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Reraise Ability

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  • Reraise Ability

    Can someone explain the reraise ability to me? Can the WHM only cast it on himself? How long does it last? If I cast it on myself as soon as I start playing and I die two real hours later will I still be raised or does it only last ten minutes? Is there anything about it I haven't mentioned? It seems like such an unbelievably good spell. Thanks in advance for any info you can give me about it.

  • #2
    Reraise last for 30 minutes
    it costs 150 mp~ lvl 33
    Can only cast on yourself
    best should when soloing
    can use during pt, but slows down pt since it costs 150 mp
    IF you die , and have reraise icon there you can get back up with zombie status.
    Reraise is really no point at higher lvl. Esp at lvl 50+ since blms can raise at lvl 50 as long as their whm is lvl 25. But at lvl 60 reraiseII is very useful. ReraiseII only loses 1/4 of regular exp loss. So roughly around 200-500 exp is lost when dead.
    lvl 75 whm/ 37 blm/ 26 thf/ 65 rdm/ 26 war/ 56 mnk/anon bst/ 15 brd/ 5 rng/ 9 pld/ drk N/A (to lazy to do quest)/ 37 SMN/ 1 sam/ 2 nin/ 5 drg


    • #3
      reraise is great to keep it on all the time for WHM IMO. no one knows when things might go wrong. Atleast it ensures you that you can get back to life to help raise others.
      if BLM is alive and you need to tracktor the corpse, you can choose not to get back to life too.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        How long will the corpse last for? In other words, if you die and choose not to be rasied immediately until you are tractored somewhere else, how long until you can't be raised anymore?


        • #5
          60 minutes for corpse. When you die there will be a clock counting 60 minutes for you.

          Reraise lasts 30 minutes. No clock for this. if it's time out, the reraise icon would be gone.

          If you die while you have reraise on, you'll see a "raise" effect automatically applies to your corpse. and you get the option to get back to life "yes/no" (like normal raise).
          The choice is there, together with the 60 minute clock for your corpse if you click no, the 60 minutes clock will just continue.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso

