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Is this a big difference?

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  • Is this a big difference?

    I know that Tarutarus have the highest MP but is it really a big difference in the MP compared to a Hume?
    "From the void all things are born.
    To the void all things return."

    -philosophy of the Walahra

  • #2
    Just keep in mind that Humes are always 3rd best.


    • #3
      Yes, Taru's have alot more mp's then Hume's at lvl 12 I had 104 (Either that or 11... dun remember what lvl exactly) as a blm Hume.

      My lil Taru buddy blm was at lvl 12 the same time I was, he had 160 mps...

      However, I have a better chance of living when I get attacked, I have more hp's and defense. ^_^ I had 148 at 12, and he had like 100ish (Reminder, I have a bad memory and I could be wrong!!)
      We each hold a page of history. Some people are good writers, others are not.

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      • #4
        Yes tarus have more mp, MP plays a HUGE part on your gaming experience and PT if your going to be a CASTER class and WHITE MAGE.

        Lets use some examples, I have drawn up from reading on this forum:

        If you are a hume white mage(regardless of what sub job you are, sub jobs help but won't change your stats remarkably to the point where your race disadvantages do not affect your character)

        As a hume white mage , your will have AVERAGE MP, and OK HP, you will be able to withstand some hits incase you are drawing too much hate, but you won't be able to use the higher lvl spells as often as a TARU TARU would, also you will often find yourself resting alot, and using drinks to get your mp up.

        But, if you are a Taru Taru White Mage, you will have very LOW HP, but very HIGH MP. You will be able to use the high lvl heals more often than other races, but you shouldn't abuse this(you might draw too much hate, getting killed by the enemy)you won't be resting that much, and you will most likely be picked over a hume white mage when looking for a PT, regardless of your sub job.

        Also, you will not have enough hp to withstand that many hits, you won't die instantly but its still a caution, but that shouldn't be too bad since you have more than enough EXTRA MP to use to heal incase it happens where a hume wouldn't.
        RDM 50/SAM 38/WAR 24/BLM 27/WHM 30/SMN 50/DRG 23/NIN 20/MNK14/PLD14/BRD12
        Shiva,Ifrit,Ramuh,Leviathan,Garuda,Titan Obtained.


        • #5
          I am lvl 58 whm/ 29 blm and a tarutaru, My MP is 759/759 whereas any other race would have 100-200 less mp than i would have

          actually the low hp dont really matter much, My HP is 639/639
          the low hp is only bad in the beginning, but now at my lvl i hardly get hit anyways....the low lvl pts are bad since my cure hate, but i have af and with af the words on it says cure hate minus a number, like the af pants is cure hate -1
          lvl 75 whm/ 37 blm/ 26 thf/ 65 rdm/ 26 war/ 56 mnk/anon bst/ 15 brd/ 5 rng/ 9 pld/ drk N/A (to lazy to do quest)/ 37 SMN/ 1 sam/ 2 nin/ 5 drg

