Note: This is cross posted on to provide a source of information for anyone with questions about the Wyvern pet. Sources are Somepage and
Dragoon Sub Jobs
Dragoon is 1 unique job in which, it's preformance is predecided on what Sub Job one chooses to use in any given situation. Depending on the sub job, the Dragoon's Wyvern can react in 3 different AI Patterns. Each having a label:
Offensive Wyvern
The offensive wyvern allows our Flying companion to use an Elemental damaging Breath Attack. This Breath randomly uses an Element of any kind, with 2 exclusions; Ligh and Dark. Those 2 breaths only exist to Monster NPCs.
Howto: Obtain an Offensive Wyvern!
Note: Setting one's sub jobs to specifc jobs, will alter the wyvern. Doing so will reset your pet. So keep in mind your 20:00 timer before changing jobs.
The following Sub Jobs create an Offensive Type Wyvern:
WAR ~ Warrior
BST ~ Beastmaster
MNK ~ Monk
RNG ~ Ranger
SAM ~ Samurai
THF ~ Thief
PUP ~ Puppetmaster
COR ~ Corsair
SMN ~ Summoner (Further testing needed)
Howto: Use a Breath Attack!
Using a Breath Attack is quite simple with this type of wyvern. The wyvern will initiate a Breath Attack after the Dragoon has preformed a Weapon Skill [WS], regardless of weapon type. Once the Dragoon uses his WS, the wyvern will begin 'charging' a Breath Attack. This should roughly last 2-3 seconds before it fires off a random Elemental Breath.
Defensive Wyvern
This Wyvern type is quite popular for Soloing Dragoons. It allows maximum suvivability and great party support. It's the friendliest wyvern around! This one can fire off 2 kinds of Breaths.
Howto: Obtain a Defensive Wyvern!
The following Sub Jobs create the Defensive Wyvern:
BLM ~ Black Mage
RDM ~ Red Mage
WHM ~ White Mage
BLU ~ Blue Mage
SMN ~ Summoner (Further testing needed)
Howto: Use a Healing Breath!
This will heal a party member, or yourself, a set amount of HP determined by multiple factors. This can only be used when a party member's HP has dropped to 33% of their Maximum HP. Once their HP drops to that mark, the Dragoon must cast any spell of his choice. The spell cast must be completed while the person is still under 33% HP. If the party member is cured above the 33% mark before the Dragoon finishes casting, the Heal Breath will not activate. Once the Dragoon finishes casting, the Wyvern will begin it's 'charging' animation. Once it's 2-3 seconds are up, it will heal a target of your party a considerable amount.
Healing Breath Growth!
Healing Breath has multiple Tiers, unlike the Offensive Breath which only pertains to 1 Tier of Breaths (unfortunately). All of these Breaths are triggered in the exact same fashion. Chart Below displays the Level growths:
Lv 1-19 ~ Healing Breath I
Lv 20-39 ~ Healing Breath II
Lv 40-75 ~ Healing Breath III
TP Increases Healing Breath Potential!
A Wyverns TP can alter the potential of a Healing Breath significantly if used correctly. In order to check this, simply input:
[CODE]/echo <pettp>[/CODE]
Every 20% Increase in his TP will Increase your Healing Potential. In total his Breaths can have 15 Increments.
Howto: Use a Removal Breath!
This type of breath is quite simple. It is preformed in the same manner as an Elemental Breath Attack. This will follow after the Dragoon has preformed a Weapon Skill. The Removal Breath is used to remove minor status ailments party members may have. This only affects 1 person per weapon skill per ailment. The only status effects that can be removed are; Poison, Paralyze and Blind.
Multipurpose Wyvern*(1)
This wyvern is unique in which, it uses traits from both the Defensive and the Offensive wyvern. This is possibly the least favored Wyvern type as it does not provide a safe defensive standard, nor does the offensive breath make up for the lack of damage the Dragoon suffers from using one of these sub jobs [One is exempt*(2)]. This one is also capable of launching 2 types of Breaths. An Elemental Breath Attack, and a Healing Breath.
