I know what hate is and what it does, but how do you 'control' it? Thanks in advance! :spin:
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How do you control Hate?
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hate is hate... ummm ...
we don't really control hate. We just try to control who the monster is attacking.
normally in a PT, the tanks will taunt the moneter.
mages heal the tanks, until 1 point the monster turns to attack mages.
when the tanks see that, they will try taunt again to keep the monster on them.
who the monster is turning to is determine by the hate level the monster has. hate is just a word the monster use not us. and there will be some case that the hate is too high to pull monster away from someone.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Regardless of what hate technically is, to explain it easily think of a point system. When you hit a monster for damage, you add certain points to that monster's hate towards you. Hate would be the agrression of the monster = attacking you or using special moves. The point of a tank is to try and keep the monster's hate towards them higher than the mages do. When a whm casts weakening spells, there is small hate, cure spells add tons. For fighters, they use damage dealing, and then skills to increase. Most tanks are either warrios with taunt, or a fighter class with warrior subjob. This gives them taunt which is a skill specifically designed to increase hate. Other job abilities also draw hate, but not as much as taunt.
I sorta rambled, but yeah, y ou get the point.Squirming through cuts in a throat
cut it...cut it...
Cedric - WHM63/ PLD52/ MNK43/ BLM31/ WAR27/ THF16/ BST13/ SMN10/ RDM05/ RNG05/ DRK05
Archaon - THF35/ WHM34/ RDM32/ BLM17/ MNK14/ NIN10/ BST10/ RNG06/ WAR05
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If you're a caster don't nuke the crap out of it right of the bat...I get sooo sick of healing trigger happy mages that don't understand aggro. Let the melees beat on it a few times pleeeeease, don't be a black hole of MP. The MP I have to burn healing a mage that can't take a hit doesn't offset the amount of damage to the monster. H8 H8 H8 for overnuking mages.
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