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FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

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  • FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

    Whelp ... it's finally been created. Anyone interested in joining, just let me know. I realize that character creation has been closed up, but if you happen to already be on Siren and is without an FC, just send me a friend request and we'll go from there.

    Please let me know before you send the request on who you are. I'm not familiar with in-game names and will ignore blind requests as I've been getting a lot from RMT.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

    A fair few FCs set up a website on places like Enjin to filter out RMT /tells . Most I've seen just use it as a formality to make sure you're human and/or not a gilseller and accept the application right away. Only the stupidly anal endgame places do a full app process.

    Just a suggestion really.
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate


    • #3
      Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

      Bronsted Lowry made me chuckle, but Shake Enbake? Really???

      If I can get a ticket to Siren, I'll look you guys up. For now I'm stuck on Valefor with a shortbus FC.

      I confused shake and bake with wake and bake. I'm actually 100% in favor of shake and bake.

      I want to join your FC so bad right now.
      Last edited by DakAttack; 09-03-2013, 08:16 AM.


      • #4
        Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

        :3 I like the allusion you got going there ^^

        Happens to be one of my favorite movies too.



        • #5
          Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

          LOVE the name!

          my highlander is named Amras Sturmwind (though I likely switch to a lalafel once character creation opens up), I'll send you a friend request after the maintenance tomorrow.

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

            Originally posted by Firewind View Post
            A fair few FCs set up a website on places like Enjin to filter out RMT /tells . Most I've seen just use it as a formality to make sure you're human and/or not a gilseller and accept the application right away. Only the stupidly anal endgame places do a full app process.

            Just a suggestion really.
            Actually, I don't have an app process, because our FC doesn't have any real restriction in place, other than:

            1) We don't want RMT
            2) If you don't have a sense of humor (I don't mean crude, or mean, but in general) then you probably won't like us
            3) We don't hand-hold players - we provide help, we provide some guidance, suggestions and we're generally nice people. But, no, we won't powerlevel you to 50, give you gil whenever you ask for it, and for the love of all creatures on this earth, we won't "dye your gear for you" <- I've seen this on shout so many times in Uldah yesterday, despite numerous kind explanations, that I wanted to gouge my eyes out.

            No elitism here and definitely no condescending or preaching.


            • #7
              Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

              I wasn't trying to imply any elitism was going on or say there should be an app process, just something to filter out the RMTs. Plus a website might help advertise the FC more. It was more a suggestion anyway.
              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
              Reiko Takahashi
              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
              Haters Gonna Hate


              • #8
                Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

                Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                I wasn't trying to imply any elitism was going on or say there should be an app process, just something to filter out the RMTs. Plus a website might help advertise the FC more. It was more a suggestion anyway.
                I will just tell them to come here and we'll leech Pingu's forums. ;3 (j/k Pingu, don't ban me, I love you)


                • #9
                  Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

                  Joined the FC this morning. They've opened character creation on Siren so come aboard Dak.

                  Thanks Yyg!


                  • #10
                    Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

                    I'll show up when they open world transfers, which is scheduled to begin sometime this month. I'm way too attached to Daklegrand.


                    • #11
                      Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

                      FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | My Neighbor Chocobo

                      ^ Our site via Lodestone. SE even provides forums for us!

                      And check out our Free Company crest in-game!


                      • #12
                        Re: FC My Neighbor Chocobo (Siren NA)

                        Just an update:

                        -Rank 5
                        -Special Requests for Credit Expenditure /tell Me

                        Posted to group in Facebook (btw, if you use FB and even if you're not on server or FB, and want to join us, let me know!)

                        FC Bank

                        Just an FYI and a reminder. The FC bank is open to all who're members on this FC page. Any new members we find and invited through the game would probably not get the same level of open-ness as the last thing I need is some RMT to clean house.

                        FC Bank is partitioned as so, but not a hard, fast rule.
                        Tab 1 - Materia (we got lots so far)
                        Tab 2 - Random stuff, mats, etc.
                        Tab 3 - Finished products

                        I threw in some crafted stuff in Tab 3, even HQ items, so help yourself if you think it serves you well. Please don't go and put it into the marketplace and pocket the gil, because the items are being donated by me and belong to the FC. I'll continue to add crafted items here, but also to eventually relinquish my holdings of some mats as I progress in craft. These mats will be available freely to everyone.

                        A reminder that the "bikini" event (lol) may end at any time, so make use of the generous donations of wet bombard ashes that Shake Enbake left for all. These are not binded items, and each piece cost 3 ashes at event vendor (15 for the "premium", although I see nothing premium about them)

                        I will eventually put gil into the FC bank once SE adds more clarity to how gil could be used by members. There is still work on the matter and while just dumping gil into the FC may seem a communal thing to do, I cannot guarantee the security of the deposits and I think it's best if we all are responsible for our own living expenses (to put it mildly) If you need a loan for whatever reasons, please ask for items first, in the event of needing to buy gear, since someone is bound to be able to craft something. Repairs are not a loanable expensive IMO and I would just gladly "give" the gil to someone in need of repairs.

                        That's it and hope to see y'all in the game!