*(1) ~ Should be noted that the Multipurpose Wyvern is only capable of healing the Dragoon and not the party members.
*(2) ~ It is argued that a Dark Knight Sub Job offers respectable offensive strengths to the Dragoon. An advantage is having this strength while keeping the Healing Breath.
Howto: Obtain a Multipurpose Wyvern!
The following Sub Jobs creat the Multipurpose Wyvern:
PLD ~ Paladin
DRK ~ Dark Knight
NIN ~ Ninja
BRD ~ Bard
Since both of the Breaths that pertain to this wyvern are described above, I will list some facts that should be noted about these specific Sub Jobs.
The 2 Jobs that stand out would be the
Ninja and the Bard. Their spells are unique in the way that they cost no MP to cast. A Ninja Sub Job would require the Dragoon to carry Ninjutsu Tools with him at all times in order to make use of the Ninja's Spell selection. A Bard Sub Job tends to have longer recasts on their spells.
The Healing Breaths from this Job also have a unique trait which makes it differ from the Defensive Wyvern. The Heal Breaths can only be activated at [Red]25%[/Red] HP. The marker can be raised with the help of equipment swaps to 33%. More on this later.
How can Equipment affect my wyvern?
Wyvern Breath Attacks and Healing Breaths are directly related to its current and Max HP respectively. The wyvern's current HP directly affects its offensive potential. Having Max HP and a dwindling 1% HP will have a very significant effect on the Wyverns Breath Damage. Any equipment that enhances a Wyverns Maximum HP will significantly increase the Wyverns Healing Potential (If someone has the exact Formula, I would love to update it with this).
The following Equips are worth mentioning that can increase the Wyvern's Maximum HP:
Ostreger Mitts
Wyvern Mail
Drachen Brais
Homam Gambieras
Wyvern Perch
Falconer's Hose
There exists 1 more type of Enhancement that can alter a Wyvern's Breaths. These effects only exist on 2 peices of Armor. The Drachen Armet obtained from AF3 and the Wyrm Armet that is dropped from Dynamis - Xarcabard. The Drachen Armet can force the Wyvern to use Offensive Breaths that cooridinate with the target's weakness. This can be easily shown when fighting Elements, Wind > Earth > Thunder > Water > Fire > Ice > Loop.
The Drachen Armet also alters the Healing Breaths from both the Defensive and Multipurpose Wyverns. When using the Drachen Armet in order to activate a Heal Breath, The % of Current HP required to heal someone will be bumped up to 50% HP for the Defensive Wyvern; and 25% to 33% for the Multipurpose.
The Wyrm Armet has similar effects on both Breath types. For the Offensive wyvern it enhances the potency of its breath attacks regardless of the element (Resistance is calculated). Not only does this boost offensive breaths, but this also makes Healing Breaths even more remarkable. This increases the potency of Heal breaths very significantly. In order for the Wyrm Armet to affect the breath, The Armet must be equiped prior to the Wyvern Launching the Breath. This is a generous amount of time when one considers the Wyvern's charging time for a Breath.
Below is an example of a Macro you can use for Healing Breaths. This Macro does not pertain to other gears listed above that add Maximum Wyvern HP. In order to do this, make a Seperate Equipment Macro with all those gears:
[CODE]/equip Body "Wyvern Mail"
/equip Hands "Ostreger Mitts"
/equip Legs "Drachen Brais"
/equip Feet "Homam Gambieras"[/CODE]
This Macro above would be used Prior to using the Macro Below. After hitting the below macro, you can use a Third macro to switch back to your regular Melee gear. Use the same format as the Macro above for the Third macro. Hopefully this is clear.
Edit: Added GSDragoon's Macro example.
Edit2: Added various info from posters.
Edit3: Rephrased Satus Ailments;Falconer's Hose.
