Getting Around
Q. My character refuses to run! What's going on?
A. Did you know that pressing the X key or the 1 key on the numeric keypad will toggle your character between "running" and "walking" modes? Did you also know that you can customize keyboard controls via the main menu? (Configuration >> Keyboard Settings >> Movement Settings >> Walking Mode)
Q. Everything is so far away! Is there any way to quickly travel to city-states, dungeons, and aetheryte camps?
A. The aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates found scattered across Eorzea can be used for quick, easy transportation. Once you have "attuned with" (visited) one of these locations, you will be able to warp to it at any time using one of three different methods.
1) Teleport
Selecting this option from your main menu will bring up a list of previously visited aetheryte crystals. From here you can choose a teleportation destination.
2) Return
Selecting this option from your main menu will instantly return you to the last aetheryte crystal or aetherial gate you visited.
3) Aetherial Transportation
Aetherial gates located near certain aetheryte camps can be accessed via the camp's aetheryte crystal (and vice versa).
Both Teleporting and Returning take their toll on your character's body, requiring a special form of energy known as "anima." The body, however, can only store up to 100 units of anima, and requires rest to regenerate each unit used. Erozean scientists have yet to discover a safe, quick way to restore anima, and so it is highly recommended that you teleport wisely.
* Using the Return command when KO'd does not require any anima.
Map Icon
Aetherial Gate
Map Icon
Map Icon
Aetherial Gate
Map Icon
* In the November 2010 version update, not only will the amount of anima required to Return be lowered from 2 units to 1, players will be also have the option to register up to three "favorite" locations to their Teleport list, halving the amount of anima required to travel to them.
Q. I can't find the other city-states! Help!
A. The following are detailed descriptions on how to navigate from one city-state to the next. Some areas will be crawling with deadly creatures, far above your skill rank. Remember to attune with local aetherytes and avoid the temptation to stray too far from the main thoroughfares, however, and your journey should prove a safe one.
Example of a Main Thoroughfare
Limsa Lominsa & Ul'dah
Limsa Lominsa & Ul'dah
I. From Limsa Lominsa to Ul'dah
Step 1: On a Boat
First, make your way to the ferry docks located on the lower decks of Central Limsa Lominsa (just beyond Hawkers' Alley). Speak with the fellow at the counter to receive your free boarding ticket, and then proceed through the gate. You will automatically board the ferry before it leaves port.
FUN Fact: If you have a rod and the proper bait, you can fish while on the ferry. Stock up before you ship out!
Limsa Lominsa - Lower Decks (3. 5)
In approximately ten minutes (earth time), the ferry will arrive in Vesper Bay.
Western Thanalan (4. 26)
Step 2: East on the Sunway
Once you have arrived in western Thanalan and disembarked the ferry, exit the dock area and follow the Royal Allagan Sunway east to central Thanalan. If you are feeling adventurous, take a slight detour and attune with the aetheryte located in Camp Horizon (13. 29). You won't regret it!
[IMG]Central Thanalan (24. 25)[/IMG]
Step 3: South on the Starway
Midway through central Thanalan, you will come to a road leading south. This is the Royal Allagan Starway, and it can be taken all the way to the gates of Ul'dah. On the way, do not forget to attune with the aetheryte at Camp Black Brush (27. 25).
FUN Fact: The Sunway and Starway were originally paved over two thousand years ago in the Third Astral Era by the lost Allagan Empire.
Central Thanalan (26. 30)
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II. From Ul'dah to Limsa Lominsa
Step 1: North on the Starway
First, proceed north from Ul'dah, following the Royal Allagan Starway until you reach the Royal Allagan Sunway. Don't forget to stop at Camp Black Brush and attune with the aetheryte (27. 25).
Central Thanalan (26. 30)
Step 2: West on the Sunway
Head due west along the Sunway until reaching the ferry docks at Vesper Bay in western Thanalan. On the way, you will have the chance to attune with the aetheryte located in Camp Horizon (13. 29). This little detour is highly recommended, as it will make travel back to the camp much easier.
Central Thanalan (13. 29)
Step 3: Crossing the Strait of Merlthor
After receiving a free ferry boarding ticket, pass through the gates and wait by the docks until the next boat arrives. You will automatically board the ferry before it leaves port.
Western Thanalan (4. 26)
The trip will take you across the Strait of Merlthor, around the Gods' Grip on southern Vylbrand, and directly to Limsa Lominsa's lower decks.
FUN Fact: There are two lighthouses located on each of the peninsulae forming the Gods' Grip—Oschon's Torch in the west and Llymlaen's Ring in the east.
Limsa Lominsa - Lower Decks (3. 5)
Gridania & Ul'dah
Gridania & Ul'dah
III. From Ul'dah to Gridania
Step 1: North on the Starway
First, proceed north from Ul'dah, following the Royal Allagan Starway until you reach the Royal Allagan Sunway. Camp Black Brush is located near this intersection, so make sure to attune with the aetheryte before going any further (27. 25).
Central Thanalan (26. 30)
Step 2: Leaving the Desert
Next, head due east along the Sunway until you reach a canyon at the far north-eastern edge of Thanalan. Passing through this canyon will take you into the forest region known as the Black Shroud. Before you do, make sure that you didn't miss attuning with the aetheryte at Camp Drybone (39. 24).
Eastern Thanalan (17. 47)
Once you've passed into the South Shroud, the Sunway turns into the Lumberline.
The South Shroud (38. 56)
Step 3: Taking the Lumberline North
The Lumberline can be taken north all the way to the city-state of Gridania; just do not forget to attune yourself with the aetheryte at Camps Tranquil (38. 49) and Bentbranch (33. 32) along the way.
FUN Fact: The Black Shroud is only called that by those who are residents of the dark forest. The citizens of Gridania will most commonly refer to it as the Twelveswood.
The Central Shroud (34. 27)
IV. From Gridania to Ul'dah
Step 1: Taking the Lumberline South
Once you've exited the city, head south along the Lumberline. You will soon enter the area known as Bentbranch. Do not forget to attune with the aetheryte in the area's camp (33. 32).
FUN Fact: Much of wood used in Ul'dah is purchased from Gridania's cutters and transported south into the desert city-state via the aptly-named Lumberline.
The Central Shroud (34. 27)
Step 2: Leaving the Forest
Continue heading south along the Lumberline. After passing Camp Tranquil (38. 49), you will soon arrive at a narrow canyon where the Black Shroud meets eastern Thanalan.
The South Shroud (38. 56)
Follow the Royal Allagan Sunway west through eastern Thanalan, making sure not to pass up on the chance to attune with the aetheryte in Camp Drybone (39. 24).
Eastern Thanalan (17. 47)
Step 3: South on the Starway
After passing into central Thanalan, proceed along the Sunway until you reach a second road (the Royal Allagan Starway) leading south. The Starway will take you by Camp Black Brush (27. 25) and directly to the towering gates of Ul'dah.
Central Thanalan (26. 30)
Once you have become comfortable traveling around the realm, try stepping off the beaten path and visiting some of Eorzea's lesser-known locations. The following are links to maps of three of the continent's major regions.
La Nocea
The Black Shroud