shortcuts than a mouse does. I can even activate macros with the shoulder buttons instead of needing to touch the keyboard. and a part of what helped FFXI's community flourish was the cross platform support and people can't tell nor care whether someone's playing on console or PC. Thankfully for the most part, PC gamers are friendly and open minded to accept console gamers, so most people get along fine and FFXI has been more successful and fun because of console and PC joining forces.

                    also the ps3 can handle so much more than a ps2 can, so it'll still be great!


                    • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                      Originally posted by Etra View Post
                      I agree. SE didn't seem to learn their lesson with PS2 and FFXI. Wasn't their excuse for not being able to do a lot of upgrades on the game because of PS2 limitations?

                      Awesome, SE. Just awesome.
                      There's such a world in differences between PS2 and PS3 that it's pretty much a non-factor this time. PS2 lacked the hardware to provide some of the basics as well as hinder some of the long-term programming, this time the console is made for large-scale games in mind and SE also will have the experience necessary for the game design itself to avoid this problem. If there's a "PS3 limitation" issue, there'll be a "PC limitation" issue for a lot of us.
                      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                      Rockman - Fairy

                      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                      Currently Playing:
                      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                      • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                        Glad Pai Pai said it.

                        The PS3 is super computing beast that's easily on par with some of the best PCs available. I just hope SE finds ways to properly use Cell to it's fullest. And HURRAY for simultaneous releases! The JP won't have a leg up on us this time!

                        Actually, shit that's another thing to consider; what if the severs aren't worldwide like in FFXI? FFXI was a fun experiment, but there are quite a lot of people who would prefer to have regional servers. No one can say for sure about one or the other, but it's a possibility.

                        Though, I have doubts personally. If nothing else because regional servers would mean much lower population counts though it certainly would make NM hunting much more fair.

                        What features do you suppose will return? I'm betting the AH will come back, but I'm hoping for an all new system in regards to NMs and the removal of the EXP loss on deaths entirely. Leveling is enough of a drag as it is and making the grind longer is a cheap way to get people to play longer.

                        That's one approach I like that WoW took, though they went a bit too far. Easy leveling means less time grinding and more time exploring and doing events. However WoW made it too easy, effectively allowing anyone to solo to the cap. I like that FFXI (for the most part) forced people to make friends and level together and I don't want that to change. I just don't think the grind should be as long or harsh as it is in XI.

                        We need/want more easily (but still challenging) accessible content!

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                          Glad Pai Pai said it.

                          The PS3 is super computing beast that's easily on par with some of the best PCs available. I just hope SE finds ways to properly use Cell to it's fullest. And HURRAY for simultaneous releases! The JP won't have a leg up on us this time!

                          Actually, shit that's another thing to consider; what if the severs aren't worldwide like in FFXI? FFXI was a fun experiment, but there are quite a lot of people who would prefer to have regional servers. No one can say for sure about one or the other, but it's a possibility.

                          Though, I have doubts personally. If nothing else because regional servers would mean much lower population counts though it certainly would make NM hunting much more fair.

                          What features do you suppose will return? I'm betting the AH will come back, but I'm hoping for an all new system in regards to NMs and the removal of the EXP loss on deaths entirely. Leveling is enough of a drag as it is and making the grind longer is a cheap way to get people to play longer.

                          That's one approach I like that WoW took, though they went a bit too far. Easy leveling means less time grinding and more time exploring and doing events. However WoW made it too easy, effectively allowing anyone to solo to the cap. I like that FFXI (for the most part) forced people to make friends and level together and I don't want that to change. I just don't think the grind should be as long or harsh as it is in XI.

                          We need/want more easily (but still challenging) accessible content!
                          I think regional servers is nonsense. FFXI benefitted from the Japanese community in many occassions, and even the
                          translation system is decent enough. I thank many JP players who helped save time and made things happen whereas
                          if they weren't there, I would of probably called it a day.

                          There is no sense in a worldwide release if the servers are regional anyway. because even if Japan got a headstart they wouldn't be in the servers NA uses to even matter.

                          That's why I think everyone in the world will use the same servers, which will help keep the population healthy.
                          Of course many foreigners will isolate themselves, but the same could be said about linkshells and Anons that don't get involved with anyone outside their circle.

                          but ya level sync should definitely be there day 1.


                          • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                            Regarding the jump issue, I present my standard response to it:

                            Originally posted by Armando
                            No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                            Originally posted by Armando
                            Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                            GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                            Matthew 16:15


                            • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                              I think it's important that we all take a deep breath and STOP SPECULATING!!!

                              We all done now?

                              Some of the things you all mention would effectively turn FFXIV into a glorified online game. There are always going to be negatives and positives to any situation, and you can't please everyone, especially considering different cultures, language barriers and perceptions.

                              Props to JP Button, because I finally realize how xenophobic and uptight JP gamers are.

                              Have any of you played a JRPG lately (BBQ, feel free to chime in here)? Grinding is synonymous with gameplay. Japanese developers build their games around the precepts of grinding.

                              Seppuku? Kamikaze? The Japs love self-inflicted pain. I'm sure that when it first came out, losing exp for dying and grinding for exp like a crazy virgin in a college dorm whorehouse made sense.

                              I'd like to hope that SE has learned something, ANYTHING in between the 7 years that they've been operating and watching FFXI mature.

                              I LOVE the idea of removing a lot of "player control". People are greedy, and opportunists will control the market. I don't know if anyone's expressed that to SE. Greed breeds contempt, and contempt is what drove RMT to thrive. Plenty of people above the age of 21 buy gil, and no matter how High-And-Mighty you might sound, it really does make sense. It's all a matter of taste, I suppose..

                              BUT I DIGRESS. I'm sure the game'll be great. I'm sure we'll all play it. FFXI started out as a console game. Just as then, I won't get it on PC, because my PC is too weak to be worthwhile.

                              I will eventually though, because Spellcast is just that awesome.

                              Taskmage, any space over there in Lakshmi (lawl, yeah, as if people use your server)?
                              The Tao of Ren
                              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                              Originally posted by Kaeko
                              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                              • re: E3 2009: FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Coming in 2010

                                Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                                Get Ping on it.
                       is taken

                                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