Balfree Edit: Changed title to be more apropiate. Sticking this aswell.
Dragoon Sub Jobs
Dragoon is 1 unique job in which, it's preformance is predecided on what Sub Job one chooses to use in any given situation. Depending on the sub job, the Dragoon's Wyvern can react in 3 different AI Patterns. Each having a label:
Offensive Wyvern
The offensive wyvern allows our Flying companion to use an Elemental damaging Breath Attack. This Breath randomly uses an Element of any kind, with 2 exclusions; Ligh and Dark. Those 2 breaths only exist to Monster NPCs.
Howto: Obtain an Offensive Wyvern!
Note: Setting one's sub jobs to specifc jobs, will alter the wyvern. Doing so will reset your pet. So keep in mind your 20:00 timer before changing jobs.
The following Sub Jobs create an Offensive Type Wyvern:
WAR ~ Warrior
BST ~ Beastmaster
MNK ~ Monk
RNG ~ Ranger
SAM ~ Samurai
THF ~ Thief
PUP ~ Puppetmaster
COR ~ Corsair
SMN ~ Summoner (Further testing needed)
Howto: Use a Breath Attack!
Using a Breath Attack is quite simple with this type of wyvern. The wyvern will initiate a Breath Attack after the Dragoon has preformed a Weapon Skill [WS], regardless of weapon type. Once the Dragoon uses his WS, the wyvern will begin 'charging' a Breath Attack. This should roughly last 2-3 seconds before it fires off a random Elemental Breath.
Defensive Wyvern
This Wyvern type is quite popular for Soloing Dragoons. It allows maximum suvivability and great party support. It's the friendliest wyvern around! This one can fire off 2 kinds of Breaths.
Howto: Obtain a Defensive Wyvern!
The following Sub Jobs create the Defensive Wyvern:
BLM ~ Black Mage
RDM ~ Red Mage
WHM ~ White Mage
BLU ~ Blue Mage
SMN ~ Summoner (Further testing needed)
Howto: Use a Healing Breath!
This will heal a party member, or yourself, a set amount of HP determined by multiple factors. This can only be used when a party member's HP has dropped to 33% of their Maximum HP. Once their HP drops to that mark, the Dragoon must cast any spell of his choice. The spell cast must be completed while the person is still under 33% HP. If the party member is cured above the 33% mark before the Dragoon finishes casting, the Heal Breath will not activate. Once the Dragoon finishes casting, the Wyvern will begin it's 'charging' animation. Once it's 2-3 seconds are up, it will heal a target of your party a considerable amount.
Healing Breath Growth!
Healing Breath has multiple Tiers, unlike the Offensive Breath which only pertains to 1 Tier of Breaths (unfortunately). All of these Breaths are triggered in the exact same fashion. Chart Below displays the Level growths:
Lv 1-19 ~ Healing Breath I
Lv 20-39 ~ Healing Breath II
Lv 40-75 ~ Healing Breath III
TP Increases Healing Breath Potential!
A Wyverns TP can alter the potential of a Healing Breath significantly if used correctly. In order to check this, simply input:
[CODE]/echo <pettp>[/CODE]
Every 20% Increase in his TP will Increase your Healing Potential. In total his Breaths can have 15 Increments.
Howto: Use a Removal Breath!
This type of breath is quite simple. It is preformed in the same manner as an Elemental Breath Attack. This will follow after the Dragoon has preformed a Weapon Skill. The Removal Breath is used to remove minor status ailments party members may have. This only affects 1 person per weapon skill per ailment. The only status effects that can be removed are; Poison, Paralyze and Blind.
Multipurpose Wyvern*(1)
This wyvern is unique in which, it uses traits from both the Defensive and the Offensive wyvern. This is possibly the least favored Wyvern type as it does not provide a safe defensive standard, nor does the offensive breath make up for the lack of damage the Dragoon suffers from using one of these sub jobs [One is exempt*(2)]. This one is also capable of launching 2 types of Breaths. An Elemental Breath Attack, and a Healing Breath.
*(1) ~ Should be noted that the Multipurpose Wyvern is only capable of healing the Dragoon and not the party members.
*(2) ~ It is argued that a Dark Knight Sub Job offers respectable offensive strengths to the Dragoon. An advantage is having this strength while keeping the Healing Breath.
Howto: Obtain a Multipurpose Wyvern!
The following Sub Jobs creat the Multipurpose Wyvern:
PLD ~ Paladin
DRK ~ Dark Knight
NIN ~ Ninja
BRD ~ Bard
Since both of the Breaths that pertain to this wyvern are described above, I will list some facts that should be noted about these specific Sub Jobs.
The 2 Jobs that stand out would be the
Ninja and the Bard. Their spells are unique in the way that they cost no MP to cast. A Ninja Sub Job would require the Dragoon to carry Ninjutsu Tools with him at all times in order to make use of the Ninja's Spell selection. A Bard Sub Job tends to have longer recasts on their spells.
The Healing Breaths from this Job also have a unique trait which makes it differ from the Defensive Wyvern. The Heal Breaths can only be activated at [Red]25%[/Red] HP. The marker can be raised with the help of equipment swaps to 33%. More on this later.
How can Equipment affect my wyvern?
Wyvern Breath Attacks and Healing Breaths are directly related to its current and Max HP respectively. The wyvern's current HP directly affects its offensive potential. Having Max HP and a dwindling 1% HP will have a very significant effect on the Wyverns Breath Damage. Any equipment that enhances a Wyverns Maximum HP will significantly increase the Wyverns Healing Potential (If someone has the exact Formula, I would love to update it with this).
The following Equips are worth mentioning that can increase the Wyvern's Maximum HP:
Ostreger Mitts
Wyvern Mail
Drachen Brais
Homam Gambieras
Wyvern Perch
Falconer's Hose
There exists 1 more type of Enhancement that can alter a Wyvern's Breaths. These effects only exist on 2 peices of Armor. The Drachen Armet obtained from AF3 and the Wyrm Armet that is dropped from Dynamis - Xarcabard. The Drachen Armet can force the Wyvern to use Offensive Breaths that cooridinate with the target's weakness. This can be easily shown when fighting Elements, Wind > Earth > Thunder > Water > Fire > Ice > Loop.
The Drachen Armet also alters the Healing Breaths from both the Defensive and Multipurpose Wyverns. When using the Drachen Armet in order to activate a Heal Breath, The % of Current HP required to heal someone will be bumped up to 50% HP for the Defensive Wyvern; and 25% to 33% for the Multipurpose.
The Wyrm Armet has similar effects on both Breath types. For the Offensive wyvern it enhances the potency of its breath attacks regardless of the element (Resistance is calculated). Not only does this boost offensive breaths, but this also makes Healing Breaths even more remarkable. This increases the potency of Heal breaths very significantly. In order for the Wyrm Armet to affect the breath, The Armet must be equiped prior to the Wyvern Launching the Breath. This is a generous amount of time when one considers the Wyvern's charging time for a Breath.
Below is an example of a Macro you can use for Healing Breaths. This Macro does not pertain to other gears listed above that add Maximum Wyvern HP. In order to do this, make a Seperate Equipment Macro with all those gears:
[CODE]/equip Body "Wyvern Mail"
/equip Hands "Ostreger Mitts"
/equip Legs "Drachen Brais"
/equip Feet "Homam Gambieras"[/CODE]
This Macro above would be used Prior to using the Macro Below. After hitting the below macro, you can use a Third macro to switch back to your regular Melee gear. Use the same format as the Macro above for the Third macro. Hopefully this is clear.
Originally posted by GSDragoon
Edit2: Added various info from posters.
Edit3: Rephrased Satus Ailments;Falconer's Hose.
Balfree Edit: Changed title to be more apropiate. Sticking this aswell.